ICT Skills for Teachers
Create an interactive presentation (Advanced level)
As a teacher you may have some good ideas about how to involve learners more actively in the lesson. Mouse Mischief is one application that can make this possible. With this PowerPoint add-in you can create multiple mouse activities such as Yes/No questions, mulitple choice quetions and polls, as well as drawing activities, in which the learners use a drawing tool to drawn lines in response questions. See the examples for some further ideas.
By the end of this task you could achieve the following outcomes:
- Install Mouse Mischief
- Create a yes/no question
- Create a multiple choice question
- Create a drawing slide
- Reposition a question
- Save and run the slide show
- Setup the classroom
Create your own interactive presentation - one which you will find useful. Follow this example. To do so you would typically work through the following steps:
1. | Install Mouse Mischief. See how » |
2. | Start Microsoft PowerPoint. See how » |
3. | Create a Yes/No question: Add a new blank slide and create a slide which asks a question to which there is a Yes/No answer. |
4. | Create a multiple choice question: Add a new blank slide and create a slide which contains a question to which there is a number of possible answers, only one being correct. |
5. | Create a poll slide: This is the same as the multiple choice slide, but do not choose a correct answer (skip step 5). |
6. | Create a drawing slide: Add a new blank slide and create a slide which asks the learners to respond by drawing on the slide. See how » |
7. | Save the presentation. See how » |
8. | Setup the classroom and run the slideshow: Press F5 to run the show. See how » |