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One Step Further (ICT Integration)

ICT resources for science teachers

Science Teaching Websites

  • The Sci-Bono Discovery Centre is a non-profit organisation dedicated to science and discovery.

  • The SchoolScience site - based in the United Kingdom - is made from interactive electronic resources (e-sources). Each one contains written information, pictures, animations, quick questions and a glossary.

  • Learning Channel - Learning Channel is a South African online learning site for learners and schools. It is committed to delivering quality education and helping learners to improve their results.

  • Chemware is a New Zealand based site that provides Windows-based educational software & shareware for High School, College and University Students and Teachers
    http:// www.chemware.co.nz

  • Discovery Education - Although not focusing exclusively on Science, Discovery Education is an American web site that provides innovative teaching materials for teachers, useful and enjoyable resources for students, and smart advice for parents about how to help their children enjoy learning and excel in school.

  • South African Education Portal (Thutong)
    Register (free) and search for science resources linked to the South African curriculum.

  • Boston University Physics Department

  • BBC Education