Self-Assessment Rubric ­ Group Work


How did I do?









My Score

Researching and collecting information


I did not collect any information on the topic.

I helped to collect a little information on the topic.

I helped to collect some useful information on the topic.

I helped to collect a lot of information on the topic.


Sharing my information

I did not share any information with my team.

I shared with my team mates a little bit of information

I shared with my team some useful information.

I shared with my team lots of useful information.


Participating in the tasks

I did not participate in the webquest tasks.

I participated a little in the webquest tasks.

I participated in nearly all of the webquest tasks.

I participated in all of the webquest tasks.


Completing my tasks

I did not complete any of the webquest tasks.

I completed a few of the webquest tasks.

I completed many of the webquests tasks.

I completed all of the webquest tasks.


Listening to my

Team mates


I spoke all of the time and never listened to anyone else.

I did most of the talking and hardly listened to anyone else.

I did some talking and listened to the others in my team sometimes.

I talked and listened to the others in my team as was needed to complete the task well.


Co-operating with my team

I usually argued with my team.

I sometimes argued with my team.

I rarely argued with my team.

I never argued with my team.


Making fair decisions

I usually want to have things my way.

I often sided with my friends and no one else.

I usually considered everyone else’s views

I always helped my team to come to a fair decision.