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ribbon.gif (2737 bytes)Welcome to the HIV/AIDS part of our web page.
The aim of this section is to break down some of the taboos to do with discussing HIV/Aids. Our other aim is to raise awareness about HIV/Aids. We have talked to two women whose stories highlight some of the the issues involved. We have also conducted our own research. Please feel free to look around and to air you views at our discussion page.

South African Statswpe56.jpg (16222 bytes)
In South Africa 30% of all paediatric (child) and 50% of adult patients in a leading hospital are HIV positive. A total 405 babies will die before their 1st birthday, according to a sudy done by the Municipality of Cape Town in June 1998. South Africa's populations life expectancy has droped 7 years due to Aids, we are only expected to live to 40. Since the epidemic began 34 million Africans have been infected and 12 million have died (Whiteside and Sunter, 2000).

South Africa has the world's fastest growing AIDS epidemic, according to the latest UNAIDS reports. Kwa-Zulu Natal is the worst hit province. Up to 30% of adults are infected (PACSA, 1999).

One out of seven children in SA will be AIDS orphans by the year 2005. By the end of 2001, more than 200 000 children will have lost their mothers due to AIDS. (PACSA, 1999)

Aids is not a disease,
although the virus has killed millions.
Aids is not a set of statistics,

although the numbers are horrific.
Aids is not a conference in Durban.
Aids is not a presidential PR problem.
Aids is not advertisements and education programmes, although these help. 

Aids is a feeling of hopelessness and despair.
Aids is young people who believe they’re immortal.
Aids is a secret known by everyone.
Aids is not knowing what’ll happen to your children when you’re gone. 

Aids is people who are part of families.
Aids is everyday life carrying on against the odds.

Anonymous Poem