Module 5

Applying Word Processing


Module 5

Concert Programme

Your school probably has at least one occasion in the year when it hosts a concert and invites parents and community members. At such an event on normally hands out a programme of events. Have you or someone you know ever needed to such a programme of events? What did you use to create this programme? How could you use the computer to help create such a programme in future?

Plan It Plan It

Design a concert programme that you can print and use when you host a school concert. Look at the following example:

Concert Programme
Concert Programme Example

Cllick here to open the example concert programme in a Word document.

Think about the following questions, and if working with a partner, discuss your ideas. Writing your ideas on a sheet of paper might be helpful.

  • What is the purpose of using a computer to create a concert programme?
  • What are the advantages of having this concert programme saved on the computer?
  • How would you arrange the information on the page?
  • What would you add to the document so that it is attractive and professional looking?
  • What sort of picture might you add? Would it be appropriate?
  • Which words might you want to emphasise and how will you do that?

For help on how to do certain tasks, look at the following groups in the
Help Guide:

  • Word Processing Group 3: Changing the Look of Your Words
  • Word Processing Group 4: Making Paragraphs and Lines of Words Look Good
  • Word Processing Group 5: Adding Pictures to Your Pages
  • Word Processing Group 6: Designing Your Pages

Do It Do It

  1. Start the word processing software and open a new, blank document.
  2. Change the page orientation to landscape. (For help, see Word Processing Skill 6.4: To use set up the document to print sideways, or landscape.)
  3. Insert a page border of your preference. (For help, see Word Processing Skill 4.8: To add a border around words or paragraphs.)
  4. Challenge: Select a texture or colour for the page colour, bearing in mind the limitations of printing this. It would be better to select and place coloured paper in the printer.
  5. Change the paper layout into two columns. (For help, see Word Processing Skill 6.6: To set up a page with columns, like a newspaper or magazine.)
  6. Type a title of your concert at the top of the left column. Change the look of the text so it looks like a title.
  7. Type a numbered list of performances in the order that they appear. (For help, see Word Processing Skill 4.6: To make a numbered list of information.)
  8. Insert a picture and resize it if necessary, as planned. (For help, see Word Processing Skill 5.2: To add a picture you have already made and saved on your computer.)
  9. You may want to acknowledge your sponsors by including a thank you text and the picture of their company on the right column.
  10. Insert a text box that runs the width of the column. Change the shape of the text box to a folded corner text box shape. Type in the name of the organiser. (For help, see Word Processing Skill 6.9: To add a box that you can type words into)
  11. You may like to draw a line between the two columns to separate them. (For help, see Word Processing Skill 1.5: To use the Drawing (Shapes) tools.)
  12. Save the concert programme.


Review It Review It

Look over your concert programme. Make sure it has the following elements:

  • A title and a picture (if you have planned it this way)
  • The essential information that you planned to include
  • No spelling / typing errors
  • A numbered list for the events

If any elements are missing, add them to the concert programme now. Remember to save your work when you have finished.

Share It Share It

Be prepared to discuss your answers to the following questions during
sharing time:

  • How do you wish to make a good impression with your concert programme?
  • For what other reasons might you develop similar documents?
  • What is your favourite part of the document you designed? Why?
  • Which of the computer skills that you learned today might you use again? For what types of tasks might you use those skills?

Intel® Teach Programme
Participant Version 2.0 (SA) | Getting Started