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Johannesburg, South Africa

Johannesburg is the largest city in South Africa. It is situated at an altitude ranging from 1,740m-1800m (5,700-5,900 feet). It was founded in 1886 after gold was discovered in the region. For almost a century, Johannesburg remained the focal point of South Africa's gold-mining industry. Until apartheid was outlawed in 1991, the population of the city was divided according to color. Non-white groups were allowed to reside only in certain parts of the city - Soweto, developed as a big urban area for black Africans, while Indians were restricted to the township of Lenasia. Today, the city and the metropolitan area around it support a population of around 2 million people.

The city is now the major industrial and financial center of the country. A variety of industries are located in the city, including the steel and textiles industry. National and international banking facilities are also based in Johannesburg.

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