Name: _____________________________________________

Group: __________________

Date: __________________

Social Skills

        Student   Teacher 
    1. Cooperation With Others (Getting Along) _________ || _________
    2. Listening To Others (Ears-Eyes-Body) _________ || _________
    3. On Task Behavior (Not Distracted) _________ || _________
    4. Personal Accountability (Doing Your Part) _________ || _________
    5. Respect For Others (Tolerance) _________ || _________
    6. Using An Indoor Voice (Know Your Environment) _________ || _________

Academic Skills

        Student   Teacher 
    7. Attention To Detail (Complete/Thorough) _________ || _________
    8. Following Directions (Effective Listening) _________ || _________
    9. Neatness of Work (Clean Presentation) _________ || _________
    10. Originality of Work (Imagination) _________ || _________
    11. Quality of Work (Effectiveness) _________ || _________
    12. Time Management (Completed On Time) _________ || _________

Total: __________________



Based on a scale of 1 to 4 with 4 being best; a total possible of 48 points.
4 = Superior 3 = Good 2 = Fair 1 = Poor


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SchoolNet SA