IntelAssessing Projects : Demonstrating Understanding
Learner-Led Meeting Prompts


Example Prompts 

This piece of work is an example of:  

I want you to notice…..  

I am especially proud of……  

This piece of work shows how I used to……..  

But now I…………..  

The most difficult part was……………  

This piece of work was my favorite because………  

This piece of work was my least favorite because………..

This piece shows how well I work with others because…………

This piece shows how I take charge of my own learning by…….

This piece shows how I’ve learned to use thinking skills by……

You can see how much I’ve improved in…….because…..

This piece shows how I still need to improve in……because…..

These pieces show how I met my goals because………

These pieces show how I can assess my own learning because…….

These pieces show I can reflect because………


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