Categorical Oberservations


NAME ____________________________________________ DATE: _____

Attitude & Pre-Search . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
asks for help .
conduct in library .
frames question .
brainstorms .
Locating Resources .
knows word-by-word filing .
distinguishes fiction/non-fic .
uses system (Dewey/other) .
Relevant Searching .
designs search strategy .
uses community resources .
locates info in reference .
- using letter/number guides .
- using key words .
- using skimming/scanning .
uses periodicals .
uses special encyclopedias .
uses non-print material .
identify 3 types of entries .
uses charts/graphs/pics .
searches a database .
writes/phones an inquiry .
Interpretation .
summarizes the main ideas .
takes notes .
narrows/broadens topic .
outlines or webs .
creates bibliography .
checks currency/source .
Communications .
uses appropriate graphics .
makes presentation .
footnotes quotes/ideas .
evaluates project and process .

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