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Word 2000 - Saving files as Read-Only

Microsoft Word  provides several ways to make sure that a document or file cannot be altered. This function is useful if you want to make sure no one changes your original document.  One way to protect your file is to make the document Read-only.

A Read-only document can be opened and viewed but you cannot save any changes made to it.  If you change a read-only document, you can save your changes only if you give the document a new name. 

To make a document Read-Only

Open the document. Click Tools on the menu bar. 


Click Options. Click Save.


Click Read-only recommended

Once you save the file you will not be able to make changes unless you remove the Read-only feature.

To remove the Read-Only feature

If a document has been made Read-Only, when you open it a message appears indicating that it is Read-Only. 


In the illustration the author did not want anybody changing the file  Report3. 

To remove that  the protection:

Click on File in the menu bar 

click on Open

Do not select the file from the list of recently opened files (see cross below))


Select the file to Open (see below). Notice that when the file is selected the Open button has a little arrow pointing down (circled below).


Click on the little arrow.  You will notice that the file can be Opened, left as Read-Only or Opened as a Copy.


Open the file as Open.  Then click on Tools, Options and remove the selection.

Now you can read and save changes to the file.


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