Fun Fact Thursday: Learning through Play Edition! 🎮

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Fun Fact Thursday: Learning through Play Edition! 🎮

Did you know that play is a powerhouse for learning? The LEGO Foundation highlights this in their report on Learning through play in early childhood education programs.” Dive into the magic of play and its significance in learning and development!

📚 Why Play Matters:

  • Play is joyful:

Play is a joyous experience! Whether it’s building with blocks or engaging in imaginative scenarios, play brings smiles, laughter, and a sense of thrill. It’s more than just fun; it’s a source of motivation and pleasure.

  • Play is meaningful:

Children play to make sense of the world around them. Play is a meaningful journey where they connect new experiences with what they already know, expanding their understanding of the world.

  • Play is actively engaging:

Watch children at play, and you’ll witness deep engagement. Play is an active process that involves physical, mental, and verbal participation. It’s a dynamic and immersive learning experience.

  • Play is socially interactive:

Play is a social activity. It’s a platform for children to communicate ideas, understand others, and build social relationships. Through play, they learn to interact, collaborate, and create together.

  • Play is iterative:

Play is a continuous, evolving process. Children use play to practise skills, experiment with possibilities, refine hypotheses, and discover new challenges. It’s a dynamic journey that leads to deeper and more profound learning.

Question for Educators:

How do you infuse creativity and joy into your classroom through play-based learning?

Share your playful insights using #SchoolNetConference, #FunFacts and #YourViewsMatter

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