Tip Sheets


How to join a discussion.

ยป Click here to access Thutong

Log in with your username and password. Then click on Login.


Click on the Communications link at the top of the page (red circle below)


The page will display all the lists you have not subscribed to on the left (blue circle below), and all the lists that you are currently a member of on the right (red circle below).

If you click a link under the list overview heading, you'll have the option of viewing more information regarding the list, as well as subscribing to it.

Input your email address into the text field (black cirlce below), and click the Subscribe button to complete a subscription process. Note: this screen is not the final screen. This page is still being developed at the time of writing


Note: If you click a link under the my group heading (red circle above), you will have the option of viewing the groups you have subscribed to as well as the option to unsubscribe from it. When clicking the link you'll be prompted to confirm that you wish to Unsubscribe from the list, and upon clicking OK your name will be removed from the discussion group.