Group Participation Assessment Rubric

Name:______________________ Title or Role: ________________

Rating Scale:


4 = Superior !!!

The students scores a 4 if they:

  • All members contributed exceptional effort to the group's project
  • Group did a fantastic job in organizing group efforts and keeping people on track.
  • Group went above and beyond the call of duty to further group's work
  • Responsibility for task in shared evenly
  • Excellent listening and leadership skill exhibited

3 = Good

The students scored a 3 if they:

  • All members contributed to the effort of the group's project
  • Each member was helpful and cooperative in completing his or her share
  • Group did a good job in organizing group efforts and keeping people on task
  • Each member did their part to complete task
  • Group demonstrated good listening and leadership skills

2 = Mediocre

  • All members contributed, but some only contributed partially to task
  • Group had difficulty organizing to complete task
  • Group did satisfactory job completing task
  • Responsibility for the task is not shared evenly
  • Group had trouble with listening and leadership skills

1 = Deficient

  • All members did not contribute to the effort of the group's task
  • Some members were not cooperative and helpful to the group
  • Group did not organize their efforts in a very successful manner
  • Some members did not complete their part of the activity
  • Group showed poor listening and leadership skills

0 = Not Acceptable

  • Most members did not contribute to the effort of the group's work
  • Most members were not cooperative or helpful to the group
  • Group did not organize their efforts in a very successful manner
  • Most members did not complete their part
  • Most members showed poor listening and leadership skills

CC by SA

SchoolNet SA