Thinking with Technology
Module 1 - Targeting Thinking in the Classroom

Marzano - Dimensions of Learning

Dimension Title Example
1 Positive Attitudes and Perceptions About Learning Classroom Climate  
  • Feeling accepted by teacher and peers
  • Perceiving order
2 Acquisition and Integration of Knowledge learners must be guided in relating new knowledge to what they know, organizing it, and making it part of long-term memory.

Two types of knowledge:
  • Declarative Knowledge — Facts, concepts, generalizations, and principles
  • Procedural Knowledge — Skills, procedures, processes
3 Extension and Refinement of Knowledge Learners must develop in-depth understanding and apply and refine that knowledge

Common reasoning processes are:
  • Comparing – How are these things alike?
  • Classifying – How can these be organized?
  • Inductive reasoning – Based on these facts, what is your conclusion?
  • Deductive reasoning - Based on this rule, what conclusions can you draw that must be true?
  • Analyzing errors – How is this information misleading?
  • Constructing support – What is an argument that would support this claim?
  • Abstracting – To what other situations can this apply?
  • Analyzing perspectives – What is the reasoning behind this perspective?
4 Meaningful Use of Knowledge learners learn best when they need knowledge to accomplish a goal that is meaningful to them.
  • Decision Making – What choice provides the best solution?
  • Investigation – What do you want to find out?
  • Experimental Inquiry – What if…..?
  • Problem Solving – What solutions will you try?
  • Invention – What do you want to make or make better?
  • Systems Analysis – What happens if a key part of this system changes?
5 Productive Habits of Mind Mental habits that learners develop that will enable them to learn on their own
  • Critical Thinking
  • Creative Thinking
  • Self-Regulation – Metacognition



At a Glance: Marzano's Dimensions of Learning

Marzano's categories of how people think is different from Bloom's in that the categories do not build upon each other. Each cognitive category is just as important as the others. The Dimensions of Learning represent elements that Marzano believes are all worthy of focus and inclusion within a unit of study.



Intel® Teach Programme
Participant Version 2.5 (SA) | Thinking with Technology