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Work with two windows side-by-side (Beginner level)

As an educator you may at times wish that you could work with two documents side-by-side. For instance, if you want to compare two student assignments side-by-side you can use this feature in Microsoft Word. If, during your preparation of a worksheet, you wish to see a website side-by-side with your worksheet document, which you are preparing using Microsoft Word, or you wish to see data in Microsoft Excel side-by-side with a report that you are writing in Microsoft Excel, you can use the Windows Snap feature to do this.

By the end of this task you could achieve the following outcomes:

- View two Microsoft Word documents side-side-side
- View two screens from different applications side-by-side

Work in your own context while writing a report or creating a worksheet. To view documents or screen side-by-side you would typically work through the following steps:

1. Create a worksheet. See how »
2. Start Microsoft Word. For example, you want to compare two student documents. See how »
3. View two Microsoft Word documents side-by-side. See how »
4. Start Microsoft Excel. For example, you want to consult data in a spreadsheet while writing a report. See how »
5. View two applications side-by-side. See how »

Related scenarios

» Write a letter
» Create a graph (chart)
» Import a chart to Microsoft Word

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