IntelAssessing Projects : Demonstrating Understanding
Reflection Questions for Portfolios


Thinking about Portfolios
Analysis Questions

  • How have you organized your portfolio and why is it in this order? 
  • Why have you chosen these particular pieces to demonstrate your learning? 
  • Which piece in your portfolio are you most proud of? Why? 
  • What piece would you like to remove from this collection? Why? 
  • What makes this your best piece?
  • How did you go about creating it?
  • What problems did you encounter? How did you solve them?
  • Of all the items included, which one was the hardest for you?
  • What makes your strongest piece different from your weakest piece?
  • What goals did you set for yourself? How well did you accomplish them?
  • Why did you select this piece of work?  
  • What was particularly important to you during the process of creating this work?
  • How does this relate to what you have learned before? 
  • Which piece would you most like to improve? Why?
  • What is the one thing you would like someone to notice about your portfolio? Why?
  • Do you feel that this collection of work really reflects your abilities and what you have achieved this year? Why or why not?
Change Questions
  • How is your work at the end of the class different from your work at the beginning? 
  • Has the way you plan work changed over time? If so, how? 
  • How did you learn to do …….?
  • Has your persistence changed since the beginning of the class? How? 
  • What have you been working on this year to improve?  Has it improved? Why or why not? 
  • What is getting easier for you? 
  • What do you still not understand? 
  • What do you feel most confident about?
  • What was the most significant thing you learned?


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