IntelAssessing Projects : Using Assessment to Improve Teaching and Learning

Intermediate Phase Assessment Plans | Senior / FET Phase Assessment Plans


Fraction Quest


At a Glance

Grade Level: 3-5
Subject: Maths
Topics: Fractions
Higher-Order Thinking Skills: Problem Solving, Making Inferences, Generalizing
Key Learnings: Fractions, Problem Solving, Research Techniques
Time Needed: 20 sessions, 45 minutes per session, plus time for individuals and small groups to work on computers

Things You Need

Assessing Projects (CD)

Assessing Projects* (online)

Project Summary
Learners are assigned to a profession that uses fractions on the job. They research, summarize, draw conclusions, and present their findings to the class answering questions such as, Does accuracy really matter that much? and How are fractions used on the job and are they needed to get the job done right? Learners learn to add, subtract, multiply, and divide fractions to help answer the Focus Question, How can understanding fractions make your life easier? As a culminating activity, learners reflect on the importance of knowing fractions in the assigned profession and in their own lives both now and in the future.
Curriculum-Framing Questions
    • Essential Question
      Does accuracy really matter that much?
    • Focus Questions
      Are fractions important or would we be better off without them?
      How are fractions used on the job and are they needed to get the job done right?
      How can understanding fractions make your life easier?
    • Content Questions
      What is a fraction?
      How do you add, subtract, multiply, and divide fractions?
      What is the difference between a numerator and a denominator?

    Assessment Plan
    Assessment Timeline 
    This timeline shows in chronological order the different types of formal and informal assessments that occur during the unit. The table below explains how each assessment is used and who uses it for what purpose.

    Assessment Timeline

    Before project work begins

    Learners work on projects and
    complete tasks

    After project work is completed

    • Journal


    • Collaboration Checklist
    • Poster Checklist
    • Project Rubric
    • Presentation Checklist
    • Research Checklist
    • Meetings
    • Storyboard
    • Questioning
    • Presentation Checklist
    • Project Rubric
    • Chart
    • Reflections

    Assessment Process and Purpose of Assessment
    Journal Learners answer prompts in their maths journals related to the Focus Questions and the fraction activities. Teachers review for understanding and provide additional lessons as necessary.
    Poster Checklist Learners use the checklist to ensure they have included all requirements for the poster. Teachers use the checklist to assess the completed posters.
    Collaboration Checklist Learners use the checklist to monitor their collaboration skills as they work together on the poster. Teachers review with learners during meetings and prompt learners to refer to it during group work.
    Project Rubric Learners use the rubric to help guide them through the entire project. Teachers use the journal, checklists, storyboard, meeting notes, and reflections to assess conceptual understanding using the rubric as a guide.
    Presentation Checklist Learners use the checklist to help them through the drafting and writing phases of the presentation. The teacher uses the checklist to assess content integration and the overall effectiveness of the presentation.
    Research Checklist Learners use the checklist to self-assess their progress during the research process. Teachers check during meetings to ensure learners are on track.
    Meetings Teachers schedule individual conferences to assess the learners’ mathematical understanding, critical thinking, collaboration, and the research process. Meetings allow time for feedback, clarifying misunderstandings, or providing additional lessons as necessary. Questions and notes provide documentation for final project assessment.
    Storyboard Learners use the storyboard to plan and monitor work on the presentation. Teachers review during meetings to ensure all requirements have been met.
    Questioning Teachers use questioning strategies to monitor learner progress, probe for understanding, and engage learners in higher-order thinking. Teachers also return to Curriculum-aligned Questions throughout the project to analyze learner understanding.
    Chart Teachers record learners’ answers to the Focus and Essential Questions after each presentation. This helps learners revisit their learning, make connections, and prepare for the final reflection.
    Reflections Learners reflect on their learning by relating how knowing fractions helps them now and in the future.  Teachers review final reflections to assess learner growth in understanding.

    David Frankle participated in the Intel® Teach Program, which resulted in this idea for a classroom project. A team of teachers expanded the plan into the example you see here.
