Cooperative Group Work

Grade Level - 4

Name: _____________________
Date: ___________________
Teacher(s): _____________________
Project Title: _____________________

Skills Criteria 1 2 3 4 Total
The teacher observed the students offering assistance to each other
None of the Time Some of the Time Most of the Time All of the Time  
The teacher observed students working from each other's ideas.
None of the Time Some of the Time Most of the Time All of the Time  
The teacher observed each student contributing to the project.
None of the Time Some of the Time Most of the Time All of the Time  
The teacher observed the students exchanging, defending, and rethinking ideas.
None of the Time Some of the Time Most of the Time All of the Time  
The teacher observed the students interacting, discussing, and posing questions to all members of the team.
None of the Time Some of the Time Most of the Time All of the Time  
The teacher observed the students encouraging and supporting the ideas and efforts of others.
None of the Time Some of the Time Most of the Time All of the Time  
The teacher observed the students offering ideas and reporting their findings to each other.
None of the Time Some of the Time Most of the Time All of the Time  

Total Points:______________________

Teacher Comments:



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