


Sizanani is an ICT Literacy programme for out of school youth and high school youth. It was designed by SchoolNet SA using the princples of learning with ICT that we uphold.

The course is consists of 11 modules that are designed as one comprehensive community service project. Youth work in groups to design and prepare a range of artefacts (documents created with ICT resources) that can be used by community organisations.

ICT skills are learnt in the process of their project as an when they require specific skills there are multimedia help files in Office 2003 and Office 2007 that provide them with support in developing the skill (referred to as “just-in-time learning”).

Click here to see the Sizanani Office 2007 version.

In April 2011 the Sizanani course was accredited by the MICT SETA.

Funding required: We would like to translate these into the South African official languages. If you are interested in funding such a develop please contact


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