Cell addresses
Inserting and deleting
columns and rows
Each block on the workbook page is called
a cell. Each cell is identified by its address. The cell
address describes the column and row of the cell. In the
example below, A1 is the cell in Column
A and Row 1. The cell address
is shown to the left of the input line (circled).
In the example below, the cell address
is B3. It is in Column B
and Row 3.
Inserting and deleting columns
and rows:
Click on Insert
Click on Rows or
New rows will insert above the
position of the selected cell(s).
New columns will insert to the left
of the selected cell(s).
To have more options on how to insert
or delete columns or rows, you should click in the right
mouse button.
A pop-up menu appears on the page.
Choose Insert or Delete
(see menu to the right)
Make your choice (see options menu to the
far right)
To resize a column:
Move your mouse into the grey column indicator
area and you will see the double arrow - click and drag
left or right to increase / decrease column width (see image
to the right).