Thinking with Technology
Module 1 - Targeting Thinking in the Classroom

16 Habits of Mind

16 Habits of Mind Description
Persisting Ability to sustain a problem solving process over time
Managing Impulsivity Ability to think before acting, intentionally forming a plan before beginning a task
Listening to Others— With Understanding and Empathy Ability to listen to another person, to empathize with and to understand their point of view
Thinking Flexibility Capacity to change one's mind as additional data is received; ability to approach a problem from a new angle using a novel approach
Thinking About Our Thinking
Ability to develop a plan of action, maintain that plan in mind over a period of time, and then reflect back on and evaluate the plan upon its completion. Aware of one's actions and the effect of those actions on others and on the environment. Ability to explain one's strategies of decision making.
Striving for Accuracy and Precision Valuing of accuracy, precision, and craftsmanship
Questioning and
Posing Problems
Knowing how to ask questions to fill in the gaps between what is known and unknown. Ability to recognize discrepancies and phenomena in one's environment and probe into their causes.
Applying Past Knowledge to New Situations Ability to abstract meaning from one experience, carry it forth, and apply it in a new and novel situation
Thinking and Communicating with Clarity and Precision Striving to communicate accurately in both written and oral form taking care to use precise language, define terms, and use correct names, universal labels, and analogies
Gathering Data Through All Senses Deriving information from the environment by observing or taking it in through the senses
Creating, Imagining, and Innovating Trying to conceive problem solutions differently, examining alternative possibilities from many angles, using analogies, starting with a vision and working backward, taking risks, and pushing the boundaries of one's perceived limits
Responding with Wonderment and Awe Maintaining curiosity, enthusiasm, and passion about learning, inquiring, and mastering
Taking Responsible Risks Accepting confusion, uncertainty, and the higher risks of failure as part of the normal process. Learning to view setbacks as interesting, challenging, and growth producing
Finding Humor Using humor and laughter to liberate creativity and provoke such higher-level thinking skills as anticipation, finding novel relation¬ships, visual imagery, and making analogies. Having a whimsical frame of mind, finding incongruity and perceiving absurdities, ironies, and satire
Thinking Interdependently Heightened ability to think in concert with others. Ability to justify ideas and to test the feasibility of solution strategies on others. Willingness and openness to accept the feedback from a critical friend
Learning Continuously Constantly searching for new and better ways, always striving for improvement, always growing, always learning, and always modifying and improving themselves

Summarized from: Costa & Kallick’s "Describing 16 Habits of Mind"

At a Glance: Costa and Kallick's 16 Habits of Mind

Rather than trying to categorize all areas of thinking (like Bloom), or how knowledge is used within the context of a social and personal environment (like Marzano), Costa and Kallick define habits that are required to meet "challenging conditions"—ones that demand "strategic reasoning, insightfulness, perseverance, creativity, and craftsmanship to resolve a complex problem."




Intel® Teach Programme
Participant Version 2.5 (SA) | Thinking with Technology