Module 3

Fostering Critical Thinking and Collaboration


Exercise 2: Planning, Doing, Reviewing, and Sharing

The ability of learners to think critically and collaborate meaningfully with others often occurs best within a cycle of their generating and improving their work. So that you can gain direct experience with this type of 21st century learning environment, the design of every technology productivity activity and action plan included in the Intel® Teach Getting Started Course requires you to plan, do, review, and share. To learn more about this four-step iterative cycle, read and discuss the following information.

Plan ItPlan It

Step 1 is Plan It. The icon or picture symbol for Plan It shows a pencil. A pencil is shown because planning typically is done with a pencil and paper. A pencil is better than a pen because pencils often have erasers, so you can change your plans if needed.

You begin Plan It by learning what you are being asked to do or solve. Then, you discuss and answer questions that help you decide what you are interested in doing and how you are going to do it. Often, writing your answers and drawing a quick picture detailing your plan is a helpful step. Plan It ends when you have shared your plan with a colleague and have received constructive feedback.

  1. Have you ever made a plan before? What did you plan?
  2. Did your plan change? How did having a plan help?

Do It Do It

Step 2 is Do It. The icon for Do It shows a computer mouse. A computer mouse is shown because doing typically is done with a mouse, along with a keyboard and a computer.

During Do It, you follow your plan and complete what you have been asked to do or solve. Your ideas should be different from the ideas shown in the examples in this book. As part of doing, you carefully read and follow the numbered directions. In the directions, you will find helpful suggestions and new challenges. You may find that you want to change your original plans as you do your work. Do It ends when you have completed all of the numbered directions. You might also have tried one or more of the challenges. Should you have needed help, you may have asked a colleague.

  1. What have you done or made that has required you to read and follow directions?
  2. Why is reading and following directions important?
  3. Have you ever started a process or project and then needed to go back and change your original plan? If so, why?

Review ItReview It

Step 3 is Review It. The icon for Review It shows a magnifying glass. A magnifying glass is shown because a magnifying glass often is used when we want to see something more clearly and in greater detail.

During Review It, you go back and closely look over the product that you created. You check to see whether you have followed your plan and the directions. You also make sure that your product has all the required elements. Often, you might ask a colleague to help check your work. If elements are missing, or if you would like to change specific aspects of your work, you can add to or change your product. Review It ends when you have saved your work, checked it, and decided that no additional changes are needed.

  1. Have you ever thought that you had finished a process or project only to find out that something was missing or needed to be changed? What happened?
  2. How can going back and reviewing your work help to improve it?

Share It Share It

Step 4 is Share It. The icon for Share It shows an open hand. An open hand is shown because we often use our hands when we share our work with others.
During Share It, you begin by showing colleagues the work you have done on the computer. As part of sharing, you might tell others about your work and answer any questions they might have. You should also read the questions in the book and discuss your answers. Share It ends after you have shared your answers with the class.

  1. When have you had an opportunity to share your work with others? What did you share?
  2. What can be learned by sharing your work with others?

During the next module, Module 4: Discovering Word Processing, you have your first opportunity to plan, do, review, and share with colleagues.

Next: Proceed to Module 3 Take Home Exercise


Intel® Teach Programme
Participant Version 2.0 (SA) | Getting Started