Module Outline
Learning Pathway
Activity 6A: Using reference resources

Browse the sites:  30 mins
Think of questions: 30 mins
Consider references: 20 mins
Search for answers: 60 mins
Communicate with group: 50 mins


3 hrs 10 mins


At times, one needs to find the answer to a specific question quickly and easily. For example;

  • What does 'modify' mean?
  • How many people live in Kenya?
  • Who was Gandhi?

The World Wide Web offers websites that provide fast and efficient help to specific questions, provided you know where to look! These are called reference resources, and are similar to those found in an ordinary library. Some examples are language dictionaries, encyclopedias, atlases, and almanacs (lists of current data). We recommend that you read first about the use of reference resources before proceeding with the activity.  

The purpose of this activity is to give you a chance to explore some of the online reference resources available, and to equip you to show your learners where to look for reference resources, if they need to.

Group Activity 6A

  1. Read the document called Using reference resources and, if some resources look interesting to you, connect to the Internet and spend a couple of minutes looking at the reference resource. 
  2. Bearing these reference resources in mind, think about specific questions that relate to work that you will be doing shortly in your classroom. Write down five questions that you have thought about. For the benefit of this activity they need only be simple, 'closed questions' that will require simple answers.  If you would like help in thinking up the questions refer to Why do we ask questions in the classroom?
  3. Number and list the questions in a Word processor document, with the headings; question, answer, website address. Here is an example of how to arrange this:
    Question Answer Web site address
    (where the answer was found).
  1. Develop an assessment tool (if you do not already have one that is perfect for this purpose) that will assess your learners' ability to use electronic reference resources.
  2. Divide your learners up into small groups, and ask them to find answers to these questions using the different resources. It is worth noting that, if the websites are cached, the learners will be able to do this much more quickly. As the lesson progresses, provide ongoing formative assessment.  
  3. Conclude the lesson by asking someone in each group to describe their group's experience (positive and negative). Complete the assessment for your learners and provide one example of a completed assessment tool to your group.
  4. Send a message to your group (using the subject heading "Simple Info") in which you
    - describe how the class managed. Mention difficulties as well as successes.
    - attach your lesson activity and completed assessment tool.
  5. Adapt your lesson activity based on feedback from your group and mentor.
  6. Conclude this activity by making reflective comments in your blog.


If you would like to view the other optional activities:

Click here to view the activity on online news resources.


Click here to view the activity on current online data resources

If you have completed this activity, click here to go to Activity 7.

ICT and the Roles of the Educator
Module Outline | Learning Pathway | Activities

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