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FrontPage - Introduction to FrontPage Explorer

FrontPage 2000 contains many tools to simplify web design and maintenance. 

The Views bar on the left side of the FrontPage window gives a choice of six different views:  Page, Folders, Reports, Navigation, Hyperlinks and Tasks view.

Page view displays the work area in which you lay out the text, graphics and other components that comprise each web page.  The Page view tabs allow you to see the current page in Normal, HTML or Preview mode.

The Folder List shows a list of files and folders in your web.

The Reports view displays a list of reports that summarise the characteristics of your web site. 

The Navigation view shows a graphical site map of your web.  It looks like an organisational chart.  It is useful in designing the structure of a web. 

The Hyperlinks view shows the components of your web and the hyperlinks between them.  In the example, the links from the index.htm file are illustrated.

The purpose of the Hyperlinks view is to show the links in a web, and where it can be rectified.  The web below is a 'bad' web.  It is obvious that all the hyperlinks go from the Index file to the 'daughter' files.  A good web has links back to the 'mother' web and other files.  

Some of the problems shown in the above Hyperlink view have been corrected below.  Two 'daughter' files now have links back to the mother file.

The Tasks view lists all outstanding tasks required to complete your web.  This view is useful in an environment when a number of people work on a site. 


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