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MS Word 2000 - Graphics w.jpg (815 bytes)

Load a graphic by:

Clicking on the Insert Menu
Click on Picture   

inspic2.jpg (12880 bytes)


Click on From File.

Look in the drive and folder where the picture is saved. This may vary from person to person. The example below looks in the Family folder, but you may have your own graphics folder.
Click on the file name (in the example it is kissed) and then click on OK.

You may see a pop-up toolbar appear with the picture as in the example below. If you do not see it, click and drag the mouse on the picture as if you want to move it. The menu will appear.

graphic1.jpg (14224 bytes)

The same options that are on the pop-up menu are also in the Format Picture menu.

Click on the Format Menu
Click on Picture

  frmtpicmn.jpg (7826 bytes)


You will have all the same options available from the pop-up screen.

frmtpic.jpg (19168 bytes)

Moving a picture

If you want to drag your picture around and re-position it, click and drag your mouse pointer over the picture. It will only be able to be dragged into positions on the page where text or space has already been created. Click and drag on the graphic to move it around. You will see a little box with a cross in it attach itself to the mouse pointer while you are dragging the picture. Once it is in position, release the mouse button.

dragpic.jpg (6094 bytes)

To re-size a graphic

Click on the graphic to make it active.
Move your mouse pointer to one of the corners until you see a diagonal double arrow (see the top left-hand corner of the example to the right).

grresize.jpg (5236 bytes)

When you see the double arrow, click and drag your mouse towards the centre of the picture. Release the mouse button once you have the picture size you want.


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