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congo river
atlas mountains
congo river
ituri forest
mount kilimanjaro
lake chad
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nile river
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Plant Life
Animal Life
Plant Life

The Congo Basin's climate is considered to be equatorial. This results in vegetation that is characterized as densely forested. The trees are primarily evergreens and they are found throughout the basin's central depression. There are occasional clearings found in the forest, however. These clearings are natural in origin and have not been cleared by humans. Bordering the forest are savanna grasslands which blend into the forest along its edges.

The Congo River runs through these forests, which are called the Congolese forests. Along the banks are strips of grass and meadows which contain Echinochloa (barnyard grass), papyrus and Cyperaceae (sedge). Beyond the levees, the high forest grows and in-between the Alchornea shrub grows indicating the transition from grassland back to forest.

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