Module 5
A worksheet is a common method for a teacher to prepare an activity for the learners in the classroom. Worksheets can help learners understand concepts and become familiar with a topic. What types of worksheets do you use? How do you use worksheets to deepen understanding and challenge thinking?
Plan It
Create a worksheet that you or another teacher can use to teach a specific topic. Look at the following example:
Worksheet Example
Click here to see the example worksheet as a Word document.
Think about the following questions, and if working with a partner, discuss your ideas. Writing your ideas on a sheet of paper might be helpful.
- What specific topic do you want to feature in your worksheet? How might this worksheet help learners understand the subject better?
- What type of picture might you use to make the worksheet more stimulating? Where might you
locate a picture that you can use? How might you use the computer to make your own picture?
- What other features might you build in into the worksheet?
For help on how to do certain tasks, look at the following groups in the Help Guide:
- Word Processing Group 5: Adding Pictures to Your Pages
- Word Processing Group 6: Designing Your Pages
- Word Processing Group 7: Working with Tables
- Word Processing group 12: Creating Web pages
Do It
Open a new word processing document.
- Type the heading WORKSHEET in capital letters on top of the document and place it in the centre of the line on top of the page.
- Make the heading look different by changing the font, font size, and the colour. Challenge: Create the heading in Word Art.
- Draw a line across the whole page. Challenge: Increase thickness of the line and change the colour.
- Type the class details and worksheet title in the centre of the page beneath the main heading.
- Insert a picture to illustrate your topic and resize it if necessary.
- Find three websites that you will use to enhance your topic.
- Copy and paste the URL of the websites as hyperlinks.
- Create questions at different levels e.g. factual questions, multiple choice, application question etc.
- Use a numbered list when typing the questions.
- Save the worksheet.
Review It
Look over your workosheet. Make sure it has the following elements:
- An artful title that explains what the woreksheet is about
- An appropriate picture for the topic
- A numbered list of worksheet questions
- A table to organise some worksheet responses
If any elements are missing, add them to the worksheet now. You should also make other desired changes. Remember to save your work when you are
Share It
Be prepared to discuss your answers to the following questions during
sharing time:
- How might worksheets improve learning?
- What specific topic might your learners understand better if they had a worksheet?
- Could you use pictures more effectively?
- How might you improve the worksheet to make learning more effective?
- How are you challenging the learners to think?
- Of the new skills that you just learned, which is the most valuable? How might you use that skill in the future?