
Tip Sheets

Word 2013

Please select the tip you would like to review.

» Add PowerPoint to outline ribbon
» Align objects
» Align text
» Autoformat table
» Bullet list
» Close file
» Compress pictures
» Copy and paste objects
» Copy and paste between applications
» Create new file
» Crop picture
» Customise ribbon
» Cut and paste
» Delete table
» Delete table column / row
» Draw Line
» Edit hyperlink
» Edit SmartArt
» Exit Word
» Explore files and folders
» Find and replace
» Format shape
» Format table cell
» Format textbox
» Forms
» Group objects
» Import chart
» Insert a table
» Insert a chart
» Insert / edit comment
» Insert footnote
» Insert hyperlink
» Insert picture
» Insert ruler bar
» Insert shape
» Insert SmartArt
» Insert symbol
» Insert table column / row
» Insert textbox
» Insert WordArt
» Mail merge form letter
» Mail merge
» Mail merge recipient table
» Merge table cells
» Move object
» Numbered list
» Open file
» Page columns
» Page footer
» Page header
» Page line spacing
» Page margins
» Page number
» Page orientations
» Page outline view
» Page view zoom
» Paragraph indent
» Picture effects
» Picture frame
» Picture layout
» Print file
» Remove picture background
» Resize object
» Restrict editing
» Review / accept / reject changes
» Review track changes
» Rotate picture
» Save file
» Save file as new type
» Save file in new folder
» Save file with new name
» Share OneDrive Document
» Spell check
» Split table cells
» Start New OneDrive Word Document
» Start Word
» Stop edit protection
» Tab setting
» Table border painter
» Table cell border
» Table column width
» Table width
» Text attributes
» Text colour
» Text font
» Text font size
» Text subscript
» Text superscript
» Thesaurus
» Using help
» Word screen
» Wrap text around picture
» Write equation