Module 1

Developing 21st Century Skills


Module 1

Developing 21st Century Skills

Description: 21st century, learner-centred learning differs from
traditional, teacher-centered learning in that the two have different
approaches to content, teaching and learning, classroom environment, assessment, and ICT. The objective of this module is to have you identify key 21st century skills, examine the trend toward creating a 21st century classroom environment, and explore the differences
between teacher-centered and learner-centered approaches.

Exercise 1: Introducing Yourself

Now it is time for you to meet the others participating in the course. Hopefully, the colleagues you meet here will become valuable resources for you both during the course and beyond as you return to your classroom and begin applying your 21st century teaching and learning skills and approaches.

Step 1

What would you like to share about yourself?

  1. Introduce yourself to someone that you do not know. Take notes as he/she intrdouces him/herself to you.
    • Mention your name, what you teach and where you teach
    • Mention what you hope to learn from this course
    • Mention any one other interesting thing about yourself (e.g. you like cooking)
  2. Introduce your partner to the class


Next: Proceed to Exercise 2


Intel® Teach Programme
Participant Version 2.0 (SA) | Getting Started