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MS Word 2000 - Document labels w.jpg (815 bytes)

Page Numbering

To insert page numbers go to the first page of the document.

Click on the Insert Menu
Click on Page Numbers

insrtmnpn.jpg (5748 bytes)

You have the choice of placing the number at the top or bottom of the page by clicking on the black triangle to the right of the Position box.

You have a further choice of exactly where in that top or bottom of the page you want the numbering to appear by clicking on the black triangle to the right of the Alignment box. Then click on the position of your choice (Right in the example given here). Finally, click on OK.

pgnm.jpg (12969 bytes)

Headers and Footers

Headers appear at the top of every page, outside of the normal printing area of the page. A header, once created, will appear on every page of the document.

Footers appear at the bottom of every page, outside of the normal printing area of the page. A footer, once created, will appear on every page of the document.

To create a header/footer:

Click on the View Menu

viewmnhdftr.jpg (5339 bytes)

Click on Header and Footer

You will see a dashed line outlining the area of the header at the top of the page and a similar area outlining the footer at the bottom of the page. A toolbar also appears on the screen (experiment with this yourself). These areas outlined with the dashed line are like little pages and you can write in them and insert graphics as is it is a normal page. Normally one does not put more than two lines of information in a header or footer.

viewhdr.jpg (10533 bytes)

Once you have completed the header / footer, click on Close in the toolbar.


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