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PowerPoint - Assessment Rubric 

The Educational Value of the Presentation 

1. Evaluate the importance of the educational objectives of the presentation and its effectiveness in meeting those objectives.

Give this presentation 0-3 if: Give this presentation 4-7 if: Give this presentation 8-10 if:
The educational objectives have not been addressed. The Presentation has some educational value and does a moderately effective job addressing a set of educational objectives that have been set. The Presentation has strong educational value and clearly and effectively engages learners.
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2. Evaluate the extent to which keywords and ideas have been identified and used with clarity and accuracy in the presentation.

Give this presentation 0-3 if: Give this presentation 4-7 if: Give this presentation 8-10 if:
No, or very few, key ideas have been identified. The presenter reads text from the screen or does not embroider much on the points which appear on the screen.  Presenter has identified keywords and ideas, but does not expand much on these ideas. Presenter has made excellent use of well-chosen keywords and ideas and expands on these ideas at length.


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3. Evaluate the quality of the contents of the Presentation, including the accuracy, completeness and the ability to express ideas clearly.

Give this presentation 0-3 if: Give this presentation 4-7 if: Give this presentation 8-10 if:
The Presentation resembles the direct transfer of information from other media (e.g. textbooks, pamphlets, magazines). Information contains numerous or fundamental errors, Presenter presents information as original when it is not. The content is weak and/or unorganized. Information presented is generally accurate and any errors are not substantive. The Presentation has reasonable content and presents that content in an average manner. Some ideas are expressed, but there is also direct transfer of information evident. Information is presented in a clear and accurate way. Presenters have presented their knowledge in an interesting and creative manner. Ideas expressed are original and complex, with sound support from information sources.
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4. Have the students given credit to the sources of their information

Give this presentation 0-3 if: Give this presentation 4-7 if: Give this presentation 8-10 if:
Citations are consistently missing, credits are incomplete. Presentation may be missing very minor citations, but the Presentation is intellectually honest. References and sources are cited properly, credits reflect all work contributed by others
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Technical Quality of the Presentation

5. Evaluate the imagination, innovation, graphic design, uniformity and artistic presentation of the Presentation and its material.

Give this presentation 0-3 if: Give this presentation 4-7 if: Give this presentation 8-10 if:
The graphic design is unappealing and the collection of slides do not fit as a unit, having no uniformity or effective transition and animation effects. Presenters have taken advantage of the capabilities of the programme to create a new presentation of information and materials, the pages are attractive and some uniformity exists. Transitions and animations exist, but are disruptive to the audience (inappropriate).  The Presentation is original, exemplifies excellent graphic design and uniformity, and uses the many capabilities of the programme to create an engaging presentation for the audience. Transitions and animations are well-chosen. 
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6. Evaluate the use of graphics and multimedia in the presentation.

Give this presentation 0-3 if: Give this presentation 4-7 if: Give this presentation 8-10 if:
The Presentation contain no, or very few, graphics.


The graphics chosen are totally inappropriate to the context of the presentation.

The Presentation makes some use of graphic stimuli which are not consistently appropriate. Their size and placement may also be obtrusive and demand too much attention from the audience, at the expense of the speaker. The Presentation creatively exploits the use of graphics and multimedia. This is highly appropriate and tastefully done, thereby supporting the speaker, rather than competing with the speaker.
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Oral Presentation Skills

7.  Eye contact

Give this presentation 0-3 if: Give this presentation 4-7 if: Give this presentation 8-10 if:
The speaker reads from the notes and hardly / never looks up at the audience. The speaker is not confident to speak without reading sections from the notes. As a result eye contact is lost at vital times. The speaker exudes confidence and maintains eye contact with the audience for most of the time.
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8. Voice Projection

Give this presentation 0-3 if: Give this presentation 4-7 if: Give this presentation 8-10 if:
The speaker does not project his / her voice and is sometimes inaudible. Speaker's voice sounds monotonous. Speaker's voice does not project regularly. There is inconsistency in pitch and tone. The speaker's voice projects clearly and with appropriate variety of tone
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9. Communicating the Message

Give this presentation 0-3 if: Give this presentation 4-7 if: Give this presentation 8-10 if:
The speaker fails to communicate any message The speaker is largely ineffective in communicating a message, but there are some effective moments The speaker succeeds in communicating the message very clearly and effectively.
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