Telkom SuperCentres &
Thintana i-Learn Project evaluation Report.
Introduction This is an
evaluation of Telkom SuperCentres and Thintana i-Learn Projects funded by Telkom SA and
Thintana Communications LLc respectively. Both projects have rolled out computers and
provided Internet access points for 300 schools in the nine provinces of South Africa.
SchoolNet South Africa, herein referred to only as SchoolNet, is implementing both
projects. This evaluation
took place while implementation of the projects was continuing and therefore is formative
by its nature. It focuses on selected cases and draws lessons for wider application. Its
audiences are in particular SchoolNetSA, Telkom Foundation and Thintana Communications
LLc. According to
Passey (in Watson, 1999: 224) evaluation has power to be destructive as well as
supportive. This evaluation is by no means judgmental; rather it seeks to provide
ways of moving forward. The
evaluation study sought to respond to the following main question: To what extent have the projects succeeded in meeting their goals as well as the expectations of those involved in the projects, and what have been the effects of this investment in supporting school networking? Background
The Telkom
SuperCentres and Thintana i-Learn projects are fully described in Chapter 2 of this
report. Broadly, the projects intended to:
Install computer networks with a server
and dialup Internet connectivity in schools around the country (300 in total);
Develop the effective educational use
of the provided ICT facilities by running a programme of development for educators in
using computers and the Internet in education;
Provide appropriate technical training,
onsite and telephonic technical support to the schools;
Conduct a monitoring and evaluation
process that assesses the qualitative and quantitative impact of the project. Objectives of the evaluationThe objectives of this evaluation are
Provide an overview of the
conceptualization, design, and aims of the projects;
Monitor project progress and
Document and analyse the experiences of
participants in the projects;
Provide a comprehensive overview of the
way in which the projects have been implemented and the opportunities and pitfalls
associated with this process;
Make judgements, based on empirical
evidence, about the success of various components of the projects, and of the success of
the projects in totality. Scope of the evaluationThe activities and processes
developed for this evaluation exercise have emerged from discussion with SchoolNet SA and
are also based on SAIDEs extensive experience in conducting evaluation projects for
technology-enhanced learning initiatives. The evaluation covers both projects from
inception. The scope of the evaluation includes the following components:
Project conceptualization and
Project management;
Communication strategies;
Selection of schools;
Procurement of equipment;
Installation of equipment;
Maintenance of equipment;
Operational functionality of networks
and Internet connectivity;
Training materials;
Post-training support;
Sustainability measures;
Effects of the projects; and
Lessons that can be extracted from
these projects. Research DesignThe evaluation brief stipulated that
the research design should include both quantitative and qualitative data. It is often argued that, primarily, the
difference between qualitative and quantitative approaches or paradigms lies in the
different data collection strategies: qualitative approaches are thus classified as being
non-numeric research, and quantitative approaches as numeric research. This is, however, a
radical oversimplification of the debate. The notion that the sharp distinction and divide
between qualitative and quantitative methodologies is a false dichotomy is supported by
literature. Though authors in general agree about the fact that these two perspectives
have particular and different historical roots, many are of the opinion that these
differences have been overemphasized, and that, more important, in practice one will
seldom find any research that employs only one of the two perspectives. The following
extract from Keohane, King & Verba (1994:5) gives a sense of this debate: the differences between qualitative and quantitative
traditions are only stylistic and are methodologically and substantively unimportant. All
good research can be understood - indeed, is best understood - to derive from the same
underlying logic of inference. Both qualitative and quantitative research can be
systematic and scientific. Most research does not fit clearly into one category or the
other. The best often combines features of each.[1] According to Bryman the
distinction between qualitative and quantitative research is really a technical matter,
whereby the choice between them is to do with their suitability in answering particular
research questions.[2] Though the bifurcation of the two
traditions may be artificial, there is no question about the fact that the two
methodologies can do different things. Data obtained by making use of qualitative measures
is in general more in-depth, textured, and richer. The kind of data generated by
quantitative methods, on the other hand, is more generizable, and predictions can be made.
Macun and Posel[3]
suggest that the issue of reliability in any kind of research is best tackled through
triangulation. They further state that: Therefore, rather than relying on any research method to
replicate the data produces by another, we can more fruitfully treat each method as
providing complementary sorts of data, the reliability of which rests in their coherence
as an integrated answer to the research question. In this study, a triangulation of
qualitative and quantitative data gathering techniques was used. It is necessary to use a
variety of methods, as each is best suited to generate a specific category of information
that it may not be possible to elicit by use of another method. It is clear that all
methods have their strengths and weaknesses, and that it is therefore necessary to decide
which combination of strategies will be the most fruitful. The methods
to be used in this study are the following: ˇ Thematic collation of evidence from
documents obtained from the relevant institutions; ˇ Review of measures of outcome; ˇ Interviews with Project Team members,
staff from partner organizations, school principals, and teachers; ˇ Compilation of a timeline of
significant events in project life; ˇ Review and analysis of data obtained
from self-administered questionnaires; and ˇ Case studies of selected schools. Data CollectionDocumentary ReviewSurveying project documentation forms
is a very important part of the evaluation design, particularly in drawing up the project
description. Documentation that was reviewed include:
Project proposal
and start-up documentation;
Business plans
submitted by schools;
management meeting reports;
Bi-weekly reports by implementation
activity reports;
Monthly status
reports by Telkom IT helpdesk (where applicable);
Project problems
and queries logged with the SchoolNet helpdesk; and
Progress reports
by various partners. Measures of OutcomeFor some aspects of the projects
systematic records were kept and statistical information was made available. This
information was analysed and included in the evaluation report, where it is contextualized
within the other findings. Types of information included,
Email use
Log of Internet
Record of
computer use;
performance; and
participation statistics. In-depth InterviewsInterviewing key participants and project team members offers access to immediate and detailed information. The interview has been described as a conversation between research and respondent with the purpose of eliciting certain information.[4] In this regard, Bell further states that [a] major advantage of the interview is its adaptability. A skilful interviewer can follow up ideas, probe responses and investigate motives and feelings, which the questionnaire can never do . Questionnaire responses have to be taken at face value, but a response in an interview can be developed and clarified.[5] A further advantage of the interview is that questions can be rephrased and cognisance can be taken of unanticipated issues.. A problem with interviewing is that is leaves data on the level of reported action hence observations were made in order to verify what has been reported. Self-Administered QuestionnairesData for this study was also
collected by means of a number of self-administered questionnaires. We circulated
questionnaire to participating schools at the start-up of the projects to collect baseline
information which we would then compare with data that would be collected later in the
evaluation process. Unfortunately most schools did not return the base-line questionnaire.
After we visited case study schools a number of issues emerged. We developed and
circulated a questionnaire to participating schools based on emerging issues as a way of
verifying these before we could generalise. Eighty-one (81) computer centre managers
managed to complete the questionnaire and sent it back to us. Two other email questionnaires were sent out: one
for project managers and the other for project funders. Unfortunately only one person from
Thintana Communications LLc responded and there was no response from Telkom Foundation,
despite concerted efforts to get them to respond.. Quantitative data collected through
means of the questionnaires was analysed by making use of descriptive as well as
inferential statistics using relevant statistical tests.
Case StudiesAn important component of the
research was qualitative and case study-based. Ten case studies of schools were
undertaken. The case studies vary in depth and scope. As such, they contribute to a rich
and detailed understanding of the way in which the projects are being implemented in
schools. A case study is not a method as such but rather a research strategy. Although
issues of validity and generalizability need to be taken cognisance of, the positivistic
paradigm is often not appropriate in the case study. This is because the context is
usually an integral part of the design and so there will always be too many variables for
the number of observations made. Hartley (1994: 209) offers a
definition of a case study that describe this method in terms of its usefulness: Case study research consists of a detailed investigation, often with data collected over a period of time, of one or more organizations, or groups within organizations, with a view to providing an analysis of the context and processes involved in the phenomenon under study. The phenomenon is not isolated from its context (as in, laboratory research) but it is of interest precisely because it is in relation to its context. (Hartley 1994: 209)[6] Thus, the case study is ideal to
explore not only the uniqueness of each context, but also what is of more general interest
and significance. Within the case study design, a range
of methods may be made us of. Although both qualitative and quantitative research methods
may be used, most researchers working within a case study use qualitative methods because
of the nature of the questions asked. Hartley (1994: 209-210) explains why case study
research often comprises a range of research methods - both qualitative and quantitative: Many case study researchers, in their pursuit of the delicate and intricate interactions and processes occurring within organizations, will use a combination of methods, partly because complex phenomena may be best approached through several methods, and partly deliberately to triangulate (and thereby improve validity).[7] Advantages of Case Study ResearchHaralambos[8]
(1994: 833) argues that case studies are usually qualitative in nature and make no claim
to be representative, but generate rich and detailed information and are useful for
generating typologies or general categories, which can then be used in future research.
(1993: 190) notes that a major advantage of the case study method is that because the
researcher concentrates on specific situations, it is more likely that she will be able to
identify things that may be hidden in a large-scale survey. Drawbacks of Case Study ResearchA major drawback of case study
research is that it is not possible to generalize on the basis of the findings. Haralambos
and Holborn[10]
(1994:833) state that it is impossible to determine how far findings of a study into
one example of a social phenomenon can be applied to other examples. In addition, many researchers have
tended to avoid the case study method as it is sometimes seen as biased and lacking in
rigor (Yin: 1982:).[11]
However, as Bell[12]
(1993:193) points out, case study research, like all research, should be collected
systematically, and needs to be methodically planned. Furthermore, all research, including
quantitative studies, ultimately involves analysis and interpretation and is therefore
open to research bias. By being aware of the possibility of bias and by making explicit
ones own subjectivity the process of research can limit the bias. Information for case studies was
collected making use of a combination of the following data collection strategies:
Photo documentation;
Informal interviews (face-to-face,
telephonic and email)
Review of measures of outcome;
Document review; and
Observations. During the fieldwork in selected
schools, interviews with principals, computer centre managers and educators were
conducted. A framework for the questions to be posed in these interviews was developed but
these interviews were mainly informal. The researchers had greater freedom to modify the
questions and were able to probe further where necessary. The interviews consisted mainly of
open-ended questions. These questions were structured such that they generated open-ended
responses, which enabled us to understand and capture the points of view of those involved
in the project under study. As Patton (1990: 24) argues, Direct quotations are basic sources of raw data in qualitative inquiry, revealing respondents depth of emotion, the ways they have organized their world, their thoughts about what is happening, their experiences, and their basic perceptions[13] SamplingThe selection included
schools where it was reported that the project is going well as well as schools where
there are reported to be problems. Report StructureThis report is divided into five
chapters. In the first chapter we assess the context in which the projects are being
implemented focusing specifically on schools participating in the project. In the second
chapter we provide a detailed description of the Telkom SuperCentres and Thintana i-Learn
projects. The chapter looks at how the projects were conceptualised, how they are being
implemented, expected challenges and difficulties and how some of these are being
resolved. In the third chapter we provide a review and evaluation of the Educator
Development Network with specific focus on the module Finding Information. The chapter presents an
analysis of the educator participation in the module. The fourth chapter presents
perceptions of effectiveness. The chapter looks at whether stakeholders have a common
understanding of the project. It looks at the role of SchoolNet SA and captures
perceptions about the SchoolNets technical support and teacher training and finally
it looks at the use of computers in schools. In the fifth chapter we present lessons and a
Chapter 1:Understanding the Schools Context In this chapter we present
information that contributes to an understanding of the context within which the Thintana
and Telkom SuperCentres projects are being implemented. Such information is important as
it enables us to assess the extent to which contextual factors have helped or hindered the
success of the projects. The broader context in which the Thintana and Telkom SuperCentres
projects are being implemented includes, but is not limited to the following, ˇ the particularities of the South
African education system, ˇ policy frameworks on information
technology and schooling, ˇ the collaborative nature of the
projects, ˇ challenges posed by public-private
partnerships; and ˇ historical inequities in school
resourcing. However, for the purpose of this
evaluation we focus on the schools context. As Passey (1999) argues, understanding school contexts is important, not only because they enable those undertaking evaluations to understand differences and to make reasonable comparisons, but also because they offer schools opportunities to do the same(p.325) According to Passey, the success and
failure of schools implementing ICT projects could depend on a range of significant
elements and factors such as: ˇ the approaches and stance of the
principal or senior management; ˇ the role and responsibilities of the IT
coordinator; ˇ the involvement and practices of the
library resources management; ˇ the presence and contribution of an IT
policy; ˇ the extent of integration of curriculum
and administration; ˇ support gained through staff
development; ˇ consideration of teaching styles; ˇ concerns about IT skills of pupils; ˇ provision of IT technical support; ˇ allocation of funding; ˇ deployment of physical resources; ˇ focus for school community link; ˇ development of a sharing ethos; ˇ forms of monitoring and record-keeping;
and ˇ uses made of evaluation and assessment. Many of the contextual factors raised
in this chapter are in agreement with those that Passey has identified as important for
determining the success and failure of schools implementing ICT projects. . Location of SchoolsThe Thintana i-Learn and Telkom
SuperCentres Projects have delivered and installed computers in schools that are in deep
rural areas. In some cases researchers had to travel up to 160 kilometers from the main
centre (nearest city or town) to schools taking part in the projects. For example,
Oranje-diamant in the Northern Cape is 120 kilometers away from Kimberley. Chief Jerry
Secondary School and Insika Secondary School in Mpumalanga are close to 160 kilometers
away from Nelspruit. Qantayi Secondary School, situated in Port Dunfort in KwaZulu-Natal,
is close to 50 kilometers from Richards Bay and about 35 kilometers from Empangeni.
Besides the distances, it was clear from observation that some of the areas where the
schools are situated are faced with adverse socio-economic conditions characterised by
unemployment and poverty. Most of the schools participating in
the projects are located next to other schools. This is not surprising. When schools sent
in proposals to be considered for inclusion in the project they were required to say how
they were going to share the resources with the community and with other schools. This
suggests that schools that are closer to others and met other project requirements would
have received favourable consideration. A focus on location of schools is
particularly important because in situations where a project goes into deep rural areas,
provision of technical support becomes a major issue which could hinder the project from
attaining its goals. Rural areas in South African are characterised by high unemployment
rates and as principals indicated, many parents struggle to pay school fees. The inability
of parents to pay school fees could have a bearing on the sustainability of projects such
as the Thintana and Telkom projects. As indicated earlier in these projects, schools are
required to maintain the computers and pay for the Internet bills, security company, night
watchmen and pay insurance premiums. To be able to pay for these costs, most schools have
had to raise their school fees. Seventy percent (70%) of computer centre managers who
responded to our questionnaire agreed that their schools raised fees subsequent to
participating in the projects. Facilities and resourcesAs indicated earlier, Passey has
identified deployment of physical resources as one of the important elements that can
determine the success or failure of an ICT project in a school. We found that despite the fact that
some of the schools are situated in poor areas, most schools participating in the projects
have in place basic physical facilities and resources important for teaching and learning.
Of the 81 computer centre managers who responded to the email questionnaire that was sent
to participating schools, 95% agreed that their schools have photocopiers, 68% said they
have overhead projectors, 59% have libraries while 64% said that their schools have
Science/Biology laboratories. The ten schools that we visited for
case studies indicated that they have the following resources and facilities:
Some schools indicated that they are
using some of the facilities for purposes other than those for which the facilities are
meant. For example, three schools said that they have libraries, however, one has
converted it to a computer centre; one is using the library as a classroom while the third
school is using it as a bookstore. Some schools have more resources and facilities than
other schools. For example, two schools indicated that they each have 5 laboratories for
Science and Biology. From the table above it is also clear that most of the resources and
facilities are in working order. School sizeSome schools have large numbers of
learners. Of the ten schools that we visited only one school has less than 1000 learners.
The large numbers of learners impact on individual learners access to the computers.
We found that schools that have large
numbers of learners deal with this problem in different ways. The most common way of
dealing with the problem has been to divide learners into groups and to offer them
computer lessons in cycles. This strategy has enabled most schools to offer computer
lessons to all their learners. Of the 81 computer centre managers who responded to our
questionnaire, 67% said that their schools offer computer lessons to all learners. While the cycles strategy has the
advantage of giving all learners access to computers, its limitation is that in some cases
cycles take longer to complete resulting in learners having to wait for longer for their
lessons. As a computer educator at Insika Secondary School complained, if he teaches a
particular group, it takes up to a month before he sees that group again. He asserts, by the time they come back for their lessons, they have
forgotten most of the things that I taught them in the last sessions This makes progress
very slow. (Computer
Educator at Insika Secondary School) In some schools, while all learners
are allowed to use the computers, formal computer lessons are only offered to learners in
senior grades. For example according to the principal at Oranje-diamant Primary School
which runs from grade 1 to 7, although they had not started giving computer lessons at the
time of the visit, they were planning to introduce grade 7 learners to computer lessons
when school reopened after the winter break. At William Pescod Secondary School, the
computer laboratory coordinator confirmed that while learners in grades 8 and 9 could use
the computers, formal computer lessons are only offered to learners in grade 10, 11 and
12. Twenty six percent (26%) of the 81 computer centre managers who responded to the
questionnaire said this is the case in their schools. We also found that there are schools
that have not yet started offering computer lessons to learners. Seven percent (7%) of the
centre managers said that this was the case in their schools. Reasons for this are not
clear. However, computer centre managers in some of the schools that had not started
offering computer lessons to learners at the time of our visit to the ten schools,
indicated that they wanted to start by train educators before offering lessons to
learners. This is understandable as Passey argues that support gained through staff
development is one of the factors necessary for the success of ICT projects in schools.
However it is an act that needs to be closely monitored so that it does not end with
learners getting no training at all. Schools FunctionalityOne of the factors that Passey
considers as critical in determining the success or failure of an ICT project in a school
is the approach and stance of the principal or senior management. According to
interviewees in the schools that were visited, their schools have in place management and
governance structures that work effectively. Ninety eight percent (98%) of the informants
who responded to the questionnaire also agreed that this was the case in their schools.
The interviewees also indicated that they did not experience major problems of discipline
amongst learners. Performance in terms of matriculation
pass rates varied significantly in the schools. For example while some schools like Chief
Jerry Secondary in Mpumalanga achieved a 50% pass rate in last years matriculation
results, William Pescod Secondary School in the Northern Cape achieved an 85% pass rate. Commitment to ICTsSome of the schools participating in
the project had vision and commitment to use computers even before they started
participating in the Telkom SuperCentres and Thintana i-Learn projects. In some cases the
commitment to ICTs is captured in the schools mission statements as indicated below, Our goal is to provide quality and relevant education
to all learners irrespective of age, ethnicity, gender and religion by making use of the
latest technology as well as qualified and highly motivated educators. (Pescodia
Secondary School, Mission Statement) through the effective and efficient utilisation of the
latest methodology and technology available implemented by highly motivated and
specialised educators, with the support of parents and other stakeholders. (Oranje-diamant,
Mission Statement) We aspire to use the latest methods and technologies in
our teaching (Tlhomelang
Secondary School, Mission Statement) To show their commitment to using
ICTs, some schools had already purchased one or more computers through their school fund
while others had started seeking sponsorship from various possible sponsors before taking
part in the Telkom SuperCentres and Thintana i-Learn Projects. In fact 80% of computer
centre managers who responded to our questionnaire agreed that this was the case with
their schools. Interviewees from schools that already had a computer or computers said
they used the computers mainly for administrative purposes. In most cases the computers
were not connected to the Internet and email unless such computers had been from a sponsor
who had wanted the school to use the computers for the Internet and email purposes as
well. In some cases educators did not have access to these computers. Where they had
access, they used the computers for typing tests, class lists and mark schedules. According to Passey the presence and
contribution of an ICT policy is one of the factors that can determine the success or
failure of a ICT project in a school. It is encouraging to note that 60% of computer
centre managers who completed the questionnaire agreed that their schools have an ICT
policy. Thirty two percent 32% said that their schools do not have an ICT policy or plan.
While this is not such a higher percentage, it is worrying for sustainability reasons. Shortage of ICT Skills
Despite the fact that some schools
had already acquired computers prior to participating in the Telkom and Thintana projects,
interviewees indicated that most educators in their schools had never had any formal
training in computers. Seventy-three percent (73%) of computer centre managers who
responded to our questionnaire confirmed that less than a quarter of educators in their
schools were computer literate before the SchoolNet training. This could be one of the
reasons why some schools have not started offering computer lessons to learners rather
they have decided to offer training to teachers first. There are cases however where some
educators had some basic knowledge of computers. In most cases schools selected those
educators with the basic computer knowledge as their computer centre managers. These
educators then went on to receive two days of network administration training organised by
SchoolNet SA which intended to enable them to providing training and support to other
educators and learners. We found that some schools have since appointed a person with
advanced computers skills and qualifications whenever they had a post to fill. Parental buy inSome schools have managed to get
parents to support the projects. Parents have supported the schools by not only
endorsing the schools desire to participate in the projects but paying extra money
to ensure that the schools are able to maintain the computers and pay for the alarm
security system and insurance premiums. As indicated earlier, 70% of the computer centre
managers who responded to the questionnaire agreed that their schools raised school fees
so that they would be able to take care of the extra costs. Thirty one percent (31%) of
respondents said that their schools did not approach parents to pay more. Examples of
schools that raised fees include schools that raised school fees as follows: from R65 to
R100; R60 to R100 with the R40 added specifically for maintaining the computers and from
R30 to R50 per annum. Whereas parents have been willing to
pay extra fees, it should be noted that 41% of respondents said that parents agreed to pay
extra fees without squabbles. Twenty six percent (26%) of informants said that parents
only agreed to pay after much persuasion. Two percent of respondents said that parents in
their schools refused completely to pay extra fees. It is clear that except for the fact
that schools lacked educators with ICT skills and that some of the schools participating
in the projects are from deep rural areas, the projects are being implemented in schools
that have the basic requirements to enable them succeed. This is not surprising. In fact
some of the project-related documents reviewed in this evaluation process pointed out that
this was a criterion for selecting schools to participate. From the documents it was clear
that SchoolNet and funders asked schools to put in a business plan before they could be
considered for the projects. The plans had to say how the school intended to use the
computers, how the community was going to benefit through the computers and how they
intended to sustain the projects in their school. We also noted that the selectors were
not only interested in the availability of rooms with burglar bars but they were also
interested in understanding the approach and stance of the principal to the use of ICTs,
the schools commitment to teacher development, and teachers approaches to
teaching and learning.
Chapter 2:
Design, Planning and Implementation
of the Projects
IntroductionThis chapter provides a description
of the Telkom SuperCentres and the Thintana i-Learn projects. The description was
generated through a detailed review of the Telkom SuperCentres and Thintana i-Learn
project documents. Documents reviewed included proposals, minutes of meetings, contractual
agreements between various partners involved in the projects, invitation letters to
schools, all additional information that was sent to schools selected to be in the
projects and progress reports prepared for and presented to the Project Steering
Committee. A list of reviewed documents and abstracts consulted is contained in Appendix
4. The Telkom SuperCentres and Thintana
projects have mostly run in parallel. The descriptions show that, while these projects
have some differences in terms of scope and targeted schools, they are similar in many
respects. Due to similarities between the two projects, SchoolNet SA, which was
responsible for the management and implementation of the two projects, reported in the
Thintana Project Steering Committee meeting of the 09th June 2000, that they
intended to construct one team to run the two projects.[14] ConceptualisationThe Telkom SuperCentres and Thintana
i-Learn projects both emerged as part of the respective sponsors corporate social
responsibility obligations in South Africa. Thintana Communications LLc is a
foreign consortium comprising SBC International and Telkom Malaysia, which has held a 30%
equity stake in Telkom SA. It has sponsored the Thintana i-Learn project. Thintana
Communications wished to promote and uplift the education of historically
disadvantaged people of South Africa and is committed to providing financial assistance
for their well being and development.[15] To this end, the company
undertook to fund a project aiming to use ICTs to enhance education in the classroom by
training educators in use of ICTs. SchoolNet SA was contracted to manage and execute the
project, which is known as Thintana i-Learn. Thintana Communications LLc envisaged that,
through such training and assistance, the recipients would be able to access
employment in the telecommunications and IT sector and related industries.[16]
Similarly, Telkom SA has sponsored
the Telkom SuperCentres project. Telkom introduced the 100 SuperCentres
project as a follow-up to the Telkom 1000 Schools Internet project, which the
company implemented between 1998 and 2000. In the first phase, Telkom had selected and
provided one computer and Internet access to 1000 schools. In the second phase, Telkom
selected 100 schools from the original 1000, with a view to installing computer networks
of 21 new PCs with a server and dialup Internet connectivity in each. The purpose of the
SuperCentres was to: improve the quality of teaching and learning in the selected schools through the use of Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) and increase the number of learners who are proficient ICT users.[17] Scope and PurposeThe broad scope of the Telkom
SuperCentres and Thintana i-Learn projects is to: ˇ Install about 5100 new and refurbished
computers including a server and dialup Internet connectivity in 300 schools around the
country. Telkom and Thintana aimed to install about 2100 and 3000 computers respectively. ˇ Develop effective educational use of
the provided ICT facilities by running a programme of development for educators using
computers and the Internet in education. The programme targeted at least 10 educators per
This means that more than 3000 educators were to be trained. ˇ Provide appropriate technical training,
onsite and telephonic technical support to the schools. This technical training was to be
provided to 2 educators per school meaning that a total of about 600 educators would be
trained. ˇ Conduct a monitoring and evaluation
process that assesses the qualitative and quantitative impact of the project, from which
this report has emerged. For the respective sponsors, the
projects serve business purposes as well. They create a positive image of the companies in
the country and expand the potential client base for telecommunications services in the
education sector. These could be reasons why the contract between SchoolNet and
participating schools required schools to allow SchoolNet to brand the computer
rooms as per respective sponsors standards. Collectively, the projects have cost
close to R50 million with SuperCentres costing close to R29 million including the cost of
hardware which was procured by Telkom directly while Thintana cost about R21.2 million. Implementing the ProjectThe Telkom SuperCentres and Thintana
i-Learn projects are being implemented over the same period starting in August 2000.
Initially, the projects were meant to be completed by the 31st July 2002.[19]
However, this was changed to December 2002.[20] According to Janet Thomson,
provision of distance modules has been extended to December 2003. SchoolNet is responsible
for implementing the two projects. Project ManagementThe documentation reviewed did not
indicate any problems relating to management of the projects. Roles and responsibilities
of project partners were clearly articulated and management structures such as the Project
Steering Committee existed Role of SchoolNet SAThe documentation reviewed presents
the roles of SchoolNet in both the SuperCentres and Thintana projects in a clear manner.
The agreement between Thintana Communications LLc and the International Development
Research Centre (IDRC) (p.2) clearly states that SchoolNet is responsible for management
and execution of the Thintana i-Learn project. The nature of the agreement between
Thintana Communications LLc and the IDRC, acting on behalf of SchoolNet, made it possible
for SchoolNet to enter into contracts with service providers such SourceCom Technology
Solutions and schools involved in the project[21] It should be noted that at
the inception of the projects, SchoolNet operated as an in-house project of the
International Development Research Centre as its core funder. During the lifespan of the
project, SchoolNet became an independent legal entity as a Section 21 Company. This did
not affect the execution of management of the project, as the respective legal agreements
were transferred from IDRC to the new SchoolNet Section 21 Company. On the contrary, while in terms of
the Service Level Agreement between Telkom, SchoolNet and Dell (p.4), SchoolNet is
responsible for managing the SuperCentres project, Telkom has always been actively
involved. It has always been clear that SchoolNet is managing the project on behalf of
Telkom. For example, it was Telkom that entered into agreements with Schools and not
SchoolNet as was the case with the Thintana Project. This has meant that schools
participating in the Telkom SuperCentres project are accountable to Telkom. Despite this difference, SchoolNet
has had by and large similar deliverables for the two projects. SchoolNet is responsible
for overseeing all activities related to the projects including setting up of provincial
committees, selecting schools, training of educators and, co-ordinating the evaluation of
the projects. There is evidence to suggest that
SchoolNet worked hard to ensure proper planning for project activities and to be
financially accountable. Most of the project progress reports submitted to the respective
Project Steering Committees contained details, including dates in which activities, such
as school selections and training of educators were going to be undertaken and completed
per province. Most of the progress reports also contained detailed expenditure reports.
These were particularly important to ensure that all important activities were carried out
and within the budget. Project Steering CommitteesEach of the two projects had a
Steering Committee responsible for supervising the project. These committees were
particularly important as they held regular meetings where progress was reported,
difficulties raised and solutions sought. There is no evidence to suggest that these
committees did not function effectively. The Project Steering Committees for
the two projects differed in size probably because the projects themselves are different
in terms of scope, with the Thintana i-Learn covering more schools. Each Committee
comprised representatives of partners involved in that particular project. The
SuperCentres Project Steering Committee, comprised a representative from each of
SchoolNet, Dell, Intekom and Telkom. The Thintana i-Learn project Steering Committee
comprised three representatives of Thintana Communications LLc, three representatives
nominated by the IDRC, one from the Department of Communications and one representative
from the National Department of Education. The Telkom SuperCentres Steering Committee
agreed to meet on the first Tuesday of every month, get project progress reports
circulated a week before the meeting and circulate minutes one week after the meeting. In
practice, these project meetings did not take place as consistently as originally
envisaged, with meetings tending to be more frequent in the infrastructure rollout phases
of the project. A series of technical meetings was held with Telkom ITX, the IT Division
of Telkom contracted internally to undertake the rollout, and Dell was not directly
involved. SchoolNet has devised similar steps
in implementing the two projects. Procedures include selection of schools, procurement of
equipment, installation of equipment in schools, provision of technical training to
selected educators, and provision of educator development programme. Details are provided
below. Schools selection ProcessSchoolNet coordinated the school
selection process and regularly presented progress reports in meetings of the Steering
Committees for the respective projects. SchoolNets reports on the school selection
process show that similar steps were followed in selecting schools for both projects. The
process entailed, ˇ Informing provincial education
officials, including MECs, about the project; ˇ Setting up provincial committees to
assist in selection of schools; ˇ Short listing schools; ˇ Inviting schools to submit proposals; ˇ Evaluating the proposals; ˇ Visiting short-listed schools; and ˇ Making final selections SchoolNet worked very closely with
provincial education officials and selection committees in particular. Where officials had
queries, SchoolNet managed to provide satisfactory responses. For example, the Gauteng
Department of Education (GDE) wanted clarification on what was going to be Telkoms
responsibilities with regards to safety of schools and sought to ensure that hidden costs
in relation to involvement in the project were outlined to schools.[22]
SchoolNet provided a response which the GDE accepted.[23] Criteria for selection of schools had
a few differences from project to project. Both projects excluded schools that did not
have access to electricity. Initially, it was agreed that schools that were not from
previously disadvantaged backgrounds would be excluded. However, this was relaxed in
exception cases [S1]where some
such schools were populated with learners from previously
disadvantaged backgrounds.[24]
In the SuperCentres project, only schools from the first phase of Telkom 1000
Schools Internet Project project were to
participate and selection was also done in line with the strategic development objectives
of provincial Education Departments. In terms of criteria for selection of Thintana
i-Learn, as outlined in the minutes of the Project Steering Committee meeting of the 04
August 2000, only secondary schools were to be selected and schools from the Telkom 1000
Internet project were also not to be included. However, these requirements were later
relaxed. With the approval of the Steering Committee, SchoolNet has been able to select
schools from Telkom 1000 as well. The following additional criteria
applied for selection of schools for the Thintana i-Learn project: ˇ Some schools had to be from rural
areas; ˇ There should be a flow through from the
Thintana MST Project; and ˇ There should be flow through from the
National and Provincial departments of education.[25] In both projects, schools had to
submit business plans. Available documentation suggests that SchoolNet provided some
support to these schools to enable them to put together their business plans. It did this
by sending them additional information sheets and briefing documents intended to help
schools understand the project and guide and assist them putting together their plans. The
business plans had to cover issues such as, ˇ Background on how the school related to
the communities; ˇ The position of school leadership of
ICT; ˇ Leadership in terms of management of
facilities and finance; ˇ Leadership in terms of planning and
strategy; ˇ Schools approach to teaching and
learning; ˇ The role of staff in decision making; ˇ The attitude of staff towards
educational technology; ˇ The schools plan to facilitate staff
development; and ˇ How management was going to support
staff development in the project.[26] To be more specific the plans were
required to include the following elements: 1. Name of school 2. Postal address, physical address and
description of geographical location of the school i.e. is it an urban school or rural
if rural how far from the nearest large urban centre. 3. All available contact numbers (e.g.
telephone, fax, email, cell phone) 4. Name and contact of the principal 5. Background of the school 6. Proximity to other schools and
community centres 7. Financial plan outlining how the
insurance and running costs of at least R1000 per month will be provided. 8. A plan outlining the schools
vision for the educational use of computers. The proposals that SchoolNet received
from schools used the guiding questions and the structure that SchoolNet had suggested to
them. As a result proposals were similar and many of them satisfied the criteria in that
they had the required infrastructure and security in place. SchoolNet evaluated all proposals or
business plans that were received from schools, drew up final lists and sent the lists to
the provincial officials including Members of Executive Councils (MECs) for approval. In
evaluating the proposals from schools, SchoolNet looked at the following factors, which
were also presented as guidelines for writing the business plans: ˇ Organisational
issues in the school Here, among others, SchoolNet was interested in a number
of issues including, -
How effective was management in the
school; -
Did the school provide a healthy
climate for effective teaching and learning; -
How the school related to the community -
How the school intended to use the
computers to the strengthen the relationship with the community; -
How the school leadership was going to
be involved in supporting the project; -
How the school leadership was going to
manage and finance the ICT facilities -
How the school leadership was going to
ensure that the computers were catered for in the school time-table. SchoolNet also checked if the schools
met the specified infrastructural and security requirements outlined earlier. ˇ Educator
training and learning In this category, SchoolNet looked at issues relating to
methods and approaches to teaching and learning, looking specifically at issues such as
collaboration in the classroom and the extent to which inquiry between educators and
learners was encouraged. Schools also had to show how the computers were going to assist
and/or transform teaching and learning in the schools. ˇ Staff
involvement In this section, schools had to outline issues such as staff
attitude towards educational technologies, and the schools plan to facilitate staff
development. SchoolNet did not only rely on
information that schools provided. SchoolNet and Telkom also sent the project team members
to all shortlisted schools to check if they met basic infrastructural and security
The visit by project team members to schools was vital for ensuring that decisions were
not only made on the basis of good business plans but also on practical situation of
schools. The following were some of the specified infrastructural and security
requirements: ˇ A dedicated room where the computers
would be installed; ˇ Sufficient tables for 20 computers, one
server and one printer; ˇ Separate power points for each of the
20 computers, one for the server, one for the printer, one for the hub and one for the
modem; ˇ Have the power circuit feeding the PCs
power points on a separate circuit breaker; ˇ Ensuring that insurance policies
covered lightning damage; ˇ Burglar bars on the windows; ˇ Security gate on the door; ˇ An electronic alarm consisting of at
least one passive infrared eye and that the alarm had to be linked to an armed response
SchoolNet provided schools with
sufficient information to enable them to make informed decisions about whether or not they
should participate in the projects, especially taking into account the issue of
sustainability. SchoolNet sent to schools that had been selected for the projects letters
contained information on: ˇ The infrastructural requirements that
schools had to meet. These were the same as specified above. ˇ The choice of Internet access methods.
In this section SchoolNet provided details of differences between Analogue and ISDN and
cost implications for each Internet access method. SuperCentres schools were made aware
that Telkom would grant telephone rebates of R300 per month from date of installation
until December 2002. Internet Service Provider fees were also sponsored for both
Supercentres and Thintana schools until December 2002. Thereafter, schools will carry the
costs. ˇ Insurance, operating and long-term
maintenance and replacement costs. This section made schools aware of the following: -
They would have to ensure the equipment
to an appropriate value -
When the computer hardware warrantee
expires in April 2003 they will be responsible for replacement or maintenance costs for
the equipment; -
They should budget for replacement or
upgrading of computers; and -
Operating costs for a computer
laboratory, including security, telephone costs, insurance premiums and stationery were
likely to be in the region of R1000 per month and that they would have to budget for this; ˇ The educational and technical training
programme. Schools were informed that they would have to select two educators to receive
technical training who would then manage the ICT facilities. Up to 14 educators at i-Learn
schools and 20 educators at SuperCentres schools would also be required to participate in
the SchoolNet education programme. Educators selected to undergo the training would have
to have time to participate in the project. ˇ Contract that schools had to conclude
with Telkom SA or SchoolNet. Schools were made aware that they would have to sign a
contract binding them to their obligations and that equipment would only be delivered once
they had signed the contracts. ˇ Sample layout labs. This section
provided schools with different examples of computer laboratory layouts from which they
could choose.[29] Additional information sent to
schools also included details of what was going to be covered in the technical training,
face to face introductory training and in the distance on line course. Following the final selection of
schools, SchoolNet sent out copies of contracts to schools. The contracts included
response forms which each school had to complete. These contracts served as confirmation
that the schools had, ˇ Security systems in place; ˇ A room with tables and electricity as
specified; ˇ Insured the equipment; and ˇ Educators had been selected for the
technical, face to face and on-line training. These schools had to provide proof in
the form of copies from the electrician, alarm company and insurance broker and names of
educators selected for the training. The contracts signed between schools
and Telkom and SchoolNet (on behalf of Thintana), clearly stipulated obligations for each
of the parties. In terms of the contracts, Telkom and SchoolNet undertook that between the
date of commencement of the projects until December 2002, they would do the following: ˇ Make hardware and software available to
schools; ˇ Make maintenance support for the
hardware and software available to the schools; ˇ Pay the costs of Internet facilities
from suppliers chosen by respective sponsors; ˇ Provide 2 day off site technical
training to 2 (two) educators nominated by the school. ˇ Provide 1 day on site face to face
induction session to at least 10 (ten) educators; ˇ Provide distance (online) training to
10 (ten) educators and establish a mentor network to provide regular telephonic and email
support to participating educators.[30] The contract between SchoolNet (on
behalf of Thintana) and schools was in many ways similar to the contract between Telkom
and the school. The difference was that Telkom offered to pay up to a maximum of R300 per
month for the telephone usage in respect of the Internet facility supplied by Telkom.
However schools would have to pay for any additional amount. The process of selecting schools was
not always smooth, particularly for the Thintana i-Learn Project. There were no
indications in the reports that school selections for the Telkom SuperCentres project
experienced any major problems, probably because the schools were already part of the
first phase, the Telkom 1000 Schools Internet project, and therefore already knew what was
expected of them. Only two provinces were reported to be proceeding slowly in school
selection. These were the Eastern Cape where 12 proposals had been received and the Free
State where according to minutes of the Steering Committee meeting of the 2nd
November 2001, there had been a poor response from schools. Problems that were not of
SchoolNets fault were reported with regards to the selection process for schools for
the Thintana project in the Eastern Cape, Northern Province and Free State. Poor
efficiency on the part of the departmental official in the Eastern Cape and slow
co-operation from the appointed TELI coordinator in the Northern Province led to a delay
in submission of proposals in the two provinces. The process also proceeded slowly in the
Free State, because there was only one person made available for the project.[31]
Infrastructure and Technical ProgrammeInstallation of equipment in schools
followed soon after the selection of schools had been completed. Each of the project
partners had clearly stipulated roles and responsibilities regarding rolling out of
equipment. For the SuperCentres, for example, Telkom was responsible for purchasing
equipment as specified. Dell would install the equipment and provided maintenance services
to sites after installation of computer centres had taken place. Intekom was responsible
for developing, maintaining and hosting a project website. As the project manager,
SchoolNet was responsible for liasing with Dell and Intekom on aspects relating to their
respective services in the project.[32] Subsequent to these initial
roles and responsibilities being defined, Telkom opted to procure installation services
from Telkom ITX rather than through Dell, and Intekoms role was restricted to
supplying Internet accounts. The Telkom SuperCentres Project aimed
to install computer networks of 21 PCs with a server and dialup Internet connectivity in
100 schools around the country. Ten computer laboratories were to be installed in 8
provinces while the Northern Cape was to get 20 computer laboratories. The Thintana
i-Learn project intended to deploy 3200 Internet-enabled computers in 200 schools spread
across the nine provinces.[33]
However, due to budgetary constraints, the number of schools to benefit from the project
was reduced to 198 and a standard configuration for each site was amended to consist of 10
refurbished PCs and 4 new PCs with head phones, a server, modem, printer, and
Uninterrupted Power Supply (UPS). This meant 14 workstations and 1 server per site, which
also meant that the total number of machines that Thintana i-Learn Project intended to
install in schools was reduced from 3200 to 2970, which amounted to R13, 007, 888.[34]
Subsequently, one additional school was added in the Free State which was paid for from
the interest earned with the approval of the Project Steering Committee. This meant
that 199 schools ultimately are participating in the Thintana i-learn project. Rolling out of infrastructure in
schools was also not always smooth. A report presented to the Steering Committee meeting
on the 16th August 2001 captured some technical problems emerging from rollout
of equipment in Gauteng and the North West provinces. Problems raised by schools and
trainers included: ˇ All workstations in the lab had the
same identification; ˇ Server was not connected to the hub; ˇ Hub was not mounted on the cabinet; ˇ Second hard drive had not been
installed; ˇ Backup drive had not been installed; ˇ None of the workstations could see the
servers CD drive; and ˇ Compulok screws had not been fitted on
the PCs The Thintana i-Learn Project Closure
Report of the 15th August 2002 shows that theft of equipment in schools was one
of the major problems. The report shows that a total of 7 schools had been burgled and
computers stolen. Five of these schools had insured their computers and the insurance
company had honoured the claims. According to the project Manager two schools from
Thintana dropped out of the project because the schools lost their computers through
theft. Unfortunately they had not insured the facilities, in contravention of their
undertaking The liquidation of Memtek (a company
sub-contracted by Sourcecom to supply, prepare and deliver computers in schools) also
delayed the rollout of equipment in Free State and Eastern Cape. However, indications are that while
several technical problems were experienced, the regular meetings of the Project Steering
Committee provided a platform where the technical problems could be raised and discussed
on time. SchoolNet had also made attempts to minimise technical problems by installing and
running a pilot laboratory in Cape Town. Training of EducatorsSchoolNet is responsible for training
of participating educators for both the Telkom SuperCentres and Thintana I-Learn Projects,
and its approach in providing training is similar. In both projects it is a contractual
obligation for participating schools to select a minimum of two educators to undergo
technical training and ten educators to participate in SchoolNets education
programme. The selected educators are required to have time to participate in the project.
SchoolNet developed a comprehensive
educator development programme, which covered issues around training of educators in both
the technical and educational aspects. The programme included the following: ˇ technical training (training for the
two would be computer centre managers per school), ˇ training of mentors (mentors are
professionally qualified individuals recruited to provide pedagogical support to teachers
doing SchoolNet online module), ˇ training the trainers (training for
people appointed to provide training to computer centre managers), ˇ developing materials, ˇ piloting the materials, and ˇ providing distance training. SchoolNet undertook to ensure that a
proportion of mentors and trainers subcontracted would be previously disadvantaged
individuals. In this section we provide a brief description of each of the components of
the educator development programme. A detailed review and evaluation of the programme is
in Chapter 3 of this report. Pilot ProgrammeBefore the mentor system and distance
education course were offered in all provinces, SchoolNet ran a pilot programme in three
venues where a face to face introductory course was offered to 10 educators at each venue
and those educators were subsequently registered on the distance education course. The
piloting programme was taken seriously and SAIDE was appointed to evaluate the programme.
Lessons from this piloting process were incorporated in the overall educator development
programme. Mentor programmeSchoolNet planned to provide its
educator development programme partly through distance education. To this end, SchoolNet
established a mentor network to provide regular email support to educators registered in
the programme. The mentors are appointed on a part-time basis and the following are their
roles as articulated in the advertisement that SchoolNet circulated: ˇ Facilitative and Supportive; ˇ Monitor email interaction within group
of approximately 15 educators; ˇ Provide formative assessment comments
to educators based on email interaction and contents of reflective journals; and ˇ Know when and how to intervene as
required by the learning process. The advertisement further specifies
that interested people need to meet the following requirements: ˇ At least 5 years classroom experience; ˇ Basic skills in email and word
processing; ˇ Experience in using computers in
education; ˇ Supportive manner able to accept
a range of views; ˇ Committed and accessible via email on a
daily basis (9 hours per week required); ˇ Good interpersonal skills; and ˇ Organisational and record-keeping
skills In terms of the advertisement,
mentors would be paid on a pro rata basis per completed learner. Janet Thomson coordinates the mentor
selection and training programme. She and Gerald Roos developed the Mentor Course
materials which they have reviewed after each course. According to Janet Thomson, they
deliberately made the course tough in order to ensure that the mentors would be able to
keep up with email volumes and the pressures of meeting deadlines and also to ascertain
whether they could maintain an interactive and supportive email culture. The course also
enabled the co-ordinator to identify whether the applicants had the appropriate email
manner to become supportive mentors. Initially, SchoolNet wanted a maximum
of 100 people to be recruited as mentors. According to Thomson, SchoolNet continued to
recruit mentors because they anticipated bigger groups because of the delays. Indications
are that recruiting mentors has not been a problem. The report to the Steering Committee
meeting of the 7th December 2000 shows that by that date, 100 people had
applied to be trained as mentors, and 77 had been accepted. However there were a further
64 people doing the course. The report indicated that more mentors were going to be
recruited. The report of the 16th August 2001 (p.2) shows that 90 mentors had
completed the course and that an additional 30 mentors were about to qualify. The Telkom
SuperCentres Project Progress Report of the 31st January 2002 shows that 114
mentors had successfully completed training. While recruitment and training of
mentors has not been a problem, some problems have been reported with regards to the
appointment and making adequate use of the mentors. According to Janet Thomson, SchoolNets
educator development programme has lost a number of mentors for various reasons. Most of
the reasons are said to be personal. Delays in the project are also said to be
demotivating factors. For example, while the first cohort of mentors was trained in
November 2000 they were not appointed until July 2001 and even then only a few were needed
as there were many technical problems delaying the anticipated volumes of learners. There
was further demotivation when technical problems started at active schools resulting in
depletion of groups. However, Janet Thomson pointed out that, a number of processes have
since been developed to prevent some of the delays caused by technical problems. SchoolNet has put up systems to
provide some support to mentors. These include mailing lists for them to support each
other and there are mentor co-ordinators who work with the mentors on any problems that
occur. Materials developmentSchoolNet developed CD-based
materials and support resources consisting of seven modules for the educator development
course, which is being delivered to participating educators through distance education.
The modules develop educators readiness to use computers and the Internet in their
professional work. The modules are: ˇ Word processing for educators ˇ Spreadsheet for educators ˇ Using Web resources ˇ Designing web pages ˇ Finding information ˇ Questioning and thinking skills ˇ Assessing information literacy[35] Four
other modules are being produced for the Educators Network: two on school leadership and management of ICTs, and
one each on Maths and Science teaching. [36] The materials development process and
decisions around which modules to produce drew from various sources. According to Janet
Thomson, the materials drew somewhat from the materials called Educator Development for
Telecollaboration, developed for SchoolNet SA by Gerald Roos and Janet Thomson. There were
also concept development meetings that were organised by SchoolNet and the Department of
Education, which included participation from the SCOPE Project[37],
a bilaterla programme between the Finnish government and the Department of Education.
Finnish funders and the departmental curriculum developers. Following a period of initial
development, a pilot project and an evaluation of the pilot conducted by SAIDE, SchoolNet
and SCOPE agreed to jointly fund the development of the Educators Network modules, and
contracted SAIDE to manage the materials writing and production process, which included
active participation by SchoolNet Thomson and Roos. Online distance courseAs indicated earlier, SchoolNet is
providing the educator development programme through distance education. Educators
registered in the distance course have been arranged into groups of approximately 15 that
are facilitated by mentors. The mentors have received training to enable them to
facilitate and support the groups through email and online interaction. SchoolNet has
designed systems to enable it to monitor the interaction. An analysis of data on
interactions between the groups and their mentors is presented in Chapter 4 of this
report. Face to Face Introductory SessionsSchoolNet kick starts its educator
training by organising face-to-face training sessions for educators in each school before
they register for the distance modules. The face to face introductory sessions normally
take one and a half days. The purpose of the face-to-face
introductory sessions is to enable educators to use communication tools for the distance
education course, in particular. A database capturing the reports that trainers from all
provinces have sent to SchoolNet about the face to face introductory sessions indicates
that between the 28th July 2001 and 09 February 2002, 69 workshops had been
organised through out the provinces. A total number of 1104 educators attended the
technical workshops. Of that number 662 decided to register for the distance education
course while?The reports also indicate that except in isolated cases, educators who
attended the sessions were co-operative and willing to learn as some trainers clearly
I was
impressed by the enthusiasm of the educators and their prompt response to the activities
of the day. This was one centre's training I will never forget for sometime. We enjoyed
the training and everything went well.[38] While
trainers generally praised trainees for their enthusiasm, some reported on the technical
and connectivity problems that they experienced which in some cases interfered with the
training sessions as in the cases below. It must be
noted that most of the cases reported above were from the first few cycles. Following
these reports processes around scheduling of training were revised to ensure stable
This is what trainers said, Generally
the trainees are very keen to learn, it was unfortunate that the time allocated for
training was insufficient, two days was going to be appropriate in order to drill the main
aspects of the course and procedures[40] All went
fairly well. Most trainees could however not register on the day, as their e-mail
addresses were not activated. Those that did also did not receive the 15 minute response.
They were requested to try and register on the following day 030202.[41]
As we
could not establish an Internet link-up no matter how we tried, online registration could
not take place. The educator trained for the technical support was requested to sort out
the problem during the following week.[42] Some of
the web-based activities could not be achieved due to lack of Internet connectivity. The
network could not be accessed. I had to manually load the important folders using a
portable CD ROM on computers which did not have this function[43] One
case pointed to lack of proper communication between a trainer and a coordinator. Even in
that case however, the training continued, It was
unfortunate that I was informed at 09hrs by
.. about training but I managed to
arrive and start training to the educators who were present. I experienced some difficulty
with confirmation but later it was sorted out.[44] Train the TrainersPhilemon Kotsokoane, Gerald Roos, and
Janet Thomson were responsible for conducting the train the trainer sessions
in all provinces and they were also responsible for developing the material for the
trainers. SchoolNet circulated an advertisement
for IT trainers. These persons were going to be contracted to conduct on average, three
1˝ days training sessions in their provinces. Only persons who had experience of training
educators would be considered and preference was going to be given to those who were
successfully engaged in the Telkom 1000 training sessions. Regional training sessions were
going to be conducted for prospective trainers. SchoolNet needed 10 trainers per province
but more prospective trainers were invited to the training. Only those who had
successfully completed the training were going to be appointed. It was required of
prospective trainers to be familiar with MS Word, Paint and Pegasus Mail. Documentation at our disposal
indicates that train the trainer sessions were well organised and ran
smoothly. The train the trainer course wanted to stress to the trainers the
concept that they must develop independent learners and must help educators by pointing
them to where they could find help on the CD. Telkom Foundation had emphasised that
both mentors and trainers should include people from previously disadvantaged communities.
However, to some extent the requirement that people to be appointed as mentors needed to
have experience in teaching IT limited SchoolNet to appointing educators from Higher
Education Institutions (HE), independent
schools, ex House of Delegates (HoD) and ex model C schools. However educators from
outreach programmes as well as schools in the World Links for Development (WorLD) were
recruited to be trained as trainers and mentors. A Thintana i-Learn Project Progress
report of the 31st January 2002 shows that by this date, a total of 89 trainers
had been trained from the nine provinces with Mpumalanga having the highest number with
fourteen trainers and the Eastern Cape having the lowest number with five trainers (p.5). Technical trainingSchoolNet contracted National Data
Systems to provide technical training to two educators from each participating school.
Details of what this aspect of training covers had been made clear to schools.[45]
The training aims at familiarising educators with hardware and the network, so that they
are able to attend to minor technical problems and assist other educators. It is not clear
if educators to be trained in this aspect were required to have any prior knowledge of
computers. At the same time, it would seem that a two day training course would not be
sufficient to enable those educators to handle basic technical problems confidently. We
note, however, that SchoolNet did establish a Help Desk to provide telephonic support to
these educators. Partnerships and fundingWhile this document focuses on two
projects, there are other projects of a similar nature that are being rolled out in
different provinces. These included Gauteng Online, Khanya Project in the Western Cape and
the Thintana MST Project. Where possible, SchoolNet has attempted to draw these projects
closer to each other. It would seem that establishing
cooperation between the projects and soliciting partners has been much easier to do in the
Thintana i-Learn Project than in the Telkom SuperCentres. The issue of partnerships was
always discussed in meetings of the Thintana i-Learn Project Steering Committee. In fact,
in the meeting of the Thintana i-Learn: Project Steering Committee of 04th
August 2000, it was agreed that all parties were at liberty to pursue additional
sponsorship that would add to the value of the project. As indicated earlier, because of
this openness to partnerships and additional sponsorship, the Thintana i-Learn Project has
been able to draw in the following partners, ˇ 3COM who offered modems, hubs and 600
network cards to the value of R1,1 million for all 200 schools in the project. ˇ Microsoft provide free software
licences; and The Thintana Project Steering
Committee also agreed to work with Khanya Project in the Western Cape. Details of how
these projects were going to work together were not disclosed. [46] In contrast, existing documentation
suggests that Telkom was solely responsible for funding all aspects of the SuperCentres
project. The only partnerships referred to in the Telkom documents are those that were
established with service providers including SchoolNet SA, Dell and Intekom. In order to facilitate communication
and ensure that there was no confusion, partners identified people who were to serve as
first points of contacts. SchoolNet also produced newsletters as another way of
communicating about the projects. It is clear from this chapter that
Telkom SuperCentres and the Thintana I-Learn are two different projects, which by and
large had similar objectives. SchoolNet manages and implements both projects. Because
there are more similarities than differences between the two projects, SchoolNet
implements them simultaneously as though they are one project. Documentation reviewed
presented a positive picture about the management of the projects and the overall
implementation process. There are no indications that SchoolNet encountered any major
difficulties in informing provincial education officials about the project, establishing
provincial selection committees, selecting schools. Face to face introductory training for
educators has been provided and there is enthusiasm and willingness to learn among
educators. However SchoolNet experienced a major problem when SDD and Memtek which had
been sub-contracted by Sourcecom to provide technical services in rolling out of
infrastructure were liquidated[SCM2]. As has been said on several occasions
in this report, the liquidation of SDD and Memtek resulted in technical problems not been
attended to on time. Subsequently, training of educators was delayed.
Chapter 3:A Review of the Educators Network with specific focus on the module: Finding Information This chapter, while aiming to provide
an overall assessment of the quality of the resource, The Educators Network, also
provides comment for the further refinement and development of the resource in keeping
with Pattons conception of developmental evaluation. We start by providing a review
and evaluation of the Educators Network in general and then focus specifically on
the module on Finding Information. By the
criteria for a good site stated in the resource, the CD-ROM/site has strong educational
value, and can extend its assumed users knowledge base. OVERALL REVIEW AND EVALUATION OF THE Educators NetworkPurposeThe Educators Network is
designed for the use of educators in practice and is available as a CD-ROM or on the
Internet. It comprises a series of distance learning modules for educators who want to use
computers and the Internet more effectively in their work. The modules, and types of
questions and activities, show that the purpose is the development of pedagogy - with a
focus on the development of the educators skills for the inclusion of digital
technology as a resource in teaching and learning. Some modules focus on teaching and
learning strategies that will lead to more effective use of computers and the Internet,
while other modules focus on actual use of computers and the Internet in the educational
environment. So for example, a section on learning to use a mouse is aimed at the
development of a teachers basic computing skills (using paint as a place
to start is likely to develop user confidence as the results are immediate and tangible or
as an effective icebreaker for educator-learners) but a module on questioning and
thinking, aims to show how digital technology can be used in inquiry. The Network is designed for a range
of educator-learners: the teacher with little or no computer or Internet experience, or
with little or no experience of integrating computer or Internet skills into classroom
practice; or for the more sophisticated user to sharpen skills and thinking about the use
of digital technology in teaching. The CD-ROM is credible and
authoritative and is offered to educators as a resource. As such it has a developmental
purpose rather than commercial. Anybody who wants to use the resource in its entirety is
permitted to do so as long as that does not involve adaptation in which case permission
has to be sought from SchoolNet. Site Information
To model good practice and provide an
exemplar for a good site, this resource could have given prominence to the
criteria given in the module for establishing the credibility of a resource. Who
wrote the information? Who are they (whether individuals, groups, or
institutions)? What experience or qualifications do they hold relative to the
material they are providing? What interests do they have in promoting certain
information and points of view? Contact information is evident only in the
evaluation forms, and in the acknowledgements. Users are not informed about the authority
of the authors in the use of computers and the Internet in teacher development. However,
mention is made of the large team of people and institutions responsible for the concepts
and technical aspects of the site. Benchmarking with Rhodes University is said to be in
process (with possible exemption from certain parts of the Advanced Certificate in
Education). Funders are noted in the Acknowledgements: the Telkom Foundation,
Thintana Consortium, and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Finland. The agencies
responsible for the project are SchoolNet SA and the South African - Finnish Collaboration
Programme in the Education Sector (SCOPE) Introduction
In the introduction, expectations and
procedures are made clear to users. Beginners are directed to basic functions of the
computer, to modules, and email. Learners-educators are given an indication of the time
needed. They are expected to be able to proceed independently - though with support
received from materials, mentors and a peer group (and given to the peer group). This
support is structured into the design of the course. The mentors are intended to be
educators who have experience in using the Internet in the classroom. The learner-educators is offered
various pathways, consistent with adult education principles of need, interest and choice.
For those who could or would not exercise this choice, a default pathway is provided. An
understanding of the need for flexible learning programmes is indicated hereby. The
approach is to support educators learning in their own context, and as such the resource
is school-based. Activities impel the learner-educator to try things out with learners. Tone
The mood of the CD-ROM is
one of support and low risk, indicated by comments such as, Please do not think of this as a threatening process, where you worry about what other people might think of what you write. Think of it as a process that is an important part of learning. Do not think that people want to criticise you, but rather that you can share ideas and learn together. Try to take the same attitude when you comment on what your colleagues have sent to you. Colleagues in email contact are
referred to as friends. Users, as educators are invited - and if they want
certification of completion, compelled - to try out activities with learners, reflect on
these attempts, and share their experiences. Central to the resource is the online
interaction with other learner-educators, and with an e-mentor, through email, though
individual use of the resource is possible. The assumption is made that this group
interaction adds value to the learning process and will help educators become
more reflexive. Other educators ideas spark off creativity and
assist in reflection (thinking about what is happening). Learning in community will help
you become reflexive (think about what you do). Through this communication, it is
expected that learner-educators will reflect on teaching and learning, on work tried, on
problems encountered, and resources available and thence share their experiences, aimed at
improving teaching and learning. The gains envisaged are that learner-educators will
support and be supported by each other, that this networking will connect them to other
educators with similar needs and interests, and that this will contribute to the
development of their professional identity as educators, through, in part, belonging to a
wider professional learning community; an educational community in which computers and the
Internet are used. The mentor would encourage, pace, and
support the learner, as a facilitator, not a judge. You should see the mentor as
someone who can help you to succeed, not as someone who intends to check on or
monitor your progress. These links to mentors and peers provide a scaffold for the
learner. Reflection is assumed to generate
learning, and hence the e-diary is seen as an important pedagogical tool. Its long-term
use is not clear however. Philosophy
The philosophical underpinnings are
found in a constructivist approach, assumed without question. The frequent use of should
in these sections alerts one to a moral binding to a constructivist approach. This is
coherent with current national policy. Constructivism may well become a paradigm,
but perhaps some external links here could broaden the learner-educators views and
allow them to see some of the debates. Access devices
In the main, navigation around the CD
ROM/site is straightforward. The activities are clearly accessed, and one can browse
through to see what has to be done and what is available. A user can link to any activity.
Links across modules are easy to use. The CD-ROM/site is generally accurate. Only a few
formatting errors, such as font changes in the section on Bloom applied, were
found. The font is not easy to read on the Ask Jeeves illustrations and
pictures of computer screens are often small and not user friendly. A few technical
glitches were found but have been rectified in later versions, for example getting a list
of codes on opening the e-diary and getting the glossary when clicking on hypertext
in Search the CD. Back and forward arrows did not always work. E.g. No back or
forward arrows on About this CD. Very few, but some typographical errors were
found, e.g. People managing Web sites that you can access free on the Internet, may
use of advertising to pay for the costs of running the site. On the whole the technical standard of the site is
good. The use of blue in the
text, which conventionally refers to hypertext in documents, may confuse a more
experienced reader initially. For total beginners, some of the
language may be inaccessible, e.g. launch, and portals and in the
module, Finding Information, truncation and Boolean.
These may require definition or explanation. ContentThe CD-ROM offers support in three
main areas of teacher work: administration, the Internet and teaching and learning - for
administration, the use of a word processor and spread sheets; for the Internet,
information about web resources and web design; and for teaching and learning, questioning
and thinking, and assessing information literacy. Extending the learner-educators is
evident in taking it further and with references across other modules. The CD-ROM refers to different types
of questions, and encourages the use of open-ended questions in teaching, those that have
no easy answer. However, in demonstrating the use of the Net for searching, close-ended
information was sought. The question is then what the role of the WWW can be in open
questions? In response to the question, the SchoolNets mentor coordinator argues, that the information searched for can be factual and the questions closed, it is what the teacher requires the child to with the information that is important. If you want to get information about Mandela, it has to start of with fact. She that the point in this case was getting to know the different search engines and the difference between them and not set a challenging class activity. Notwithstanding the response we think
that reference to chat groups may have been appropriately given here, rather than only
factual searches. A bias toward the social sciences is evident. Examples for the sciences
and mathematics and activities pertinent to these disciplines would be useful. The content of some of the related
modules referred to could introduce shifts to the thinking of many learner-educators, for
example, Gardiners multiple intelligence. The notion of metacognition could be
useful. Assessment and EvaluationAssessment is seen more in terms of
support than in terms of certification. Here is an assumption of learning for its
intrinsic value rather than for instrumental reasons. Learners can see what skills they
ought to have acquired in the self-assessment form they are required to submit for a
certificate of completion. This self-assessment form is cast positively, so that
learner-educators are encouraged to see themselves as not yet successful, rather than as
failures. Completing the self-assessment form is a specified activity, structuring
self-reflection into the programme based on explicit outcomes for the module. It can serve
as both a structuring tool, if viewed prior to the module, or as a review tool. If a
learner-educators responses are in the first column indicating not
having met the outcomes, it could be helpful if the materials provided pointers to
remediation. Learner-educators have to evaluate
the module as an activity. The authors invite feedback about the resource, though do not
specify how they will use the information rEVIEW OF THE MODULE: FINDING INFORMATIONMany of the above comments pertain to
the module, Finding Information, and thus the following section will be
additional. Purpose and outcomesThe module asks learner-educators to
select, use and evaluate search tools, and to select, use and evaluate and accurately
acknowledge information from these sources. It
expects learner-educators to be able to design classroom activities that make meaningful
use of the information and to assess the originality of ideas. Ambitious outcomes are found, for
example, in the claim If we equip students with information literacy skills, they will be able to: (emphasis added) - Make up their own minds - Work well in teams - Solve problems with independence and
ingenuity - Speak, present, and write
persuasively The use of the phrase, better
able to would be preferable. More realistically, it aims to introduce tools to help
educators find information who in turn can help learners find information. One module
outcome may be too ambitious for the resource that of assessing the originality of
ideas. Successful completion of this outcome would depend on the experience of the teacher
in both a discipline and in critical evaluation. Otherwise outcomes are clear and cohere
with aims. contentThe module, Finding information,
looks at language, keywords, subjects, plagiarism and synthesis. The learner is alerted to
the open access of the web to postings by anyone, and the need to be able to evaluate
sites and sources of information. The need for a search engine is made clear and learners
are taught how to use engines like Ask Jeeves (natural language), Google
(keyword) and Yahoo (subject). Further, that even within search engines there
is no standard alerts readers to the complexity of the WWW. The limitations of
search engines are posed and the extent of the web noted, for example that Yahoo, the
biggest and most popular subject directory search engine, covers less than 5% of the Web.
Using the Harris analogies of searching for treasures of information, the user is
alerted to the different types and levels of search
and that searching is a process like mining. Once a site is found, users are informed
about how to evaluate it and how to acknowledge the site. Sites that are useful and
reliable can be shared with other learners through an evaluation tool provided. Learner-educators are taken through a
path of looking at websites and group discussion on these to look at the purposes of the
site, at establishing credibility, accuracy and bias. The group discussions and tutor
intervention would need to be a substantial part of this. A novice may not see the
manipulations of persuasive sites that a trained critic may. Each section includes clips
that are linked on how to detect bias, accuracy, trustworthiness etc, using examples and
analogies, such as a soccer conflict of interests example that had a basis in
reality. ExpectationsProcedures and requirements,
including technological requirements are clearly expressed; including a caution on
telephone costs (perhaps an approximate rate per hour at current Telkom rates could have
helped, though would date the CD ROM). EvaluationThe module evaluation for Finding
Information could have been better expressed more personally as you have found,
rather than learners have found to get an individual answer rather than a
generalized assumption. Some general concernsThe distinctions made between
information and knowledge are not clear, as the following quote indicates. Often we confuse the term information with that of the term knowledge. You as an educator need to be able to present challenging questions and examine issues that can create a need for information in learners. Your learners will be able to use this information to build their own knowledge and present their own original ideas. Information is seen as a subset of
knowledge, but the modules do not really address how they differ other than that knowledge
is said to include ideas, opinions and understandings. But what does it mean
to build new knowledge for oneself, understood in this way? Learner-educators are directed to
questioning, to creating need in their own learners. Experts too could pose the questions,
rather than having all questions learner driven. The learning paradox is that we cant
know what we dont know. One role experts could play is to
sort the field for learners, knowing a body of literature and selecting appropriate
resources, thus offering educators tried and tested resources. Showing learners how to
search for such sites on certain selected school topics might be useful. The module Finding Information
frequently refers to the module on Questioning and Thinking. Hence a few additional
comments on this module are appropriate. This module was ambitious in its attempts to
apply theoretical knowledge in the classroom setting, but the results are confusing at
times, for example, the presentation of the table on higher order thinking. One expects in
a table some vertical and horizontal coherence, but here only the vertical seemed
pertinent. Also, some of the categories could create confusion, for example, making
a colouring book, is found under comprehension as is what do you
think could happen next which would be better placed under say, prediction.
This table needs some scrutiny, particularly the activities in relation to the verbs.
The use of the term knowledge is not the same as Blooms used in the
Introduction. GeneralBy the criteria for a good site stated
in the resource, the CD-ROM/site has strong educational value, and can extend its assumed
users knowledge base. In general it is clear, accurate and referenced, with
contributions and credits acknowledged. In general it is easy to navigate and links work.
It does not use original graphics much, nor does it fully exploit the possibilities of the
digital media, such as video, or simulation. However, it is interactive in nature,
connecting a community of learner-educators as they can support each other and share
ideas. Overall the purposes, outcomes, materials, tasks and general approach are coherent
and in keeping with the pedagogical approach, the assumed users and principles of adult
education. Participation in the Module: Finding InformationIn this section we turn, we turn our
focus to participation of learner-educators in the module finding information. Requirements of ParticipantsIn the module Finding Information, participants are required to
successfully complete eight compulsory activities out of a total of ten. All activities
are designed to encourage group participation and provide opportunities ˇ Reflect, or think about their own
teaching and learning ˇ Experience different learning
opportunities ˇ Invent and share ideas ˇ Share problems and their possible
solutions ˇ Share resources For a
participant to receive a certificate of completion, s/he must also participate in online
peer discussion. SampleFive groups were selected for analysis.
The groups were selected across Cycles 2 to 4, all engaged in the module Finding Information. Cycles refer to the six to
seven week period in which participants are engaged in a module. (Thus Cycle 2 refers to
the September to November 2001 engagement period; Cycle 3 to the January to March 2002
period; and Cycle 4 to the April to June 2002 period). What follows is an analysis of our
sample. An Overview of participation in the EDN programmeFrom an analysis of the EDN database,
email posted by participants to the groups across the cycles and modules appears low,
considering the number of activities participants were required to engage with, and the
short module engagement period of seven weeks. These postings are indicated in the table
below. Table 1
However, the above figures do not
count email messages sent by participants directly to their mentors, or by participants
directly to other individual participants in the group. Evidence collected elsewhere
suggests that there is a significant amount of interaction between mentors and educators
that is not group interaction. Participant attritionThe table below provides a
qualitative analysis of participants extracted from the selected sample. Table 2
The above analysis indicates that of
the 83 participants registered for this module, 49.4% of them engaged in one or more
activities. It is clear that the greater attrition occurs at the outset of the module, in
the time between registration and beginning the module. It was not the brief of this
research to explore reasons for this non-engagement, however we available evidence suggest
that that influencing factors vary from technological problems experienced by
participants, motivational issues and techno-phobia to personal and work related concerns.
What is significant is that once participants take the first
step towards engagement, through posting a first activity, participation in the module is
relatively stable, with each group losing between 1 to 3 group members during the course
of the module. An exception is Group 110 which lost 8 group members out of the 12. Once participants began to engage in
the module, their chances of successfully completing is a high - a 62,5% completion rate
in Groups 54 and 71, a 83,3% completion rate in Group 72, a 66,7% completion rate in Group
88 and in group 110, a 66.7% completion rate.
Nature of Participant PostingsThe low email postings does not
necessarily mean that participation in the EDN has been unsuccessful. A careful look at
the content of postings from both participants and mentors highlights interesting
exchanges. We analysed email postings for
utterances indicative of collaboration such as: ˇ requesting help and feedback from group
members ˇ contributing through providing help,
feedback and sharing knowledge with the aim of assisting other group members ˇ social interaction.
Our findings
are summarised in the table below.
ˇ Seeking and providing, help and feedback from group membersAcross the sample, there are ample
examples of participants inviting their colleagues to provide feedback, and seeking help.. Please dear group members correct me where necessary Hoping for comments Please help me if I am on the right track Let me hear about your remarks. Thank you for your time and efforts to read it and I wait for your comments. I will wait to hear what you have to say, guys. PLS give me your opinion. Please find an attachment on Google word documents and your comments are highly appreciated. ˇ The development of knowledgeIt is more difficult to ascertain how
the group and individual participant postings contributed to individuals
construction of knowledge. Engagement with others input is
rather lacking. Responses mainly fall into stating ones own findings within the
framework of the activity questions. There is virtually no evidence of collaborative
behaviour such as disagreeing or challenging one another. There are exceptions such as the
following from Group 54 in which a participant engages directly with another through
challenging his colleagues response to an activity: Dear .. I went through your response for activity 3, I discovered that the response was inappropriate. Please read my response and rectify your answer. Please do not be offended we are here to share our experiences. There is no evidence of any further
interaction on the above engagement, either by the two colleagues above, or by any other
group member or the mentor, although the data accessible for this research is limited to
email posted to the group or mentor alias. Where educators may respond to each other
directly, this email is not logged or tracked. Similarly in groups 72, we find a
participant agreeing on a point raised by others, I agree with other members that we
tend to forget our roots and we do not make an effort to learn
..and in Group
88 a participant provides feedback to a colleague,
. you are really working!! These examples do indicate that
participants, although not engaging directly with colleagues by challenging, critiquing or
presenting an alternative argument, are interacting with their group members submissions. ˇ Sharing knowledge and information to assist other group membersIn the main part participants limited their submissions to
learning activity submissions, however there is evidence that some participants structured
their submissions in such a way that they became learning tools for other group members: Group 88: Search engines You have to be specific about the subject you choose to find information and Yahoo will be very specific about the information it gives you. Putting your keywords between quotation marks narrows down your search and you only get sites which contain these words between the question marks. Group 88: Google When using Keyword Search, first make a little note of what you want to find. Then identify the keywords by underlining the main concepts in the statement. Type these keywords in the search box. The search engine will return websites with words that match your keywords. Group
72: Ask Jeeves About this AskJeeves I have found it is also a search engine; it allows one to type questions using normal english language sentences; it also points you several web sites; asks you different questions in different ways To find information using yahoo we must also have a deeper knowledge in the subject we are looking for . We must type the full sentence in full in yahoo and in Askjeeves. Group 71: Search engines I recommend Yahoo for the impatient person, because nobodys time get wasted. Google works almost the same as Yahoo. Your keywords must be precise and accurate Group 54: Search Engines AskJeeves searches information using keywords, however, searches are really very frustrating and without good results if your question is not brief and to the point. Yahoo, on the other hand, uses keywords also, but once your keywords are well chosen and well defined you can be certain of the answer. ˇ Social interaction postingsA fair proportion of postings are of
a social nature, not necessarily related to the activity tasks. This type of interaction could contribute
positively to the social cohesion of the group. These interactions range from providing
motivational support to sharing personal and professional information: Group 110: How are you guys coping? Tomorrow I will have a Cricket Workshop for the next three days Hi guys. A very cold day in Oudtshoorn. Fingers are numb, but activity has to be done Hi Guys I know that we are doing a module on finding information, but I would like us to discuss something different - the way our youth dresses. Personally I feel that we need to educate our youth on how to dress . Group 71 Hi group, What an experience! The internet is really exciting, but surely can become addictive. Group 88 indicates a social
interactions around a number of topics: How was the week-end?? To me it was a very busy one, I was attending a Lifeskills Workshop based on HIV-AIDS since Friday, with six learners from each of six schools On a professional note: My biggest problem is that as a centre manager one is never really available for oneself. Workload plus the responsibility of managing a centre In Group 88 an interesting social
interaction occurred around gender in the group that stimulated a number of responses: Participant A posts: Hi Group 88, Guys, do you realise that I am the only female in our group? The mentor responds; Is this true - are there only TWO females in this group? I am female! Participant B then posts: I am also female even though I ride a bike! At the end of the module Participant
A reflects on this interchange: Everytime I received an e-mail from one of you I tried to form a picture in my mind of you, like when I thought that Bernie is a man.
The Group MentorsIn Groups 88 and 72 the mentors have a
strong presence, posting a total of 37 messages, compared to seven for Group 54, thirteen
for Group 71 and seventeen for Group 110. These are indicated in the table below:
In groups 72 and 88 the mentor plays
the role of initiating discussion, stimulating debate, providing direction, teaching,
summarising, providing feedback, helping participants to move through the materials
coherently. At the beginning of the module, the
mentor of Group 88 sets the tone by sharing personal details and clarifying her role: 21
Apri: My name is ., and I am your mentor for this course. This means that I get the chance to work alongside you and guide you! .. Remember that I am here to help, so please dont hesitate to mail me if you have any problems. Throughout the module, the mentor
reminds participants of her helping role and urges them to make use of this: 22 April: Please dont hesitate to ask for help In addition she urges participants to
assist each other, pointing out the benefits of doing so: 25
Apr The part I enjoy most is getting to know new people. Maybe because I am away from South Africa, it is even more special for me, but do remember that we are a group and that contact with each other is what makes this so worthwhile. So please dont hesitate to chat to each other via the mail and share ideas with the group. On the suggestion of a participant,
the mentor then circulates a list of the group members email addresses with a note: Dimitrio came up with a great
suggestion: that of having a list of everyone in our Group. I think it is a great idea to know who is in the group - you will have received individual messages of introduction, which include your email addresses etc. but it might be easier to access a list like this. Sharing with the group is what these modules are all about! From the beginning of the module, the
mentor highlights the importance of managing time by providing the group with a pacing
programme. She qualifies this pacing programme by reminding participants that this is a
suggestion only
. It is entirely up to you how you plan to work through the activities. I have suggested some milestones below, but you might like to alter this to suit your work load My only advice is that you take some time to schedule; I know how many commitments we have as educators and how busy you all are! In Group 110 the trend is similar.
The mentor introduces herself, giving personal information and asks for participants to
introduce themselves as, The idea is that we work together as a community sharing our experiences and ideas, and Im sure well find this much easier if we know something about each other. She provides a pacing programme for
participants with a request for comments and a qualification that participants, may work faster than this, but remember that it is useful to share ideas and experiences with the group as we go along, so working at the same pace as the group is very helpful.. She also reminds participants to
check their email regularly and urges participants to inform her of any technical
difficulties they may experience. The Group 72 mentor introduces
himself, giving some personal information and urges participants to introduce themselves
and share ideas. To get participants started he posts a message detailing his progress in
the module as if he is a fellow participant, and in so doing establishes a less
threatening rapport and environment. I hope you have started on the CD. I have chosen my topic and made a few questions I want to try to answer. Have you? I am going to Ask Jeeves tonight about Nelson Mandela. I think you should be working on your first search too. As the term end nears, he posts a
schedule, assisting participants to avoid rushing activities towards the end of
Group 88 mentor adopts a range of
strategies for assisting participants in moving coherently through the courseware and
developing the competencies. She provides a brief orientation to
activities: 25 April: Activity 1 You should be starting on Activity 1: Your First Search Take a look at your CD and follow the instructions. In short you are going to be using the AskJeeves search engine to find information on Nelson Mandela. 13 May: Activity 2 Activity 2 revolves around using Yahoo, which is a subject directory. This information is on your CD and an example of how to use the categories in Yahoo. I would encourage you all to take the time to read through it carefully. The mentor also pre-empts possible
difficulties by providing unsolicited advice at crucial intervals in the module such as
providing direction on how to go about selecting a topic and structuring questions, in
addition to the following examples: 24 April: Explains how participants can
copy a URL 13 May: Explains the importance of the
e diary and gives steps on how to use the e-diary Consistent behaviours displayed by
this mentor are her prompt and highly informative responses to participants postings as
reflected by the following examples: On Google 29
May The results I obtained in Google were pretty much the same as those I got on Yahoo. What I cannot understand is that AskJeeves did not give me the same results. Lynne how do you explain that? Mentor: 29 May Hi
AskJeeves has a different technique to search for information. AskJeeves is a natural language search that looks through a knowledge Activity 3-33 20 May when I clicked on the TOWNSHIP link I got a page that says Prism Internet Access and a message that said that the page is not available and If you feel this page should exist contact the webmaster. Mentor response 21 May Nothing worries me more than this comment If you feel this page should exist contact the webmaster. If the site is to be trusted it should always be available! In addition to the mentor playing the
role of teacher, a significant technique adopted by this mentor is her use of participant
experiences as a resource for teaching other group members. This may assist group members
with developing competency, but further has the effect of making participants feel more
part of a group. Using Yahoo and the importance of
keywords: 15 May In an e-diary she says: Now that I know how to use Yahoo I actually enjoyed working on the internet because it doesnt take so long to find what I am looking for. Exactly how I felt when I was first taught . I think Bernie gives a great explanation below of how she went about using keywords to find information on District 6. Do take the time to read through her explanation! Activity on Bias Mentor 28 May Hello Everyone I wanted to share my comments with you all! This is an excellent response from . She has really explained so well that we have to be really careful when we evaluate information on the internet. The point about who has written the information and why they have published it is very important. Do read through .s letter - if you have not done so already! It is well worth it. The mentor adds new information to
deepen the debate: On Activity 7: Copying ideas, a
participant writes: 6
June Just between you and me - Why the devil do they make copiers and double-track cassette players or music centres? Isnt that made for being a bit skelm? . So when you copy works just include a notice of acknowleding the source of material. Eg a Bibliography and / or quotation marks. Without this, copying works will be regarded as stealing ideas The mentor shares this with the
group, extends the debate and raises how it can be applied to the classroom context:
6 June I would like to draw your attention to the activity that Felicity has been working on. It has to do with COPYRIGHT. I would encourage you all to read the article on the CD about copyright. Felicity is right - we have access to all sorts of equipment that makes copying easy! But we need to be aware (and to teach our learners) that there are very strict laws controlling what we can copy . Also encourage your learners to submit work with clear references as Felicity recommends .. She empathises with and supports
participants who feel anxious: Mentor 24 April one of the most frustrating aspects of the internet is as comments: It could be time consuming if you dont know exactly what you are looking for As we work through the different search engines we will come back again to this problem - and find some ways to deal with it. Mentor 6 May : Message to late-starter Hello and welcome I am so delighted to hear from you! You no doubt have picked up a whole lot of messages and are wondering where to start, but dont worry - there are quite a few members of the group who are still working on activity 1, so please dont stress. I will send another message outlining what you need to do to get started .. She motivates and acknowledges
responses and input, further reinforcing a nurturing environment:
. came up with a great suggestion
If you read .s notes you will find she raises two very important points I like your comment that . Thanks for your wonderful input I thought this was a very insightful reply to the . I thought I must share a comment with you from Ds excellent response to activity 1 This is an excellent response from
.. She exploits opportunities that lend
themselves for discussion, debate, generation of interest - gender, advertisements Of the seventeen mentor postings
available to us from Group 110, seven deal with direct feedback to individual participant
postings. The remaining postings were mainly to the group and dealt with the following
issues: ˇ Introduction (1 posting) ˇ First steps - (1 posting) ˇ Schedule of activities (1 posting) ˇ Reminder to check email regularly and
report technical difficulties (1 posting) ˇ Time Management reminders / Activity
submissions (4 postings) ˇ Drawing group attention to a
participants response (1 posting) ˇ Notification of mentor email shut down
(1 posting) The group mentor gets participants
started by referring them to the CD and asking them to begin reading information regarding
the course framework and requirements. In addition she requests them to choose their topic
and questions. Her next message urges participants to speed up their pace as according to our original schedule we should be
half-way through activity 3 by now, and no-one has got beyond activity 1. She diffuses any panic that this may
create: I dont want anyone to panic
about this
.. and acknowledges that
the first activity always takes a while as everyone gets used to the whole process. She highlights that participants have not
completed the first activity as they did not select a topic and thus could not complete
the 2nd part of the activity. She, however, provides a strategy for them to
rectify this without compromising their current progress: If I sent you a message about doing the second
part of activity 1, dont worry about doing it, just go straight on with activity 2.
However if you havent yet chosen a topic please think about it and when you have
chosen one let me know. This shouldnt get in the way of proceeding with the
activities - you can do both at the same time. In her
responses to individual postings, the mentor plays the role of acknowledging input: 20 May I was very interested to hear of your experiences using Yahoo 27 May Your analysis was well done Once again well done! That was very neatly put I am sending this reply to the whole group again to show how easy this actually is! Once again a very fair assessment of bias. Thanks for this - you are on the right track She provides new information or
clarifies misunderstandings: Mentor 20 May That is main difference between a subject directory search engine and a keyword search engine. They are useful for different purposes 3 June You are on the right track, but your findings should be filled in on a table provided and then forwarded to the group. Please do this and send the activity again. I am sending this reply to the whole group as it seems to be quite a common misunderstanding. Of the thirty seven group mentor
postings in Group 72, 79% are pedagogical and the remaining administrative and technical,
as indicated in the table below
This group mentors pedagogical
role falls mainly in the categories of acknowledging responses, confirming receipt of
activities, and providing some feedback. It should be noted here that that email from
mentors directly to individual participants is not logged or recorded, so the breakdown of
support types and pedagogical roles refers to mentor postings to the group only. Examples of
the pedagogical behaviours: Acknowledging
responses and confirming receipt of submissions: Hi, your comments on credibility safely received. What do other members feel about checking credibility? Hi! Thank you for sharing with the group your thoughts on determining how credible a web site is. You are going strong. You put reliance on the credibility of the author in the web site. Hi ! Your comments on Activity 3b received safetly. They are brief, but very much on target. You seem to have taken good advantage of the holiday to catch up. Well done. Of the activities available to us,
only two mentor responses dealt with more detailed participant feedback on activities: .. Your question is sound. Do go ahead with your searches. I would add that I think you will find you need to tighten up and add somethings when you do the searches E.g. In Business Economics, factors of production will give you a very wide spread of results. When you type in stabilising the economy you might find this too vague and need to add +AND South African Rand for example. Im a little surprised at your findings re the search engines. Surely you need to narrow down the keyword search to get a much smaller number of relevant hits, rather than 5000. There is
evidence of the mentor probing further, by asking a question, however we could find only
one example of this: What makes you say the information is accurate about our country? Please answer, because you must have a reason, and we need to know. His
administrative role deals with issues around time management and adhering to the end of
course requirements (module evaluations) Examples of
postings to individual participants: Hi
! Your comments on Assignment 3d received safely. Once again they get to the heart of the matter. Well Done. Do you think you can manage to complete Activities 4 & 5 in time ? Hope so - after your flurry of effort. Hi! Your comments on Activity 3d received safely. You are working well and are doing good in terms of the overall timing for the module. Examples of
postings to the group: Below is a suggested schedule I sent out on 26 February to try to help you track your progress. I send it again so you can judge how much you still have to do. As I am sure you know, term ends in five provinces on 20 March. This is a friendly reminder to realise that time is limited to do the activities and also share ideas with other members. You have to fill in the self-assessment forms to complete the module. Hi! The end of term looms near. (Do I hear cheers and sighs of relief?) If this has been your first module in the programme, and you are near completion, you can choose another module for next term ..
As participation among group members
is the main teaching and learning strategy, skilful mentoring is crucial to the mediation
of learning. The mentors in the sample groups play varied roles, in varying degrees, such
as: setting the tone for a non-threatening atmosphere, addressing participants concerns
and anxieties, providing feedback, encouraging and motivating participants. We did not analyse in-depth the
mentor postings in Group 54 as they were to few to provide conclusions. The Group mentor
in Group 88 plays additional roles such as providing scaffolds to enable participants to
move through the courseware, pre-empts possible difficulties participants may experience
in doing activities, and using participant experiences as a resource to support the
learning of other group members. What has emerged from this chapter is
that in terms of group member collaboration, interaction was low. However there are
indications of collaborative behaviour such as the seeking of feedback, structuring
submissions in a way that they could be used as learning tools by others and postings of a
social interactive nature. The absence of challenging one anothers input may well be
as a result of participants unfamiliarity with each other. Perhaps it would help to
encourage more social interactions as a way of overcoming this. However, there are
indications that participants do interface with other members submissions on a
private level. This exposure to others submissions contributes to an individuals
of knowledge in the module. LIMITATIONSOur
findings are contextualised and limited by the fact that we have focused on only one
module of the EDN programme. In a review of other modules we may well find groups that
have developed a better aptitude for collaboration. We further wish to note that our
analysis of email postings is restricted to those available on the EDN database. Emails
sent directly from one participant to another, or from participant to mentor, using
personal email addresses are excluded from this study. In addition we did not look at
attachments sent by group members. These attachments contain a members activity
submission. We believe that a study of these attachments, and submissions, may have
enhanced the quality of our findings, in particular it may further support our belief that
such submissions contributed to an individuals knowledge construction.
Chapter 4:Perceptions of Effectiveness This Chapter draws from interviews
and observations and presents perceptions about the extent to which the project has met
its objectives. The chapter captures perception about the project in general looking
specifically at whether stakeholders understood the purpose of the project, the role of
SchoolNet SA, the technical support that SchoolNet SA provided to schools, and the
technical and introductory training that SchoolNet provided to educators. The chapter also
looks at use of the computers in schools and whether the computers have made any
difference in schools. IS there a common understanding of the purpose of the projects?We found that although participants,
ranging from project managers to principals and computer centre managers do not express
their understanding of the purpose, aims and objectives of the projects in similar words,
generally, they understand what the projects want to do. Key informants from SchoolNet
assert their understanding of the project as follows, To ensure that they impacted on education in the country by
introducing ICTs to disadvantaged schools. They intended to close the gap between rich and
poor schools. (Prakash
Morar, Project Manager) Contribute to fulfilling social responsibility obligations by
equipping schools with computers and Internet access, providing educator training and
technical support to schools (Stephen
Marquard, Programme Director) This is not different from how
principals and computer centre managers in schools understand the purpose of the project.
This is what some of them said, The purpose of the project is to bridge the gap. We are
living in times of computers. We are living in rural areas and there do not have adequate
access to computers. The projects wants to help us join the boat. Every where we go
computer knowledge is important (Deputy
Principal, Mbuyane Secondary School). The purpose of the project is to develop the community
through computer literacy, to keep the school in contact with other schools through use of
Internet and email. The idea is also that we should use the computers to do the
administrative duties of the school, (Computer
Centre Administrator, Mbuyane Secondary School). The purpose is to provide technology and Internet facilities
to disadvantaged communities to enable schools in these communities to link up with other
schools. This is an introduction of future classrooms. We anticipate that in future there
wont be any chalkboard. (Computer
Centre Administrator, Chief Jerry Secondary School)
To make computers accessible to everybody members of
the community, children, parents and workers - so that many of our children can be
computer literate and be able to compete globally through the technological resources. To
equip educators with computer and Internet skills which is a valuable resource. As
educators have access to these resources they will be able to access educational resources
such as worksheets etc. (Principal,
William Pescod) to make people computer literate. To bring IT to people
especially for use in rural areas and we have to make it available to the broader
community (Principal,
Pescodia Secondary School). Empower educators to use computers firstly and then learners.
We must also help the community. Later, learners will be able to access the Internet and
this will become a research centre once they are able to use the computers correctly
Oranje-diamant Primary School) Although it might not be clear from
these quotes, we found from interviews that schools participating in the projects
understand that it is expected of them to allow neighbouring schools and community members
access to the centres. All the schools that were visited accept this and are prepared to
give such access. However the common way through which schools are aiming to give
communities access to the centres is through providing computer courses at a cost. Schools
see this as a way of raising funds to maintain the computers and sustain the centres. This
issues is explored further under project sustainability. How is SchoolNets involvement in the projects perceived?As indicated in Chapter 1, SchoolNet
is responsible for implementing and managing the two projects. According to Stephen
Marquard, SchoolNet has been involved in the projects and has helped in ensuring that the
projects were soundly conceptualised. According to Renee Kirkland, Corporate
Citizenship Committee Member at Thintana (SBC 1) they chose SchoolNet to manage and
implement the Thintana project because, from those that
responded to the tender, SchoolNet was the most qualified and were estimated to provide
the best delivery for the proposed expenses. Indications are that Telkom Foundation
chose SchoolNet to assist in implementing the project because of SchoolNets
successful involvement with the Telkom 1000 Schools Internet Project implemented between
1998 and 2000. Do informants understand SchoolNets role?We found this question important to
include in the questionnaire because participants often confuse SchoolNet SA with funders.
The specific outputs that SchoolNet has to meet are clearly articulated in the project
description in Chapter 2 of this document. There is no doubt about the fact that project
managers at SchoolNet clearly understand these. In his response to our question about what
SchoolNet intended to achieve in the projects, Stephen Marquard articulated the following
as SchoolNets important goals in the projects, ˇ To ensure that the projects were soundly conceptualised, and that funders resources were appropriately allocated to achieve the most educational impact ˇ To design and run a school selection process to identify schools where the project was most likely to be successful, i.e. the equipment would be well used and managed, leading to educational benefits for educators and learners ˇ To design and implement an effective training and support programme for educators, so that they could get most benefit from the equipment and Internet access ˇ To provide effective technical and operational support to schools, directly and through subcontractors Many informants including project
funders, principals and computer centre managers describe SchoolNets involvement in
the projects positively and think that in general, the organisation has had a positive
effect on the projects. These are typical responses, They (SchoolNet) coordinated the project including evaluation
of schools applications, working with the provincial bodies to obtain buy-in
regarding schools selection, delivering PCs and other equipment, developing and
providing training and giving technical support (Renee Kirkland, Corporate Citizenship
Committee Member, Thintana (SBC-1) the role of SchoolNet
is to give us a kick start like a mummy feeding a baby so that we can
learn and be independent to go on our own later. (Principal,
Oranje-diamant Primary) SchoolNet administer the whole thing. If you need help
then you have to go through them. We got them to thank for our computers. They also have a
help desk. They are really organised because any time you phone you will find someone to
assist you (Computer
Centre Administrator, Tetlanyo Secondary) SchoolNet are our technical supporters. From time to
time if we encounter problems those are the people we phone. (Computer
Centre Administrator, Chief Jerry Secondary School) As shown through these quotes,
principals and computer centre managers who we interviewed during our visit to schools
said that they understand the role of SchoolNet in the project. In fact of the 81 the
computer centre managers who responded to our questionnaire 84% claimed that their schools
understand the role of SchoolNet in the project. Interestingly, when asked if they thought
SchoolNet sponsored the projects, 79% of the computer centre managers agreed that in their
knowledge SchoolNet sponsored the projects. This suggests that schools are unable to
differentiate between SchoolNet and funders. This confusion could emanate from the fact
that when schools have technical problems or need any information relating to the project,
they phone SchoolNets helpdesk In general schools know that
SchoolNet is responsible for providing technical support, training educators and providing
general guidance on how to use the computers. How is SchoolNets Provision of Technical Support Perceived?Many schools involved in the projects
have experienced technical problems. Of the 81 computer centre managers who responded to
our questionnaire, 5% said that they did not experience any technical problems. The table
below captures some of the technical problems which schools that we visited experienced at
the time of the visit:
It is clear from this table that of
the ten schools that we visited Qhakaza Secondary School, Qantayi Secondary School (both
in KZN) and Mbuyane Secondary School (in Mpumalanga), which participate in the Thintana
i-Learn project experienced many technical problems. At the time of our visit their
networks were out of order. These schools were completely disillusioned and feeling that
SchoolNet has deserted them. Their frustration and anger is understandable given that even
at the time of our visit (between May and June 2002) their technical problems, which
reportedly started late in 2001 had not been attended to and as one computer centre
administrator asserted, I am happy but get very frustrated, as computers are not
working as they are. What frustrates me even more is that we continue paying insurance
premiums and night watchmen for equipment that we are not using. If SchoolNet was
responding on them it would be better. (Computer
Centre Administrator, Qantayi Secondary School) The feeling among computer centre
managers and principals in the three schools is that SchoolNet has been too slow to
respond to their technical problems. The table suggests that it is mostly
schools that participate in the Thintana i-Learn project that experience major technical
problems. Of the ten schools that we visited only one Telkom SuperCentres school
complained of SchoolNet being slow to send a technician to install and connect their
computers. According to the Science HoD at the school because of the delay, the situation
nearly got out of hand at the school when learners threatened to beat the computer
educator for continuing to teach them computer theory and not working practically on the
computers. They were starting to demand practical lessons more so because their parents
have been asked to pay extra money for the computers. In a closer scrutiny of the latter
case we found that it was partly the schools fault that installation took longer to
be done. The Science HoD admitted that when computers were delivered at the school, the
school had not finished installing electricity as per requirements so technicians could
not install the computers. By the time the school had finished installing electricity as
per requirements and desperately looking for SchoolNet to install the computers,
technicians were already occupied in other schools and as a result they had to wait
longer. A number of reasons could be given to
explain why it is mainly Thintana schools that experienced major technical problems.
Firstly, as indicated earlier, the company Thintana Communications LLc does not have
regional offices that can provide technical support to schools whereas on the other hand
Telkoms regional offices do play an important role providing support to Telkom
Schools. Secondly, we observed that of the 15 computers that schools participating in the
Thintana project received about 10 computers in each school were refurbished computers
used as thin-client terminals, depending heavily on the server. If the server is down
nothing can be done with those computers. On the contrary all schools participating in the
Telkom SuperCentres project each received 21 new Pentium III computers. An explanation
that SchoolNet has provided for technical problems in the Thintana project is that they
contracted Sourcecom to procure equipment, deliver and install the equipment in Thintana
schools. In turn, Sourcecom sub-contracted other smaller service providers to provide
equipment and maintenance services. Unfortunately one of the sub-contractors, SDD,
liquidated in October 2001 when the project was halfway with the roll out of computers.
According to Prakash Morar, the Project Manager, this problem delayed the Thintana project
by at least 6 months. How helpful is the helpdesk?Schools know and appreciate the fact
that SchoolNet has established a helpdesk, which they can phone anytime they experience
problems. Sixty-four percent (64%) of computer centre managers who responded to our
questionnaire said that they found the helpdesk, very useful while another 28% said they
found it helpful. Only 1% of respondents said that the helpdesk is not so helpful. Some
computer centre managers said that they like the fact that the helpdesk often phones them
just to check if everything is in order. Computer centre managers in the schools that we
visited said that the helpdesk is able to assist them solve minor technical problems over
the phone. The main concern raised though is
that in some cases school telephone control measures require educators to make calls from
the principals office only. This was despite the fact that SchoolNet had initially
requested schools to make sure that they have a telephone in the computer centre. Calling
from the principals office makes the work of the centre managers difficult because
whenever they phone the helpdesk in Cape Town, they have to have a computer in front of
them so that the person at the helpdesk can assist in solving the problem telephonically.
SchoolNet has also noted that there are cases where centre managers end up using their
cellphones. In such cases technical support is made unnecessarily complicated and
expensive. How helpful are technical educators?Besides establishing a helpdesk in
Cape Town, SchoolNet organised and provided technical training for two educators in each
school. The training was conducted by NDS using a set of training materials agreed with
SchoolNet. After technical training had been conducted in some provinces, SchoolNet
redeveloped the training materials with NDS to make them more contextually based and
pitched at a more appropriate level. Most of these educators went on to become the
computer centre managers and are expected to attend to and solve minor technical problems,
manage the network and help register educators on the distance education programme. As indicated earlier SchoolNet
outsourced provision of technical training to NDS. Computer centre managers have mixed
feelings about the technical training that they received. More than 80% of the 81 centre
managers who responded to the questionnaire described the training positively (65% very
helpful and 21% helpful). Four percent (4%) said the training was not so useful while 2%
said it was a complete waste of time. However the manner in which those who were not happy
about the training expressed their feelings about the training makes it impossible for
them to be ignored. For example this is what some them said: I would like to reiterate the following: The technical
training for the 2 educators was pathetic, as the lecturers themselves were not sure of
what they were doing. The Training given was not technical but more on computer literacy.
When I asked for example, how does one load an image or create an image, they were
dumbfound. Nothing technical I believe was gained by any of the educators present
Centre Manager from Bishop Lavis Secondary School) Regarding the technical training, the two day course that was offered to us was completely a waste of time. It was never informative as I was expecting. For instance, day 1 was spent showing educators how to save on MS Word. I would be grateful if some extensive training can be given to us should another technical training be organised, at least, it must be hands on (Computer Centre Manager, Sinethemba Senior Secondary School) The training was good, it was too short
its was not a
technical training. I need that technical training (Computer
Centre Manager, Ukhanyo Sec School) Those who were happy about the
training said that it has enabled them to provide assistance to other educators and to
solve most of the minor problems relating to the computers and the network. Generally, educators that we spoke
said that they to found the technical educators very helpful. The main concern though was
that technical educators like other educators also have other responsibilities. This in
many ways limits their availability to provide adequate support to educators. How responsive are the technicians?As indicated earlier
schools that experienced protracted technical problems remained unimpressed with SchoolNets
provision of technical support. This is what some centre managers said, I am still sitting of a problem of my internet cable thatlead to one comuter is not functioning at all.This has been reported but no response. 4 of my computers donot link with the server and the server seem to freeze when all the computers are in progress (Centre Manager, Sakhile High School) May SchoolNet persuade Technicians to speedily attend to
problems. Time allocated to projects done by schools to be extended. Projects are so
invaluable that teachers cannot just be partially trained Notwithstanding the negative
perceptions about SchoolNet provision of technical support, we found that of the 81
computer centre managers who responded to our questionnaire, 73% indicated that
technicians responded to their technical problems within a week after reporting. It is
worth noting however that of the 81 computer centre managers who responded to the
questionnaire, 51 came from schools participating in the Telkom SuperCentres Project while
30 came from Thintana iLearn. This is itself an interesting issue because it is despite
the fact that in total Telkom has fewer schools, 100, as compared to Thintanas 200
school. It also points to a significant difference in the two projects in that the
responsibility for onsite technical support for SuperCentres schools rests with Telkom
ITX. SchoolNets role in this is to be the first line of call via the helpdesk,
assist the schools telephonically if possible, and if not log the call and log a call with
Telkom ITX on the schools behalf. Telkom ITX would then attend to the problem
onsite. For Thintana schools, the process was the same except that onsite support calls
were logged with CS Holdings, which then sent technicians to the schools. Thintana support
was complicated by the liquidation issue which affected the supply of warranty replacement
parts. In addition, Telkom ITX was contracted by Telkom to provide a greater level of
technical support, including regular visits to schools. Centre managers from SuperCentres
schools participating in the project confirmed that they received regular visits from
Telkom technicians, a resource which Thintana schools did not have. This means that Telkom
schools were more likely to receive technical support much quicker than the Thintana
schools. How is SchoolNets Educator Development Network Perceived?The EDN contains various modules provided through distance education methods. Chapters 4 of this report provide a review of the EDN with specific focus on the module Finding Information. Most of the educators that we spoke to, who had completed one or two of the modules were excited about the programme. What did educators think of the face to face introductory training?Generally, educators that were
interviewed during our school visits were positive about the face to face introductory
training which was provided to them before they registered for various modules. Ninety
four percent (94%) of the 81 computer centre managers who completed our questionnaire felt
positively about the training with 64% describing it as very useful while 30% described it
as useful. However, there were cases where computer centre managers and educators felt
that the training was not sufficient to enable them to work independently. One centre
manager asserted, the trainer did little work then I as a technical teacher have to
sit hear with teachers complaining that they know nothing about computers. What did educators think of the modules?Many educators that we observed
and/or interviewed informally at the time of our visit to schools indicated that the
various modules they had either completed or were registered for were very useful. Many of
these educators admitted that they did not know anything about computers prior to the
training programme. As indicated earlier 73% of the computer centre managers who responded
to our questionnaire said that less than a quarter of educators in their schools knew how
to use a computer prior to SchoolNets intervention. Many educators that were interviewed
informally during our visit to schools claimed that through participating in various
modules of the EDN, they have learned computer skills and this has built their confidence.
Many of them also said that they found various modules very useful. Ninety five (95%) of
the computer centre managers who responded to our questionnaire also said that they found
the distance training useful. Some educators that we interviewed at the time of our visit
to schools claimed that they have started using some of the knowledge gained from the
modules in their lessons. Some of them asserted, I have learned to type my own work. I have learned all the
basic skills such as inserting footers and headers etc. I was afraid to sit in front of a
computer but now I feel confident. Doing the module (Word Processing for Educators) has
helped me personally and in my teaching. I am able to prepare activities for my lessons
and write letters as well. (Educator,
Oranje-diamant Primary School) I will comment on the recent module, which is spreadsheet. I
have learned how to use the spreadsheet as a learning tool. E.g. The learners use the
spreadsheet for classroom budget, surveys using graphs and etc. I also use spreadsheet for
registration and mark schedules and use it for my personal purposes (i.e. monthly budget,
gym timetable). It has made a big difference
Vondlo Primary School) The module (Questioning Skills) was very challenging but
helped me a lot with the types of questioning that included closed and open questions. We
seldom ask open questions. Through this module I came to realise that I was keeping my
learners behind with the kind of questions I was asking. I am using the skills I have
learned from the module in class. My questioning has changed. (Educator,
Oranje-diamant Primary) Even educators who were knowledgeable
about computers but had decided to register for modules such as Word Processing and
Spreadsheet found the modules useful as some asserted, I learned a lot. In fact I could say I picked up a whole new
world. I was not aware that there were so many things to do with a computer. I fell in
love with it. In fact it is a little higher in my list of priorities. (Educator,
Oranje-diamant Primary) When I started, I was already competent with computers
because I have my own computer. I could do things like opening and closing. From the
module I learned how to use it for my administration work and for streamlining my work
how to create worksheets for learners. (Educator,
Oranje-diamant Primary) What did educators feel about their mentors?
All educators that we interviewed,
including those who for various reasons could not complete their modules mentioned that
their mentors were very helpful, supportive, encouraging and motivating. Some of the
educators said that their mentors provided them with moral support when they experienced
family crises. My mentor responded to all the activities I made and
encouraged me in each activity completed (Educator,
Vondlo Primary School) Our mentor was very motivating. He kept sending me
compliments on the activities I had completed. He had also asked me to send my activities
to the rest of the group but I could not. I thought I would do it but I have actually
never done it because at some point I lost my sister and I was really struggling with some
of the activities because my mind did not function properly. My mentor understood my grief
and he encouraged me to complete the module. (Educator,
Oranje-diamant Primary School) What did educators feel about working with groups?Educators had mixed feelings about
working in groups. Some of the groups were functional while others were not. Educators
whose groups were functional said that they enjoyed working in the groups and that they
learned a lot from group members. Our group was functional I received a lot of comments and
examples of activities from the group members. (Educator,
Oranje-diamant Primary School) I found it interesting to work in groups. Communication in
the group was excellent. I learned a lot especially because there was someone in our group
who had very interesting questioning skills. I also think that as a group we got to know
each other because at the beginning were asked to introduce ourselves to other learners
from other provinces. I think learning through groups served its purpose in fact it was
the best thing to happen. If we worked on our own or with the mentor alone it would not
have been the same. (Educator,
Oranje- diamant Primary School) Some of the educators said
that their groups did not function well. However, even in such cases, educators said that
the mentors remained supportive, The group did not work for me. I never got any responses from the group. I think they had problems. When I tried to go into their files to see what they had done I could not find anything. (Educator, Pescodia Secondary School) We did not have a lot of interaction from group members
however we interacted a lot with the mentor. The mentor was very constructive and was
always prepared to help me when asked for help. I managed to complete the module and to
register for Questioning and Thinking skills module. (Educator,
Oranje-diamant Primary School) What did educators feel about learning through distance?Many educators whom we interviewed
during visits said that they enjoyed learning through supported distance methods and
through computers. Close to 96% of the computer centre managers who responded to our
questionnaire agreed that the distance training provided by SchoolNet is useful. Some of
the educators that we interviewed claimed that learning through distance enabled them to
do activities at their own pace. Most educators also said that given a chance they would
continue learning through distance with support. I think it is a good way of teaching people. You had people to contact and interact with. It was fruitful for me. We learned at our own pace without feeling like someone is looking over you. Even if you made a mistake you could go back and rectify. (Educator, Oranje-diamant Primary School) I think is has worked well. You came to meet some people
through computers people who are different from you- people from other provinces
and we learned from each other. I could even talk to my mentor on personal matters. I am
glad we did this. (Educator
Oranje-diamant Primary School) As indicated earlier, mentors played
a significant role in providing pedagogical assistance and motivation to educator-learners
through email. It also emerged the computer centre managers play an important role
providing educators with technical and moral support as some of the educator-learners
pointed out, I have no words to describe it. It was astonishing. I had no computer knowledge when I started but now
I can do most of the things on my own. I am even planning to buy mine. I can only say
thanks to SchoolNet, the principal and Mr. Gorrah (the computer laboratory administrator).
They have opened our eyes and ears and made it possible for us to learn. (Educator,
Oranje-diamant Primary School) Were thankful that we have this distance learning, although it is not like having someone next to you whom you can ask now and then when you do not understand. I think it is difficult when in your school theres no one who is computer literate. In my school were lucky because we have an administrator (Buhle) who is good in computers. She helps us a lot. We find that it is easier because we ask her from time to time. Thats why we understand our activities easier. (Educator, Vondlo Primary School). What were the major challenges and how did educator-learners over come these?We found that while most of the
educator-learners that we spoke to had either completed one or two modules and were keen
to continue in the programme there were those who initially showed interest to register in
the programme but failed to complete one module. These educators cited various reasons
relating to lack of adequate computer skills, insufficient support and lack of sufficient
time as causes for their inability to complete modules. What made me stop was that I did not seem to progress. Due
dates were catching up with me. I decided I was not going to finish so I stopped. I also
did not have anyone helping me. Kevin (Computer Centre Coordinator) did also not have
enough time to help us all. I think the Introductory course should have been given more
time to show us how to use email. The gentleman who provided the training did it only for
two hours after he had arrived late on the Friday and that was not enough. (Educator,
Pescodia Secondary School) I thought that the module (Web Design) would be more basic
but the module was actually heavy and complicated especially with the time frames given.
The problem is that children dismiss at 13h30. We have between then and 14h30 to do the
work otherwise we have to convince the computer lab administrator to stay longer. On other
days for example on Mondays and Wednesday there are Moremogolo computer classes running in
the centre. So, I only had Tuesdays, Thursdays and Fridays. We had also planned to come
over weekends but never did. I got up to activity 5 and had a problem with activity 6
which had some document in Winzip I did not know what to do so I got stuck. (Educator,
Pescodia Secondary School) Based on what educators that we
interviewed said about time constraints, one could have easily concluded time allocated
for modules was not enough. Some of the educators we interviewed who had managed to
complete more than one module also acknowledged time as the main challenge. They also felt
that more time allocation has to be built into the program because educators had many
other responsibilities such as extra-curricular activities which competed for the time
they should be putting into the programme. Those who managed to complete the modules said
that they had to put in extra time to be able to complete the modules as some said, I agree I also experienced problems with time
especially because we have extra-curricular work - sometimes it is difficult to complete
activities in the given time frame. I was fortunate because I had some experience with
computers but I would imagine that people without experience found it difficult. Maybe
time should be extended a bit. (Educator,
Oranje-diamant Primary School) I worked a lot after school hours. I also used to print out the activities, take them home and look at them by the time I came to the computer centre, I had thought about them. (Educator, Oranje-diamant Primary School). Interestingly the computer centre
managers who completed our questionnaire thought differently about the issue of time.
Thirty-five percent (35%) of the 81 centre managers said that from their knowledge more
than half educators felt that time allocated for completion of various modules is not
enough. Fifteen percent (15%) said that only between a quarter and half of educators
thought so. Twenty one percent (21%) of the centre managers said from their observation
very few educators felt so while twenty five percent (25%) of the 81 centre managers said
that no educator that they knew felt that time allocated for the completion of various
modules was not enough. Forty-two (42%) percent of centre
managers who completed the questionnaire identified too many commitments as the reason why
some educators were unable to complete even one module. On the other hand thirty one
percent (31%) indicated that technical problems were the main cause. How is SchoolNets Communication with Schools Perceived?It should be noted that this was not
among issues that we set out to assess. However it emerged as an important issue. The key
question here is, do schools get informed and updated when there are delays in the
services that they should get from SchoolNet. Forty six percent (46%) of the computer
centre managers who responded to the questionnaire said that they were informed about
reasons for delays and kept updated about, 16% said that they were informed about the
delay but not updated, 21% said that they were informed of the delays when they inquired,
5% said they did not know reasons for delays at all while 12% said that they did not
experience any delays. These percentages suggest that while SchoolNet does communicate
with schools whenever there are problems, this area needs to be improved. According to Renee Kirkland,
Corporate Citizenship Committee Member at Thintana Communication LLc, the project funders,
knew about the problem of liquidation and were happy to go with the plan that SchoolNet
had to resolve the matter. This suggests that SchoolNet dealt with the matter in a
professional manner by informing stakeholders about the problems and assuring them that
the matter will be resolved. Are the computers being used?All schools that we visited were
using the computers. Even in schools where for example the network was out of order they
still used the individual PCs for various purposes. The following observations provide
some evidence of general use of the computers for various purposes, Some educators use the computers for
personal purpose while other use them for administration as in the following cases, There are two female educators in the computer centre. One is
typing minutes of a church meeting. The
other educator is assisting the computer centre administrator type mark schedules for the
grade 12 learners. (Observed
Mbuyane Secondary School) 10h45: Two
educators enter the computer centre, one is Mr. Nkosi a Mathematics educator at the
school. He goes and switches on a computer and opens Excel. He has a list of names of
learners and I notice that its a mark schedule. Meanwhile the other educator had
opened PowerPoint and into Clipart looking for a picture to insert in his document then he
opens Solitaire and starts playing the game. (Observed
at Chief Jerry secondary School) They use
computers to type tests and memoranda and preparing worksheets, 10h00 :
There are four people in the computer centre including the schools administration
clerk, the computer educator and two other educators. The clerk is typing tests for some
educators. The other two educators have each opened computers and are typing some
documents. One is typing a Seswati memorandum while other one has opened a calculator. (Observed
at Insika Secondary School). 10h30: Two
learners come into the centre and go and whisper something to the computer educators. They
each go and open computers both opening a spreadsheet and start typing. I ask them what
are they doing with the computers. They tell me that they are typing class lists for their
educators. They use
computers to practise typing skills, 10h35:
Another educator comes in, switches on a computer and opens Word. He has a Business
Economics textbook open in front of him and he is typing while reading from the book. I
ask him what he is doing and he tells me that he is practising typing skills. (Observed
at Insika Secondary School) They use
computers to learners basic computer skills, 11h45: A
group of learners come for their computer lessons. I am told its a Grade 9C group.
They all put their books on other tables away from computers. 11h50: The
computer educator instructs them to sit down. They sit two learners per computer. The
educator reminds them of the steps to open a computer and to get into the Microsoft Word
programme. He asks them to switch on their
computers and to type in the password, to move to start, go to programmes and go to
Microsoft Word. He then instructs them to type anything they want to type. Learners start
typing, some typing their documents in IsiSwati. I ask the educator why he is not giving
them the same document to type so that they will be able to use the same document to learn
other skills such as cutting and pasting, bolding etc. He tells me that he will be doing
that later for now he wants them to learn keyboard skills. Learners continue typing for
the remaining part of the period while the educator is walking about attending to those
who want assistance. (Observed
at Insika Secondary School) We also observed that educators,
particularly those registered and active in SchoolNets distance education programme,
use the computers to complete various activities and use email to communicate with their
mentor and other group members. While there is evidence to suggest
that educators and learners used the computers, we found that most schools were not using
the Internet. Where connectivity has been established reasons for not using the Internet
varied. The common reason though was that educators and learners were being introduced to
computers so they did not possess the necessary skills to use the Internet. Some schools
said that they wanted to first develop a policy for Internet use before they allowed
educators and learners to use the Internet. Besides evidence of use as provided
above, we observed that while the computer centres remained open during school hours in
schools that we visited, few educators came to the computer centre. The most common reason
provided was that educators were only allowed to use the computers after school hours.
This was done in fear that educators could end up leaving their classes unattended while
they are busy on computers. In most cases the same policy applied to learners. They only
used the computers when they had computer lessons. In some schools both learners and
educators could use the computers during school hours if they could prove that they had
free periods and had got permission from the centre administrator. What difference have the computers made in the schools?The general feeling among key
informants and interviewees in school is that the projects have brought about changes in
various aspects particularly in rural areas. Prakash Morar, the project manager at
SchoolNet summed it nicely when he said, the projects managed to deliver to rural schools. They have empowered lots of rural schools in ways that no one could. The projects have opened up a whole new world for the schools and have moved to closing the digital divide. This statement suggests that through
the projects rural educators and learners, who did not know anything about computers got
to know computers and how they work. The HoD for Mathematics at Chief Jerry Secondary
concurred with the statement when he asserted, Some of us only saw computers at the banks and we thought they were bank machines until Thintana gave us these. Then we became aware that this is something that we can use to do our work and find information, we are thankful to Thintana (Educator, Chief Jerry Secondary School) The project has created
excitement, interest and willingness among educators and learners to want to learn the
skills of using a computer, as shown below, It is unfortunate because today its Friday and month end.
Most of them (educators) will be rushing to town. You should see them during normal days.
When it is time for computers they literally run to the computer centre. Everyone wants to
sit in front of a computer. (HOD
for Science, Insika Sec School) They (learners) need not to be reminded when it is a period for computer lessons. They even complain bitterly when Mr. Nkosi is not available because it means they will not attend computer lessons. Yet they dont mind dodging to attend other subjects and they dont complain that much when other educators are not there (Centre Coordinator, Chief Jerry Secondary School) Through the projects most educators
in participating schools have since learned basic computer skills and were excited about
it. Some felt that this had increased their confidence and self-esteem as in the following
cases: I have learned to type my own work. I have learned all the basic skills such as inserting footers and headers etc. I was afraid to sit in front of a computer but now I feel confident (Educator, Oranje-diamant Primary School) Others
educators expressed their appreciation metaphorically, I just want to
say that I have learned to catch and hold a mouse. (Educator, Oranje-diamant Primary
School) Some
educators said they were using computers to prepare worksheets lessons, type tests and
examinations and prepare memoranda as indicated below, The computers have made a difference. I never thought I could
use a computer. I thought they were meant for certain people. When they were brought to
our school my eyes were opened. I am able to do most of the work on my own. All my
examination papers are in the computer and in future I will be able to just retrieve the
exam and modify where needs be. (Educator
from Tetlanyo Sec School) If I had it my way I could spent more time in the computer
centre. I use a computer for assessment, to do class lists, create worksheets and
activities for learners. As you can see I am busy with assessment work. (Educator,
Oranje-diamant Primary School) The centres were not created for
schools administration purposes. However educators were using these to do their
administrative work thus reducing the burden of the administrative staff as the Principal
of Chief Jerry Secondary Schools argued, In the past we used to rely on the administration clerk to type our tests and other materials for teaching. Now educators simply do some of the typing themselves. Some even assist in doing mark schedules. Theres no longer an overload on the administration clerk . Schools have found that when they use
computers to do some of their administrative duties, they required fewer staff members to
do the work that normally requires a group of educators, as the computer centre
administrator at Mbuyane maintained, Even in mark schedules, we no longer have to have all grade 12 educators working on the mark schedule. We easily allocate two educators to work on the mark schedules on the computers and let others continue teaching (Computer Centre Coordinator ) While what we have presented in this
section shows some use of the computers, it is equally clear that it will take time and
support for schools to be able to use the computers in the way that is expected of them.
What we found is that the use of computers is still limited to using MS Word and Excel.
Use of Internet has virtually not started and the main reason given is that educators and
learners are still learning basic computer skills. How are schools going to sustain the Computer CentresSchools are aware that they need to
put in place mechanisms to ensure that they are able to sustain the computer centres when
support from Telkom and Thintana comes to an end. The most common plan for sustainability
among schools is that of offering computer lessons at a cost for community members.
However many had not started putting the plan into practice. Of the ten schools that we
visited only one school had started putting such a plan into action. The school is
offering an N4 computer course in collaboration with Moremogolo Technical College. At the
time of the visit, there were forty learners registered in the course and they had been
divided into two groups of 20. Both groups attended on Mondays and Wednesdays with the
first group attending from 16h00 to 18h00 and the second group from 18h00 to 20h00. This
initiative needs to be followed up to see if it has helped the school. In some schools educators and
learners pay a certain amount if they want to use the Internet. For example at William
Pescod Secondary School, both educators and learners had to pay R5 per fifteen minutes or
R20 per hour for using the Internet. According to the computer centre administrator, this
was done in order to inculcate the culture of payment so that even when the sponsorship
has ended for example Telkom no longer provides the R300 rebates, the school will
have money to maintain the computers and sustain the centre. People using the computers
for anything other than email and Internet were not required to pay anything other than
for printing which costs 50c per page. According to the computer centre managers these
fees ensured that people did not abuse the resources in the computer centre. He also
pointed out that neither educators nor learners had a problem with paying. Some schools said that they were
planning to open an Internet Café to be used by the community on weekends as a way of
raising funds for maintenance of the computers. It is not clear, however, if they clearly
understand the concept of Internet Café and how it operates in practice. In the next
chapter we consolidate the key findings and draw conclusion.
Chapter 5:Consolidation and Conclusion In this chapter we consolidate issues
and make suggestions for areas of improvement based on findings presented in the previous
chapters of this evaluation report. We have structured the chapter to respond to a number
of questions such as: How was the project conceptualised? How was the project implemented?
What are the perceptions of the effect of the project? We also present a summary of key
lessons emerging from the projects. How were the projects conceptualised?The conceptualisation of Telkom
SuperCentres and Thintana i-Learn projects seems to have drawn heavily from lessons learnt
from evaluation of the Telkom 1000 Internet Schools Project implemented between 1998 and
2000. In general terms Telkom and Thintana sought to contribute to fulfilling social
responsibility obligations by equipping schools with computers and Internet access,
providing teacher training and technical support to schools. For Telkom in particular, the
SuperCentres Projects has two more explicit goals which are: ˇ To improve perceptions of the Telkom
1000 Schools Project by successfully expanding he project in 100 selected schools; and ˇ Promote Telkoms image as a
corporate investing in education. Notwithstanding the technical
problems that some schools experienced as indicated elsewhere in this report, generally
schools are appreciative of the investment the two companies have put in them. Some of the
school based informants asserted: Thintana has helped us a lot. We are grateful although we
have technical problems still, but Rome was not built in one day and perseverance is the
mother of success. (Computer
Centre Manager, Phendukani High School) The Telkom SuperCentres Project provided the whole schools
with a once in a lifetime opportunity. We are now able to do a number of administrative
tasks in a short amount of time.
(Computre Centre Manager, Oranje-diamant Primary School) This evaluation
has not set out to compare Telkom 1000 Schools Internet Project with the SuperCentres
Projects. However, the perceptions of effect presented in Chapter 4 of this report suggest
that if there were any negative perceptions about the former project, the SuperCentres
Project has managed to improve these. As indicated earlier, the technical support which
the company provides to schools through its regional offices is valuable and has by and
large ensured that SuperCentres schools experienced minimal problems.
The involvement of SchoolNet SA as an
experienced implementing agency in the conceptualisation of the Telkom SuperCentres and
Thintana i- Learn Projects should be commended because it helped in ensuring that from the
onset SchoolNet was clear on what that the projects wanted to achieve. Such a model of
partnership should be encouraged to avoid a situation where companies or funders put
computers into schools without any clear plan in terms of what they want to computers to
be used for and who is going to provide training and technical support to the schools.
Involving SchoolNet in the conceptualisation of the projects afforded the organisation the
opportunity to advise the funders and to shape the project in terms of what would be
possible to do within a given timeframe. The roles of different partners are clearly
articulated. The outputs that the projects intend to achieve in terms of the number of
schools to be involved, number of computers to be distributed, number of educators to
undergo technical training and number of educators to be trained through the distance
education programme are clearly spelt out. Selection of SchoolsIn conceptualising the projects, it
is clear that the issue of context was taken seriously. In order for the projects to yield
positive results, this would not only depend on the commitment of Telkom, Thintana and
SchoolNet but largely on the commitment of schools. The rigorous school selection process
that the project team embarked on was worthwhile. Of particularly importance was inviting
schools to submit proposals to show how they intended using the computers, maintaining
them and giving access to their communities. This was necessary in order to avoid giving
computers to schools that did not demonstrate that they needed them and that did not have
any plans to use the equipment. Subsequent to the process it could be said that the
project is being implemented in schools that have shown commitment and clear vision to use
ICTs. As indicated in our analysis of the context of schools participating in the project
(see Chapter 1) we found that many of the schools participating in the projects, for
example had functioning management and governance structures in place. Most of them have
other technological resources such as overhead projectors and photocopiers which could
support use of the computers. While many of them did not have educators with ICT skills,
they nevertheless had an ICT policy or plan in place. As indicated in Chapter 1, these are
some of the factors that according to Passey can determine the success or failure of an
ICT project in schools. Provision of Technical Support to SchoolsTechnical support or lack of it, is
one of the critical factors that can determine the success of failure of an ICT project.
The ways through which SchoolNet has thought of providing support to schools could ensure
availability of long-term cost effective support to schools. For example SchoolNet has
provided technical training to two educators in each school and has established a helpdesk
which the technical educators can phone and be assisted if they have problems before they
call technicians. Provision of support through the school-based educator and through a
helpdesk which can be phoned or emailed suggests that onsite support, which can be very
costly, becomes a last option. This is particularly important in rural areas where there
is limited access to IT technicians. According to the Project Manager,
SchoolNet has arranged to provide schools with technical support until the training of
educators has been completed. Schools were made aware before they started participating in
the project that this would cost them about R1000 a month as they would have to pay for
maintenance of the equipment, security, Internet access and insurance. The idea of
informing schools about costs prior to committing themselves to the project was good as it
confirmed that only schools committed to use of ICTs would want to be involved. Although
this sounds good, we wonder how many of the schools will in reality be able to maintain
the computers by themselves and for how long will they be able to do so. While SchoolNet
could continue providing support through the helpdesk, the problem will be in cases where
a technician is needed and the school has to pay. Suggested area of improvements: ˇ The idea of providing technical
training to two educators is good. Perhaps SchoolNet should consider including at least
two learners in the technical training who will work hand in hand with the educators. ˇ As indicated in Chapter 4, some of the
technical educators that we spoke to indicated the training that they received was short.
We are aware that in some cases SchoolNet has organised follow-up training sessions for
technical educators. These were conducted after our visit to schools, hence we are unable
to comment on them. However the idea of providing follow-up training should be commended.
We would suggest that there should be more of these so that technical educators are well
empowered and are able to provide adequate support to other educators. As Benzie (in
Watson 1999: 256) argues, teachers also need support in a number of ways. They will
from time to time need technical help and if this is not forthcoming things will rapidly
grind to a halt.[47]
Empowering school-based educators with technical skills can only ensure that educators get
the support. ˇ It is widely acknowledged that one or
two day workshops are often not sufficient to help people learn. In the same way as
various modules are offered through distance education where educators are supported
through email, SchoolNet should consider providing a module covering more technical
issues. The helpdesk should have records of frequently reported technical issues. For a
start a module could be developed based on these issues. The Educator Development NetworkDuring the Telkom 1000 Schools
Internet Project, SchoolNets teacher training strategy depended largely on face to
face workshops which were not sufficient to provide teachers with the necessary skills.
The workshops applied a blanket approach wherein educators with varying competencies in
computers attended same workshops and there was no ongoing support built into the
organisations training strategy. In this phase, SchoolNet has come up
with a differently conceptualised teacher development programme, the Educator Development
Network. This new programme comprises various CD based modules relevant for teachers.
Ongoing support has been built into the programme in the form of mentors who use email to
provide support to teachers registered in various modules. Attempts have been made to
create communities of learning by assigning teachers to groups comprised of educators from
different schools and provinces. Educators are meant to work together in these groups to
share ideas and knowledge using email for communication.
Instead of a one or two day workshop, teachers now have an opportunity to
learn a particular module over six to seven weeks. This model is largely regarded as an
innovative way of developing teachers from schools participating in the project and has
potential to be used widely in South Africa. Its strength lies in the fact that it caters
for different needs of educators. For example, educators who are new in the use of
computers can register for a module on Word Processing which takes them through the basics
of how to use a Word Processor to prepare worksheets. Experienced computer users can
either engage with higher levels of using Word Processor or skip this module and register
for Finding Information. As indicated in Chapter 4 of this report most educators are happy
with what they have learned from the modules and some of them claimed that they are using
in their lessons the knowledge they have gained through participating in the various
modules. Educators who have participated in the programme are particularly appreciative of
the support that mentors provide. While there seems to be enough
evidence to suggest that the EDN works perfectly, there are various aspects relating to
this programme which could be improved. These include the following: Issue 1: While educators are generally happy
with the face to face introductory training that precedes registration into various
modules, there are indications that in some cases educators find the training too short to
develop in them the skills that they need to participate effectively in the programme.
Where such teachers can not get sufficient support from the school-based technical
educator, they struggle to complete the activities and then drop out. Suggested area of improvement: ˇ In the first option SchoolNet should
consider organising follow-up sessions soon after the initially introductory course. This
will assist in deal with uncertainties which teachers might have and build their
confidence. This would be costly. ˇ In the second option it is necessary to
create space for technical educators to provide adequate support to other educators. This
could mean relieving technical educators of some of their responsibilities in the school
by, for example, giving them fewer classes to teach. Indications are that where the
technical educator has time to provide adequate support to educators, they find it easy to
go through the modules. Obviously the decision to relieve the technical educator of some
of their responsibilities is beyond the power of SchoolNet. The best SchoolNet can do is
engage education officials, the principals and the school management team on this matter.
As Benzie (in Watson, 1999: 256) would argue relieving the technical educator might
depending on the attitude of the principal.[48] He argues that,
the attitude of the principal towards innovation is the single most important factor in determining adoption. For this reason it is imperative that designers of innovation programmes seek to win over this critical group. Issue 2: The idea of creating communities of
learning and encouraging collaboration by assigning educators to groups is good. However
while some educators have indicated that their groups have been effective there are those
who have said that their groups have not been functional. There are a number of reasons
why educators are not participating in groups as expected. The main issues that some have
complained about is time. They argue that they have many other responsibilities and
therefore are unable find time to comment on other colleagues activities. Those who
sent activities to the group get discouraged because they do not get feedback and then
they stop sending activities around. The problems
that have prevented SchoolNets distance learner-educators from participating fully
in online group discussions are not unique to them. Creanor (2002) found that other
factors that prevent full participation in online discussion include the fact that
students often find when they are in the programme that they under-estimated the among of
time that would be required to complete activities and participate meaningfully in group
discussion. Students often get little support, if any, from employers and other
colleagues. In some cases students tend to prioritise personal or work related
responsibilities instead of participating in group discussions. She suggest that online
tutors or mentors in the case of SchoolNet should play a bigger role in terms of
instigating discussions.[49] Suggested area of improvement: ˇ
Many people seem to still believe in
formalised programmes leading to qualifications. SchoolNet should consider getting the
modules to be accredited by the South African Qualifications Authority. This would
motivate learner-educators to take the programme seriously with all its requirements. We make this suggestion within a clear
understanding that participation in an online course could be, as Creanor (2002) noted,
very unpredictable. This means that the fact that the course leads to qualifications does
not automatically mean that there will be active participation in group discussions.
However, in her comparison of participation in a formal online course leading to
qualification and an online course that did not lead to qualifications Creanor (2002)
found that there was 95% participation in the former and 17% participation in the latter.
Creanor was comparing a MSc in Lifelong Learning offered by the Glasgow Caledonian
University and a European Trade Union Distance (ETUDE) Education course, trade union
course co-ordinated by various institutions in Europe. Her findings were despite the fact
that participants in ETUDE had had an opportunity to meet one another in an initial face
to face workshop which orientated them into the programme whereas on the contrary, most of
the participants in the MSc LL had never met one another.[50] ˇ
Notwithstanding the advantages of
creating online communities of learning we suggest that SchoolNet consider[S3] starting with pairs of people,
particularly from same geographical background to work together and use this as stepping
stone towards building larger communities of learning. This could help in systematically
desensitising learner educators so that they are open to working in groups and sharing
ideas. As indicated in our analysis of
participation in the module Finding Information, indications
are that learners-educators found it difficult to participate at the beginning but once
they break the ground they are able to maintain their participation. Creanor
(2002: 59) found that this is because their peers are unknown to them at this stage
and they are unsure of the level of contribution required. She also found that
language was one of the main factors that prevented ETUDE learners from participating to
the maximum. Although these people could speak English, Creanor argues that some of the
students in ETUDE were reluctant to express themselves publicly in written form and that
they did not have the written language skills or technical vocabulary to allow them to
express their views in any depth.[51] This
evaluation did not look into possibilities of language as a barrier to learner-educator
participation. However this is an issue that should not be ruled out and should be taken
cognisance. It was also not a brief of this evaluation to compare completion rates in the
EDNs distance modules with completion rates in other programmes in South Africa.
However, we think that it is an area worth looking at. How have the projects been implemented?How projects are being implemented is
usually informed by how they have been conceptualised. Most of the technical issues that
needed to be done have been done. Schools have been selected, all kinds of training have
happened including training of trainers, technical educators and mentors. SchoolNet
continues to provide the distance education programme which had been delayed by technical
problems. It has emerged though that in the
implementation phase the roll out of equipment in particular has not been easy. There have
had to be changes and new additions because some of the schools that had been initially
selected could no longer participate in the projects. There have also been thefts of
equipment. The Thintana i-Learn report shows
that equipment was stolen in eight schools. There is nothing that SchoolNet or schools
themselves could have done to stop theft of equipment. The best that a school can do is
install burglar guards, tie up the computers with security cables, install security system
and hire night watchmen. These however do not provide any guarantee that equipment will
not be stolen. SchoolNet did enough to advise schools that had been selected to put in
proper security systems and insure the computers. Hence schools that had insured their
computers had them replaced by the insurance companies. It was thoughtful on the part of
SchoolNet [SCM4]to outsource the technical aspect of
the project to Sourcecom to procure, deliver and install the equipment in schools.
Sourcecom in turn subcontracted other smaller service providers to provide other equipment
and technical support. One of these companies, SDD, liquidated. According to the Thintana
i-Learn Project Manager, SchoolNets decision to outsource to Sourcecom worked well
in this case, because when SDD liquidated, Sourcecom assumed the risk and had the
resources and capacity to deal with the problem. The liquidation of SDD is probably
the single blow that resulted in protracted technical problems in the Thintana schools.
This resulted in delays in the provision of training for technical educators and provision
of the distance education programme.[SCM5] The liquidation of the company is
another factor which SchoolNet could not have had any control over. The best that
Schoolnet could do was to make sure that all affected schools were informed of the problem
and kept updated. Most schools and the project funders agreed that this was the case.
However there are also schools that indicated that they were only informed after they
enquired and were not kept updated of developments. While the liquidation of SDD brought
about serious problems for Thintana schools, Telkom Supercentres schools ran efficiently
by and large. Telkom procured the equipment themselves and delivered in schools. The
involvement of Telkom regional offices in the provision of technical support to schools
seems to be the single most important factor that has enabled Telkom SuperCentres schools
to function more efficiently. This is notwithstanding the fact that the project equipped
the centres with new equipment as compared to Thintana project that used refurbished
computers as well. However a general feeling within
SchoolNet project managers is that from a management point of view, it was easier to
manage the Thintana project than it was to deal with the Telkom Project. This is because
as indicated earlier in terms of contractual agreements SchoolNet had overall control of
the management and implementation of the Thintana project. This made it possible for
SchoolNet to take decisions where appropriate. On the contrary, with the Supercentres
project SchoolNet did not really have powers to take decisions.[SCM6] Clearly some of the implementation
issues that have not gone according to SchoolNets plan, are largely issues that were
outside of SchoolNets control. What have the projects achieved?
It is clear
from Chapter 4 that although a majority of schools participating in the projects claim to
understand the role of SchoolNet in the project, they tend to confuse SchoolNet with
sponsors. This is understandable though because Schools communicate with SchoolNet more
often than sponsors. However if SchoolNet strongly feels that it does not want to be
confused with sponsors then the organisation needs to find a way of making this clear to
school. The chapter has
also shown that by and large all informants ranging from project funders to ordinary
educators in schools found the projects worthwhile. Schools have found SchoolNets
helpdesk particularly helpful. There is also evidence to suggest that computers are being
utilised although some schools have said that learners in their schools do not as yet use
the computers. Generally there
is acknowledgement that although schools have not yet started using Internet that much,
the computers are starting to bring about change in the way educators do their work. Some
of them claimed that they use the computers to capture learners marks, prepare
worksheets, and type tests and memoranda. This is where educators have to start. They can
not be expected, having just been introduced to computers to start using the equipment in
any sophisticated way. What is of importance though is that schools are able to maintain
the computers and ongoing support is provided to educators on how best to use the
equipment. There is no doubt that through the Educator Development Network, SchoolNet has
already laid a solid foundation and charted the way forward in terms of how teacher
development should be done. The issue of
sustainability is of particular concern. Some of the principals that we spoke to have also
raised concerns about whether they will be able to sustain the project post Telkom and
SchoolNet support. They indicated that there is an increasing
numbers of parents who are unable to pay schools fees for their children. Some of the
plans that schools say they have in place to sustain the projects are questionable. For
example some schools have said that they want to establish Internet cafés. It is not
clear however if they have done any research about the viability of such venture. Some are making teachers and learners pay for the
use of Internet for personal reasons. Lessons emerging from the projects
The way the projects were
conceptualised and ultimately implemented presents a number of lessons. Most of these
lessons are more for other project funders and implementing agencies than for Telkom,
Thintana and SchoolNet because we think that in these project these partners got most of
the basics right. The lessons can be summarised as follows include the following: ˇ Ensure proper partnership between
project funders, implementers and where possible evaluators in the conceptualisation
phase. This will help in ensuring that project purpose and objectives are clear to all
parties. ˇ Selection of schools that show
commitment in an ICT project and building technical capacity within the school is vital.
This could increase the life span of a project ˇ Provision of technical support through
decentralised structures is important as it ensures that problems are attended to much
quicker. Its weakness though is that it makes it impossible to monitor service delivery on
national scale. Limitations and Issues for Further ResearchThere
a are aspects of the projects which this evaluation did not follow up in detail. As
indicated earlier it was not in the brief of this evaluation research to compare in any
detail participation and completion rates in SchoolNets distance education modules
with those of other institutions. It has emerged that the Thintana iLear and Telkom
Supercentres were two projects which although had many similarities, also had differences.
Whereas SchoolNet was wholly responsible for management and implementation of the iLearn
Project, the arrangement was different with Telkom. The evaluation research did not look
at the cost implication of these different arrangements. To some extent the research
highlighted concerns in relation to ability of schools to sustain the computer centres. We
think that there will need to be another follow up research after two to three years. Such
research will help interested parties find out how many schools have been able to sustain
their centres. Most important will be to find out methods and strategies that those
schools would have used to sustain their centres. [1] Keohane, R.O., King, G. & Verba, S. 1994. Designing social inquiry - Scientific inference in qualitative research. New Jersey: Princeton University Press. [2] Bryman, A. 1988. Quality and quantity in social research. Boston: Unwin Hyman. [3] Macun, I. & Posel, D. 1998. Focus Groups: A South African experience and a methodological reflection. In: African Sociological Review. Vol. 1 no. 2 p. 129. [4] Bell, J. 1993. Doing your research project. Buckingham: Pen University Press [5] Ibid page 91 [6] Hartley, J.F. 1994. Case studies in organizational research. In: Cassel, C. and Gillian, S. (eds). Qualitative methods in organizational research - A practical guide. Sage Publications: London [7] Ibid. [8] Haralamobos, M. & Holborn, M. 1995. Sociology - Themes and Perspectives. London: Collins Educational [9] Bell, J. 1993. Doing your research project. Buckingham: Pen University Press [10] Haralamobos, M. & Holborn, M. 1995. Sociology - Themes and Perspectives. London: Collins Educational [11] Yin, R.K. (ed). 1982. Case study research. Newbury Park: Sage [12] Bell, J. 1993. Doing your research project. Buckingham: Pen University Press [13] Patton, M.Q. 1990. Qualitative Evaluation and Research Methods: 2nd Edition. Newbury Park: Sage Publications, Inc [14] See minutes of Thintana Internet for Schools Project: Project Steering Committee meeting held on 09th June 2000. [15] Agreement between Thintana Communications LLc and International Development Research Centres, 18 April 2000 [16] IDRC Invitation to Tenders for the supply, installation and commission of computer equipment for the Thintana I-Learn Project managed by SchoolNet SA, 26 February 2001. [17] SchoolNet. 2000. Proposal to Telkom Foundation for the Implementation of the Telkom Super Centres Project, 19 September 2000, revised 07/2000 [18] See Annexure A: Deliverables for the Telkom Project, p.3 (No date) and For the Thintana project see Agreement entered into by and between SchoolNet SA and Schools (no date) [19] Minutes of meeting of the SuperCentres Steering Committee of the 07th December 2000 [20] Annexure C: Service Level Agreement Between Telkom, SchoolNet SA and Dell. [21] See Tender Description: Thintana I-Learn project Contract entered into between IDRC and SourceCom Technology Solutions and Agreements between SchoolNet and Schools [22] See Telkom Internet Project-Phase Two SuperCentres: Report to the Steering Committee, 11th April 2001. [23] See Telkom Internet Project Phase 2 SuperCentres: Report to the Project Steering Committee, 05th June 2001. [24] Email response from Janet Thomson [25] See minutes of a meeting of the Thintana I-Learn: Project Steering Committee, 04th August 2000 [26] See Selection of Schools for the Telkom SuperCentres Project, no date This is an example of letters sent out to schools that had been selected. [27] Annexure C: Service level agreement between Telkom, SchoolNet SA and Dell, no date. [28] Telkom Internet Project: Phase 2 SuperCentres Project an example of letters written to schools that had been selected for the projects. [29] See letters sent to Schools and the attached additional information sheets [30] See Agreement entered into by and between Telkom SA Limited and Schools and an Agreement entered into by and between SchoolNet SA and Schools [31] See Thitana I-Learn Project: Project Steering Committee meeting minutes of the 02 November 2001 [32] Service level agreement between Telkom, SchoolNet SA and Dell (no date) [33] Agreement entered into by and between Thintana Communications LLc and the IDRC, 18 April 2000 [34] Thintana I-Learn Project: Tender Description: Contract signed 29 April 2001 [35] Additional Information Sheet sent to schools [36] The additional modules are being produced as an extension of SchoolNets collaboration with the SCOPE project in the Department of Education and SAIDE, with funding from the Royal Netherlands Embassy and SCOPE. [37] South African Cooperation Programme in the Education Sector [38] Vincent Tlhoale who ran a workshop at Solomon Mahlangu Secondary School on the 09 February 2002. 28 educators had attended the workshop [39] Comment from Janet Thomson [40] Leonard Sidimela who ran a workshop at Amogelang Secondary School on the 28th July 2002. Sixteen educators attended the workshop. [41] Cara Piterse who ran a work at Itshepeng High on the 01st February 2002. 16 educators attended the workshop [42] Cara Piterse who ran a workshop at Tong Comprehensive School on 04 August 2001. Seventeen educators attended the workshop. [43] Mmoni Morapedi who ran a workshop at Eketsang School on the 28th July 2001. Seventeen educators attended the workshop [44] Yvonne Makhafola ran a workshop at IR Lesolang High School on the 02 Feb 2002. 33 educators had attended the workshops. [45] See Letters sent to selected schools: Additional Information Sheet [46] See Thintana I-Learn project: Report to the Project Steering Committee, 03 November 2000 [47] Benzie, D. 1999. Formative Evaluation: Can models help us to shape innovative programmes? in Watson, D.1999. Education and Information Technology 4:3 (1999): 251-262. Dordrcht, Netherlands, Kluwer Academic Publishing. [48] Ibid [49] Creanor, L.2002. A tale of two courses: a comparative
study of tutoring online in the Journal of Open and Distance Learning vol 17. No: 1,
2002. London, Carfax Publishing [50] Ibid [51] Ibid [S1]Not reversed relaxed in exceptional cases where the schools were populated with learners from previously disadvantaged backgrounds [SCM2] There was at least one major problem in rolling out infrastructure, viz. the liquidation of SDD and Memtek. [S3]We are thinking of one of your earlier suggestions of establishing geographically situated communities of practice before widely distributed ones., especially as many provinces are adopting the cluster systems of computer roll out. [SCM4] In fact much of the key technical R&D work relating to the configurations was performed by SchoolNet. SN also worked closely with Telkom ITX and all of the Sourcecom subcontractors to ensure that the supply-chain process operated smoothly, and that subcontractors understood their roles and how to carry them out. [SCM5]That statement is far too generalised to be valid. [SCM6] This is to general to be valid. SchoolNet deliberately assessed typical problems that could have occurred with refurbished computers, and adopted strategies to avoid them, such as using refurbished PCs as thin-client workstations, ensuring that all of the computers were of no more than 3 different brands, that workstations could be reimaged from servers, and that they were covered by warranty. |