Module 9

Applying Multimedia


Take-Home Exercise

Action Plan

Before you go home, take a moment to think about your plan of action now that you have learnt some useful multimedia skills. Complete the action plan section in the Handbook at Module 9: Action Plan for Multimedia.

Reflecting on Module 9

Reflect on the exercises, activities, skills, and approaches addressed in this module. Record your answers to the following questions and be prepared to share your answers at the beginning of the next module.

  1. Reflect on the products shared during the showcase. Which ones might you want to create or learn more about? How might those products enhance your productivity in the classroom?

  2. How do you think multimedia could change the way you teach?

  3. How do you think multimedia could change the way learners learn?

  4. How might you use the Internet, word processing software, multimedia software, and other ICT to communicate and collaborate with your colleagues, your learners' parents, and the community so that they can be partners in helping learners learn?


Next: Proceed to Module Summary


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