IntelAssessing Projects : Demonstrating Understanding
Rubrics and Scoring Guides


Grading with Rubrics
Using rubrics to assign grades to performance tasks requires educating learners and parents, who are accustomed to tests and quizzes. Grades derived from rubrics reflect a wider variety of knowledge, skills, strategies, and processes than traditional exams do, and, consequently, they require a more sophisticated understanding of quality. The following sections show how three different kinds of rubrics can be used to assign grades to products and performances.

Trait-Specific Rubrics with Single Descriptors
Trait-specific rubrics can be converted into scoring guides for grading by assigning point values to levels of performance. The possible point value of a trait should take into account the relative value of different traits. In the example below, organization of data is assessed, but is not given more points than complete data.

Learning Log Scoring Guide






Data My data is detailed, thorough and complete. My data is complete. My data is somewhat complete, but some pieces might be missing. My data is incomplete and several important pieces are missing.





Organization My data is organized so that I can quickly and easily find the information I need. Other people can also find information if they need it. My data is organized so that I can find the information I need. My data has an organizational plan, but it is sometimes difficult to find what I need. My data is not organized carefully. It is very difficult for me to find the information I’m looking for.





Appearance My log is neat and attractive, and my writing is easy to read. My log is neat, and my writing is easy to read. Parts of my log are messy, and sometimes my writing is hard to read. My log is messy, and often my writing is hard to read.
Total Points 19/20


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