Word 2002 - Line drawing
To draw a line:
If you do not see the drawing toolbar (normally at the bottom of the screen) click here to see how to add a toolbar.
- Click the " Line" icon on the Drawing toolbar.
The mouse pointer changes to a cross hair .
- Click and drag the mouse pointer where you want to insert the line.
Hold the CTRL key as you drag to lengthen the line in both directions from the starting point. |
Formatting a Line
By the end of this topic you should be able to format a line.
Any line drawn using the line icon on the drawing toolbar can be formatted according to your requirements.
To format a line:
1. |
Click on the line to select it.
2. |
Click Format | Borders and Shading... on the Menu bar.
This will open the Format AutoShape dialog box as shown below:
3. |
In the Line section, click the Color drop-down menu and select a color.
4. |
If necessary, select a style from the Dashed drop-down menu.
5. |
If necessary, select a line style from the Style drop-down menu.
Did You Know?
A line can be changed to an arrow by changing either the Begin Style or the End Style in the Arrows section.. |
6. |
Increase or decrease the Weight of the line, as required.
7. |
The line is formatted as specified. |