Overview of Courses

Overview of Courses

Overview of Courses

SchoolNet SA offers a range of SACE endorsed professional development courses that aim to develop skills and competencies related to different aspects of digital learning. Click here to see a list of all SchoolNet SA – SACE endorsed courses and their point allocations.




Please select a category from the list below to see the courses that are available and the SACE professional development points allocation:



SchoolNet SA Courses alignment to National Department of Basic Education Policies

Click here to read about the national Professional Development Framework for Digital Learning which aims to ensure that teachers develop skills for digital learning that align to their own professional development needs and growth areas.

Click here to complete the diagnostic self-assessment based on the digital learning competencies described in the Framework. This tool will allow you to identify your relative strengths and areas in which you can aim to develop in professionally.



Creative Commons Licensing

The courseware that SchoolNet SA has created is shared under the Creative Commons Share Alike with Attribution licence.



How to receive training

For more information on any of these courses, advice on a program of professional development for your school/s, and approximate costs for offering courses in your area, please contact info@schoolnet.org.za or call 0114035777

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