School Transformation Survey – How does your school measure up?

SchoolNet is currently involved in a number of projects that involve supporting schools over a period of time by providing professional development and mentorship for teachers. One of the tools that we are using to measure impact is the recently relaunched Microsoft School Transformation Survey – previously known as the Partners in Learning School Research tool. This free online tool supports the leadership of 21st century pedagogy by surveying teachers and school leaders to investigate their perceptions around innovative teaching. The results can then be used to establish benchmarks, measure improvement and stimulate discussions about what a school would like to strive towards.

So far the teachers at Founders Hill College in Modderfontein have taken the survey and we look forward to discussing the results with them. More importantly, based on the goals we set with the staff, we are keen to take the survey again in a few months’ time to see what progress has been made.

If you’d like to investigate using this tool at your school, find out more about the Microsoft School Transformation Survey here and watch this Office Mix to get the code to become an administrator:

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