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MS Word 2002 - Text boxes

A text box is a box that can hold text. It can be resized and moved. You can use a text box to position blocks of text on a page.

To insert a text box:


1. Click Insert | Text Box on the Menu bar. Another way of inserting a text box is to click the "Text Box" icon on the drawing toolbar.


The mouse pointer changes to a cross-hair

2. Click and drag the mouse pointer to draw a text box at the desired location.

You can fill a text box with color by selecting the area to be filled and

using the Fill color icon on the drawing toolbar.


To insert text inside a text box:

1. Click anywhere inside the text box.

The text box will be selected and the cursor will appear inside the text box, as shown below:

When you type, the text is inserted into the text box, as shown below:

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