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MS Word 2000 - Tables w.jpg (815 bytes)

There are two methods to insert tables

  1. Click on the Table Menu
    Click on Insert
    Click on Table

tabldrw.jpg (10233 bytes)

Choose the number of rows and columns you wish to have.
Click on OK

insrttbl.jpg (12448 bytes)

2. Click on the Table icon

tablecrt2.jpg (5549 bytes)

Drag your mouse over the pop-up table to indicate how many rows and columns you want.
Click on the mouse button when you have made the selection.

Column width is adjusted by placing your mouse pointer on the line separating two columns. You will then see a two sided arrow appear. Press the left hand mouse button and drag the line to the left or right.

Use the table menu to format the appearance of the Table. Remember to first select the cells which you wish to edit in some way. Then

Click on the  Table Menu
Click on the double down arrow at the bottom of the menu

and select the option such as Merge Cells (join) and Split Cells, Insert Cells or Delete Cells (adding or removing a row or column)

The Table AutoFormat option allows you to choose a "look" for your table in terms of line styles and shading.

tablemenu.jpg (9323 bytes)


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