Unit 1: ICT and Community


If people wanted to come to your community, what forms of transportation could they take? Would they take an airplane, a train, or a bus? Which type of transportation would be the fastest or the least expensive? How might you use computers to compare different forms of transportation?


plan it Plan It

Build a spreadsheet that people can use to figure out the best form of transportation to take to get to your community. Look at the following examples:

transport worksheet
Transportation Worksheet Example

transport chart
Transportation Chart Example

Think about the following questions, and discuss your ideas with your partner. You might want to write your ideas on a sheet of paper.

  • From what place might people come to visit your community? Might people come from a nearby city? How about a neighboring country?
  • What are three types of transportation that people could take to get to your community?
  • How much time would it take to get from the place you selected to your community on each type of transportation? How much do you think each type of transportation might cost? Use available resources to find the information you need or make a best guess.

Remember to use the rubric as a guide as you plan, do, review, and share.

For help on how to do certain skills, look at the following groups in the Help Guide:

  • Spreadsheets Group 1: Getting to Know the Spreadsheet Software (NOTE: This group name will change depending on the Help Guide version being used.)
  • Spreadsheets Group 2: Selecting Cells, Rows, and Columns
  • Spreadsheets Group 4: Adding and Working with Information
  • Spreadsheets Group 5: Changing the Look of Information and Worksheets
  • Spreadsheets Group 8: Making Charts
do it Do It
  1. Start the spreadsheet software, and open a new, blank spreadsheet.
  2. In cell A1, type a title for your spreadsheet. You should include the name of the place people are coming from and the name of your community in the title.
  3. In cell A3, type “Form”. Then in the cells below, type the names of the three forms of transportation that people could take to travel to your community. Make sure you type only one form of transportation in each cell.
  4. In cell B3, type “Cost in”, followed by the name of the currency or money used. Then in the cells below, type the cost of each form of transportation.
  5. In cell C3, type “Time in Minutes”. Then in the cells below, type the number of minutes required to get from the other place to your community by each form of transportation.
  6. Change the look of the words as needed. You might especially want to make the worksheet title, column labels, and transportation names stand out. Also, try different alignment options to see which one makes the information easiest to read. If needed, make the columns wider.

    Challenge: Select all of the information in your worksheet except the title. Then, apply an AutoFormat to change the look of the information. Be certain to try different options before picking one. (See the Transportation Worksheet Challenge Example at the end of this

  7. Create a column chart that compares the cost and time for each form of transportation. Be certain to give the chart a title.

    Challenge: Think of a fourth way that people might be able to travel to your community. Go back to the worksheet, insert a new row, and type the name, cost, and time for the fourth form of transportation. Then, go back to the chart, and notice that it has automatically changed based on the new information in the worksheet. (See the Transportation Worksheet and Transportation Chart Challenge Examples at the end of this section.)

  8. Save your work as directed.

transport worksheet challenge
Transportation Worksheet Challenge Example


transport chart challenge
Transportation Chart Challenge Example

review it Review It

Look over your transportation spreadsheet. Make sure it has the following elements:

  • Worksheet with cost and time information about at least three different forms of transportation
  • Worksheet title, column labels, and transportation names that stand out from other information in your worksheet
  • Column chart that compares the cost and time of the different forms of transportation

If any elements are missing, add them now. If you want, make other changes, as well. Remember to save your work when you are finished.

share it Share It

Be prepared to discuss your answers to the following questions:

  • What was the hardest part about completing the transportation worksheet and chart? How did you manage to complete that step or task?
  • How does the column chart make comparing transportation options easier?
  • Based on the information in your worksheet and chart, which type of transportation is the best option? Why?

Intel® Teach Programme
Learner Activities Version 2.0 (SA) | Skills for Success