This is to do with how content is taught. There
is no one ‘right’ way to teach content – it will vary according
to the subject and the audience. However, there are certain pointers
for a reviewer. These include, clear explanation of concepts and
a range of examples, as well as sufficient and appropriate ways
for learners to process new concepts, rather than merely learn them
off by heart. What is at issue here is rigour, interest, and relevance.
Content should be well-researched, up-to-date, and relevant to the
South African context. The learners should also be able to see how
content is related to learning outcomes and goals of the course. Presentation of content
and teaching and learning approaches
- Teaching and learning approaches engage learners
both intellectually and practically.
- Teaching and learning approaches promote learner
- Concepts are developed in a logical progression.
- Concepts are explained clearly using relevant
and sufficient examples or instructions.
- New concepts are introduced by linking to learners’ existing knowledge.
- A variety of methods are used to present the
content and succeed in keeping the learner’s interest alive.
- Content is up to date.
- The content presented is comprehensive and
Multimedia use and visual (pictures,
photographs, diagrams, cartoons, video, sound)
- Visual aids complement the written text
- Diagrams are well drawn and appropriate for
target learners
- Visual aids are gender and culture sensitive
- Captions and explanations accompanying visual
aids are adequate and give the learners a clear idea of what their
purpose is
- Instructions accompanying diagrams are clear
and the learners know what they are expected to do
- Visual and auditory aids are well placed in
the text and support learning
Layout It is important that learners are able to find
their way through the various units and sections by the provision
of contents pages, headings, subheadings, statements of aims and
learning outcomes, and other access devices. The text also needs
to be broken up into reasonable chunks, and the layout should assist
the logical flow of idea Access devices
- Learners are guided around materials by clear
navigation frameworks, which indicate how components are interrelated
and how they can be used.
- Instructions on how to use materials are simple
and appropriate to the prior computer competence of target learners.
- There is a contents page.
- Pre-tests are used wherever feasible to help
the learners know what skills or knowledge they need to have before
starting the unit or module.
- Links with previous knowledge and experience,
with other parts of the same unit/section and with other units/sections
are indicated.
- Learners can access help offered in the materials
when required.
- Navigation is intuitive and easy to use.
- There is a link back to the main page from
all pages, and there is a link to a main level from each page.
- All pages are titled and each title is meaningful.
- There is a functional search facility.
- Consistent symbols and words are used as navigation