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FrontPage - What is FrontPage

FrontPage is a programme which will allows you to create a web site for the World Wide Web.  It is a programme for the beginner and sophisticated user.  Web pages written with FrontPage are viewed on the Internet with Internet Explorer or Netscape navigator.

This set of tip sheets will introduce you to the programme. They will help you create your own web site and give you a foundation in the programme.  Once these sheets have been worked through you should be able to create a very good web site.

A web site is a collection of interactive pages hosted on the World Wide Web.  The pages usually comprise graphics and text.  In the past web designers wrote their web pages in pure HTML coding.  If you wish to work with the HTML coding you can but FrontPage makes that task unnecessary.

Below we have examples of the same web page in FrontPage.  The first graphic is in Normal.  The second graphic shows the same work but in HTML - note the coding.  In FrontPage you do not need to worry about HTML coding.


FrontPage is a WYSIWYG (What You See Is What You Get) programme.  What you have on your screen when creating the page, is usually what you get when you view it with a web browser.  The graphic below is the same corner of text as the previous graphics but viewed with a web browser.  It has the same white column space, the same text but different font.  



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