Module 7
Access resources from Thutong
You may often go online and look for information that will assist you in your teaching. When you search the Worldwide Web (WWW) you commonly encounter thousands of documents that contain the keywords of your search and may find that none really suit your needs. Portals are designed to accumulate and provide users with a focused database of information. Thutong, the national education portal, provides such a service to South African educators and education managers, delivering information, curriculum,
and support materials to the South
African schooling and FET College
community. Have you registered in Thutong?
Plan It
Think about the following questions, and if working with a partner, discuss your ideas. Writing your ideas on a sheet of paper might be helpful.
- Have you joined Thutong? If so, what is your experience of using this portal?
- If not, for what reason might you decide to join Thutong?
- What information or resources would you like to find on Thutong?
- In what contexts will you use these resources?
For help on how to do certain tasks, look at the following groups in the
Help Guide:
- 3.1 To open a web browser
- 3.4 To go to a page on the Web
- 3.5 To bookmark a favorite page on the Web
Do It
- Start the web browser software, and go to
- You do not have to log in to gain access to the data on Thutong. You only have to log in if you are going to contribute to the site in some way.
- Optional: Either log in or, if you have not registered before, click on "Register".
- Look for resources for your learning area / subject.
- Exam Papers
- Support person details
- Learning materials
- Matric Support
- Curriculum Statements
- Learning Programme Guidelines
- Assessment Guidelines
- Search for resources of a more specific nature by using the "Search for" field at the top right of the page.
Review It
Review the resources that you collected. Consider the following questions:
- Will you use of these resources in your teaching?
- How will these resources enhance the learning?
- How will you introduce the use of these resources?
- How will you know whether the use of the resource has been a success?
- What other documents on Thutong were of particular value to you? How will they assist you as an educator?
Share It
Be prepared to discuss your answers to the following questions during
sharing time:
- How will your resources help you or another teacher to be more effective educators?
- For what reasons might you use the resources with learners?
- Which of the Internet skills that you learned today might you use again? For what types of tasks might you use those skills?