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FrontPage - Using bullets and numbers

To add bullets or numbers

Select the text to be bulleted or numbered. 

Click on the Numbering or Bullets icon on the menu bar.


For greater choice of Numbers or Bullets click on Format on the menu bar, then Bullets and Numbering.

The Bullets and Numbering dialogue box has four types of list systems:  Picture bullets, Plain bullets, Numbers or Others.  The Start at box allows one to change the starting number.

Click on the Plain Bullets tab for 4 types of bullets as shown.

Picture bullets can enhance a web page, contributing to the meaning of the text.  Browse the system to select a bullet image. 

You can use your own images for bullets.  Ready made images for bullets can be found in clipart.  Click on Clip Art.

Select the icon image required.  Many icons are available.

Select the icon. 

The selected picture icon is shown in the box.  Click OK.

Reflect on the choice of icon.  Does it contribute to the meaning of the text?  Is it the correct size?  This green icon appears too big for this text and should be changed.

Save the page.  Save the icon in the images folder.

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