Intel® Teach Essentials

Project Portfolios- Foundation Phase

Note: These portfolios may include unadapted portfolios from the US database of portfolios. As adaptive practitoners, South African teachers should be able to localise these to their own needs.

Cool Careers (SA)
Countries (SA)
Fruit and Vegetables
Healthy Eating (US-adapted)
Mammals (SA)
Meet the Bears (US-adapted)
Measurement (SA)
Monster Swap (US-adapted)
My Family (US-adapted)
Pondwater and Pollywogs (US-adapted)
Religious Festivals (SA)
Seasoning the School Year (US-adapted)
Teacher's Pet (US-adapted)
Trees (SA)


Cool Careers

Grade 2: Life Orientation
Learners will observe people in their community and consider what work they do. They are then asked to choose what career they would like to follow when they leave school.



Grade 2: Language and Social Sciences
The learners will use information and communication literacy skills to research, analyse and synthesise information about various countries.  They will use ICT Literacy skills to create a Wiki site and a Publication or a Presentation to present the knowledge they have gained.


Fruit and Vegetables

Grade 1: Language and others
What is the difference between a fruit and a vegetable? Do we need fruit? Language-orientated activities about fruit and vegetables.


Healthy Eating

Grade: 1-2, Science, Math
Foundation Phase learners investigate the age-old adage: You are what you eat. Learners plan a healthy diet, create slideshow presentations to show how to make healthy food choices, learn about the food pyramid, interview classmates about food choices, and create a graph based on information gathered. Most importantly, learners learn about how to make healthy food choices to live a long, healthy life.



Grade 3: Language, Mathematics, Natural Sciences
Learners make observations about animals and decide how to categorise mammals. They then work collaboratively to compare different mammals and make the connections as to how they are similar and different and how we as humans fit into the picture.


Meet the Bears

Grade: 2, Science, Mathematics
How many of ME would it take to outweigh a polar bear (or similar animal)? Foundation Phase learners look at bears from all angles and apply maths and measurement skills to compare themselves with their furry friends.



Foundation Phase: Mathematics
Learners are encouraged to discover the importance of Measurement through practical tasks. They will be required to share the knowledge, skills and attitudes they have gained through the use of the following 21st Century skills

  • Articulating thoughts through speaking and writing
  • Using Technology as a tool to organize and communicate information


Monster Swap

Grade: 1-3, Language
Foundation Phase learners give their imaginations a workout by creating unique monsters. They then hone their writing skills by writing descriptions for cyber pals who will try to re-create the learners’ terrible beasts!


My Family

Grade: 2, Social Sciences, Mathematics
Learners in grade 2 explore the lives of actual people who make a difference in their everyday lives and differentiate between events that happened long ago and events that happened yesterday by studying their family histories.


Pondwater and Pollywogs

Grade: 1-2, Life Science
Foundation Phase learners rear frogs from eggs and share their expertise in an informative brochure for visitors at a new amphibian exhibit at the local zoo.



Religious Festivals

Grade 2: Life Orientation, Language, Technology
Learners investigate different religions and belief systems in South Africa. Learners explore the different festivals, places of worship and customs and traditions.




Seasoning the School Year

Grade: 1-2, General Science
Learner botanists and climatologists investigate seasonal changes, and create class books for the National Arbour Day Foundation.


Teacher's Pet

Grade: 2-3, General Science
In an effort to choose the perfect pet for their teacher, Foundation Phase learners study the habitat requirements of domestic animals and learn what it takes to be a responsible pet owner. Learners compare the needs of pets to those of their untamed counterparts in the wild, and learners learn to be better friends to animals everywhere.



Grade 3: Language, Mathematics, Natural Sciences, Arts and Culture
The Learners will use ICT Literacy skills to do research about trees. They will analyse and evaluate this information through communication and collaboration with their peers. Each learner will create a publication or presentation to present their answer to the focus question.



Intel® Teach Programme
Participant Version Sept08 (SA) | Essential Course