World Links for Development

World Links for Development

World Links for Development

Philemon Kotsokoane is the Country Co-ordinator for the programme in South Africa. He is both the pedagogical and technical coordinator, with the help of SchoolNet SA Technical Director and Regional SchoolNet technicians. The project started rolling out in the country through a national training in Pretoria in April 1998, followed by one in the North West (June), then Eastern Cape (Nov) and KwaZulu-Natal in Jan. 1999. Each of the 15 Schools got 11 refurbished 486’s, networked, a Novell server and dial-up facilities. The three Community Training Centres received twice the number of PC’s and two of them also received a Diginet line. Teachers from WorLD Schools have been through three training sessions: Internet Style of Learning, Technical Training and 2nd Generation Training on Project-Based Learning.

World Partners

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Collaborative Projects

All project schools collaborate in educational projects with others in schools throughout the world. These include the Global Teenager Project ( ) and iEARN ( )

Other related Projects

World Schools

See a list of World Schools in South Africa 

SchoolNet South Africa is an incorporated Non Profit Company - Registration 2001/012244/08, NPO Number 030-817
and holds Public Benefit Organisation (PBO) Status, in terms of Section 30 of the Income Tax Act - PBO Number 130003557.

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