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congo river
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congo river
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Plant Life
Animal Life
Animal Life

The Congo basin's wildlife lives in the Congolese forest and is very different from the wildlife found in Africa's savanna grasslands. In addition to the wildlife found in the forest are the creatures that inhabit the waters of the Congo. There are many species of fish (over 200 species exist in the Malebo Pool) throughout. There are also forms of wildlife that inhabit the marshes that have nothing to do with the wildlife in the river.

Several species of water snakes and various reptiles, notably the crocodile, live along the banks of the river. One can also find tortoise that are semiaquatic.

The birds that live in this region are indigenous to the African continent. Throughout the region surrounding the Congo River over 250 species of birds have been noted. The birdlife which is most abundant includes ducks, herons, storks, and pelicans. At different times of the year, birds not typically found in the forest have been observed. For example the sea swallows will fly upstream from the Atlantic Ocean. Other birds from Europe have also been observed while following their migratory routes through the region.

Few aquatic mammals live in the Congo. They are represented by the hippopotamus, otter, and the manatee (which has only been found in the Sangha tributary).

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