Are you keen to try some basic coding in your classroom? Perhaps you have already done the Hour of Code with your learners, and now you are ready to move on to something a bit more challenging?
Why not give Kodu a try?
Kodu lets students create games on Windows computers using a simple visual programming language. Through making games, students also have opportunities to express themselves creatively, solve problems and tell stories.
If you are new to Kodu, check out the Microsoft Virtual Academy in which SchoolNet’s Megan Rademeyer discusses Kodu basic’s with TechTeachers Matthew Hains. In this session, Matthew gives some good tips for making this free tool work in the South African context and on pretty much any Windows computer that has connectivity. You can also find pointers in the Introduction to Kodu course on the Microsoft Educator Community.
Once you have got the basics down – think of a way of integrating Kodu into a cross-curricular project. There are some inspirational examples on the Kodu website including using Kodu in
- Maths – for activities involving surface area, volume, working with data
- Life Science – modeling the water cycle, water in the life of a cybersalmon
- Science – a Mars Rover simulation, developing and testing theories
- Language – using Kodu as a storytelling device
Please let us know how you have used Kodu with your learners. We would love to feature South African lesson ideas for other teachers to try.