Webinar recording from 29/05/2013 – Uploading a Learning Activity to the Partners in Learning Network

Yesterday we had a great webinar presented by Megan Rademeyer of SchoolNet. It showed how to create and upload a Learning Activity to the Microsoft Partners in Learning Network. This webinar is of special relevance to anyone who wishes to enter the Microsoft Innovative Educator Expert competition which has new requirements this year. These requirements require uploading a Learning Activity to the Partners in Learning Network and creating a 2 minute video about that Learning Activity. (A Learning Activity can be anything from one really good lesson, or a series of lessons on a topic, or a project).   If you wish to be one of the 15 teachers selected to be sponsored to the Schoolnet Conference in July as part of the South African and Lesotho Partners in Learning Forum you need to do this by Monday 3rd June. However the competition proper has a closing date of 30 September 2013. 

The webinar summary

“Are you using technology in a creative and engaging way to enhance a lesson? Have you developed a project that makes use of technology to build knowledge or solve a real world problem? If so – share your learning activity on the Partners in Learning Network and you could win a trip to the Global Partners in Learning Forum. In this webinar you will learn about the requirements for the competition and tips for developing an impressive learning activity.”


Megan Rademeyer from SchoolNet

Webinar recording (30 mins)

Thank you to those who attended. Here is the link to the recording.


The presentation used for the webinar

This is the presentation that was used in the webinar. It can be easily downloaded from Slideshare.

Uploading an activity_to_the_pil_network from Schoolnet SA

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