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ICT Leadership for Education Managers

These modules represent the entire set of course materials for ICT Leadership for Education Managers. The course is designed for school principals and will be applicable to provincial education management and school management personnel as well. Each module contains materials for several contact workshops which could vary in length from one to three hours. Course designers may combine any number of these workshops to make a course. Note that there are recommended learning pathways to consider. You may also read about each workshop in the summary provided (see Workshops summary link below).

Module 1

Click here to access the ICT Skills for Principals

Module 2

What teachers and learners do with ICT

» Teachers growing in ICT competence
» Teachers using ICT for administration and lesson planning
» Teachers using ICT to enhance learning

Module 3

How schools manage ICT

» School management of ICT resources
» Issues regarding school ICT policy
» School ICT learning programmes
» School ICT readiness

Suggested learning pathways